Press Releases Archive

Stand by your commitment, Lok Satta tells Babu

“TDP President N. Chandrababu Naidu is apparently running away from a debate he has agreed to with Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan.”

That was how the Lok Satta Party commented on the preconditions set by TDP leaders Dhulipala Narendra Kumar and Ravula Chandrasekhara Reddy for a debate with the Lok Satta Party.

Talking to the media, party spokespersons Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao, Mr. V. Laxman Balaji, Mrs. K. Geetamurthy recalled that Dr. JP had agreed to reply to all the questions raised by Mr. Chandrababu Naidu and other TDP leaders concerning the Lok Satta. Dr. JP had said in his letter, “Your partymen and you seem to question the rationale for Lok Satta Party’s emergence. You have also questioned our fund raising and utilization of resources in the recent electoral campaign. You have argued that Lok Satta Party is acting in concert with ruling party in the State. You have raised questions of integrity and public morality. I am ready to debate with you all these issues pertaining to your party and Lok Satta.”

Dr. JP had congratulated Mr. Chandrababu Naidu on his readiness for a debate and hoped the debate would set a healthy trend in democratic discourse.

“Far from accepting Dr. JP’s offer, the TDP is now trying to wriggle out of its commitment by finding excuses,” commented the party spokespersons.

“It is true that the Lok Satta polled only 1.8 percent of the popular vote and has a lone representative in the Assembly compared to TDP’s formidable ‘vote bank’ and number of MLAs. If the Lok Satta is such a weakling, why should the TDP be rattled and blame the Lok Satta for its debacle in the 2009 elections?”

The spokespersons clarified that Dr. JP indicated certain modalities for a debate and suggested they could be finalized by mutual consent. Mr. Chandrababu Naidu was in no way constrained from suggesting modalities acceptable to him.

Referring to the questions raised by the TDP leaders, the Lok Satta spokespersons replied that Dr. JP had welcomed the public debate precisely to answer all such questions and more if any. They had merely repeated the questions raised earlier.

“Our life is an open book. We have nothing to conceal or fear. Where is the need for a propaganda campaign through proxies when the Presidents of the TDP and the Lok Satta can have a public discourse without indulging in personal attacks?”

In fact, the spokespersons pointed out, Dr. JP, with the cooperation of Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, was eager to set a new trend in civilized and honest public discourse.

The spokespersons hoped that without standing on false prestige Mr. Chandrababu Naidu would take part in the debate. “We can understand the frustration of Mr. Chandrababu Naidu at the poll results. But that is no excuse for shying away from a healthy and exemplary debate.”

Lok Satta is dedicated to transforming the political culture of India, and Andhra Pradesh is merely its first base of activity. Vote buying, distribution of liquor, dynastic rule, family fiefdoms, obstructionist methods, politics as commerce, corruption and abuse of office, criminalization, centralization, treating people as mendicants, perpetuation of poverty and caste, regional and communal divisions – all these have become the staple of traditional parties in India. Sadly, even parties which had once a credible record descended to a low level. Lok Satta has always believed that what we need is not merely a change of players, but a change in the rules of the game. In consonance with that objective, Lok Satta Party was founded with clear and well-defined objectives, democratic functioning, clean politics, inclusive and nation-building approach, and policies aimed at empowering citizens, fulfilling the potential of every child irrespective of the accident of birth and elimination of all avoidable suffering. The party’s Constitution, published on October 2, 2006 clearly and succinctly outlined our approach to public work. Power to us is a means, not an end in itself. Therefore the means adopted to acquire power have to be fair, legitimate and transparent. That is why vote-buying, distribution of liquor obstructionist methods divisive politics and cheap populism are anathemas to Lok Satta.

Lok Satta has never leveled personal allegations against any party or leader. We have always endeavoured to raise the level of debate and focus on public issues. We believe that the nation is above the party, and the party is above individuals. If a party proposes a sound policy, we always welcome and support it; if a policy is not desirable in our judgment, we oppose it with reasons, and always provide an alternative solution. This is the new politics India needs and our children deserve.

The appeal to all parties to come together to work for the common good, instead of being lost in partisan rancour bitterness and internecine quarrels.

