Press Releases Archive

Lack-luster budget: Dr. JP

The Lok Satta Party today described the Union budget as lack luster. There is little to write home about it barring the Government’s outlay crossing the Rs.10 lakh crore mark.

Talking to the media, Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said that Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee had formulated the budget with an eye on the elections in a few States in the next few months. He allowed the golden opportunity to craft a historic budget in the context of a global recession and a stable government and steady growth in the Indian economy in the country to slip through his fingers.

Dr. JP pointed out that no bold attempt had been made to create either employment opportunities or boost agricultural growth since the focus was on winning the upcoming elections in States. Since 70 percent of farmers are outside the institutional fold, they are not going to benefit from the increase in agricultural loans.

Dr. JP said: “Even now, the allocation for healthcare in the country remained where it was for decades – only one percent of the GDP. Educational allocations still remain at 3.5 percent of the GDP. There is no concerted attempt to eliminate poverty. Instead, there is a conscious attempt to give short-term sops to the poor to use them as vote banks, while perpetuating poverty.

“The revenue deficit also has reached 4.8 percent of the GDP or about Rs.215,000 crore. That means, the Government is spending only for day-to-day expenditure about Rs.600 crore more than its income every single day. The interest burden has exceeded Rs.300,000 crore, and this year’s additional debt alone is Rs.400,000 crore. If the States’ deficits are added, the combined fiscal deficit will probably reach 12 pre percent of the GDP. There is no road map to reduce the fiscal deficit. As a result, the younger generation is going to inherit a crushing burden of debt on account of the Governments’ profligacy.”

Monday, July 6, 2009 - 17:24

Lok Satta demonstrates It is different

“It doesn’t matter which party comes to power. Our school continues to be in a pitiable condition.”

It was this remark of a woman attendant of the Government Primary School at Hydernagar in Serilingampalli Assembly constituency that inspired the Lok Satta to take up its renovation as a challenge. The attendant, Prameela, had remarked that she had seen politicians belonging to all hues visiting the school and promising its improvement.

The Lok Satta Party workers led by Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao collected donations of Rs.60,000 and completed renovation by putting in 100 mandays of ‘shramdan’ in the last one month.

The parents and students celebrated the school renovation by inviting Lok Satta President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan as their chief guest today.

Dr. JP recalled the Lok Satta activists had visited the school as part of a survey to assess the condition of schools before they opened for the new academic year. He said that if every rupee of the Rs.25 crore the Government spends on schools in Greater Hyderabad is utilized properly, amenities could be provided in all schools in five years. Of the 18 lakh students in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts, two-thirds go to private schools because the Government schools are devoid of facilities. In the Hydernagar school for instance, there is only one teacher and six volunteers for 250 students.

Dr. JP said traditional parties are not interested in making people self-reliant by providing them good education. “Politics won’t change as long as people exchange their votes for money. And there won’t be any improvement in your lives so long as politics do not change. Think of the future of your children before you cast your vote.”

Dr. JP also visited the ZP High School at Nizampet whose land has been occupied by some people with politicians’ blessings.

Saturday, July 4, 2009 - 19:03