Thursday, July 9, 2009 - 16:28

Take up MMTS Phase II, Suggests Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today wanted the State Government to focus its attention on launching the second phase of the MMTS and introducing the BRTS wherever it is feasible.

Talking to the media, party spokespersons Katari Srinivasa Rao and V. Laxman Balaji said that the Government appeared to be determined to take up the Metro Rail system following the cancellation of its agreement with the Maytas consortium. It might take several months for the project to be grounded and several years for its execution. They suggested that a survey be conducted again on the land proposed for acquisition for the Metro Rail, which had been finalized in the teeth of opposition from civic organizations and some experts.

Meanwhile, the Government should come to the rescue of commuters by prodding the railways to take up the MMTS second phase. More services should be operated on the existing routes. They also suggested that the roads be widened wherever feasible and the BRTS introduced.

The Lok Satta leaders pointed out that Hyderabad has a wide railway network around it and that the city’s traffic woes can be mitigated if the railway network is linked with the bus transportation system. Hyderabad has 160 km of railway lines comprising120 km in the main corridors and 40 km in bypass lines. MMTS Phase 1 covers 48 km of this network. MMTS Phase II should be taken up to cover the entire city and link it up with the main arterial roads and the Outer Ring Road.

The State RTC should avail of the funds under the JNNURM to acquire additional buses and run more services to cover all the nooks and corners of Greater Hyderabad and increase the frequency of services on all existing routes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 - 16:38

Dr.JP's Letter to Chandrababu Naidu

Date: 07.07.2009

Sri Chandra Babu Naidu,
Telugu Desam Party,

I read the news reports that you have agreed to a public debate with Lok Satta Party on the issues your party has been raising about Lok Satta. Lok Satta has always held that reasoned public debate is the essence of democracy. I therefore congratulate you on your readiness to debate and welcome your decision.

I am prepared to debate with you in a reasoned and civilized manner all issues relevant to the public. Your party men and you seem to question the rationale for Lok Satta Party’s emergence. You have also questioned our fund raising and utilization of resources in the recent electoral campaign. You have argued that Lok Satta Party is acting in concert with ruling party in the state. You have raised questions integrity and public morality. I am ready to debate with you all these issues pertaining to you party and Lok Satta.

Therefore the following four main themes seem to be appropriate for a civilized public debate between the two of us.

1. Issues of public morality and integrity.
2. Nature of politics practised by both parties.
3. Mobilization and utilization of political funds by the respective parties.
4. Public policies adopted by both parties.

I suggest that there should be one or more public debates, each of 90 minutes duration with a moderator chosen from the Union of Working Journalists by mutual consent. The debate will be on an agreed format, with both participants having equal time to respond to a question, with a right to rebut. We will both take questions asked by an invited panel of journalists, with time limits fixed for each reply. I will refrain from personal attacks unrelated to public work. The debates will be telecast live.

Only invited journalists and media persons will attend the debates. You may like to constitute a person or team to finalize the format of the debates and other details with a team I will be constituting immediately.

Meanwhile, I have firmly advised all my colleagues in Lok Satta Party not to resort to personal attacks or provocative actions. At all times both sides should maintain the highest standards of dignity and decorum. So far, I have never leveled a personal allegation against you or any other political leader of any party in the country. Lok Satta Party and I wish to maintain the same standards of decorum in future also.

This initiative of a reasoned, honest public debate will be a watershed in our political evolution as a democracy. I am sure other parties will soon emulate us, and it will eventually alter the nature of public discourse and political culture in India.

I urge you to initiate action at the earliest in order for the debates to take place as soon as possible. Meanwhile, please be assured of civility and all courtesies due to you from my part.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Jayaprakash Narayan

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - 18:47

Dr. JP to address IIM students

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan will be addressing and interacting with students of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, tomorrow (Wednesday, July 8).

He will be addressing on “Social entrepreneurship: Innovating for social change.”

IIM, Ahmedabad, invites people who have made a conscious choice to work in the social sector and enables students to interact with them. The prestigious institute, which refrains from inviting active politicians, has made an exception in the case of Dr. JP because he is “an exceptional person with a large and fairly complex agenda of political reform,”

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - 18:02
