Press Releases Archive

Dr. JP invites Chandrababu for a debate

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan has congratulated TDP President N. Chandrababu Naidu on his readiness to debate the issues the TDP has been raising against the Lok Satta Party and welcomed his decision. Dr. JP also suggested four main themes on which both of them could engage themselves in a reasoned and civilized debate.

In a letter sent to the TDP President, Dr. JP said there should be one or more debates in the presence of an invited panel of journalists and a Working Journalists’ Union leader serving as a moderator.

He hoped “the initiative of a reasoned, honest public debate will be a watershed in our political evolution as a democracy.”

Party leaders Katari Srinivasarao and Ravi Maruth released the letter to the media at the party headquarters today.

The following is the text of Dr. JP’s letter to Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu:

“I read the news reports that you have agreed to a public debate with Lok Satta Party on the issues your party has been raising about Lok Satta. Lok Satta has always held that reasoned public debate is the essence of democracy. I therefore congratulate you on your readiness to debate and welcome your decision.

“I am prepared to debate with you in a reasoned and civilized manner all issues relevant to the public. Your party men and you seem to question the rationale for Lok Satta Party’s emergence. You have also questioned our fund raising and utilization of resources in the recent electoral campaign. You have argued that Lok Satta Party is acting in concert with ruling party in the state. You have raised questions integrity and public morality. I am ready to debate with you all these issues pertaining to you party and Lok Satta.

“Therefore the following four main themes seem to be appropriate for a civilized public debate between the two of us.

1. Issues of public morality and integrity.
2. Nature of politics practised by both parties.
3. Mobilization and utilization of political funds by the respective parties.
4. Public policies adopted by both parties.

“I suggest that there should be one or more public debates, each of 90 minutes duration with a moderator chosen from the Union of Working Journalists by mutual consent. The debate will be on an agreed format, with both participants having equal time to respond to a question, with a right to rebut. We will both take questions asked by an invited panel of journalists, with time limits fixed for each reply. I will refrain from personal attacks unrelated to public work. The debates will be telecast live.

“Only invited journalists and media persons will attend the debates. You may like to constitute a person or team to finalize the format of the debates and other details with a team I will be constituting immediately.

“Meanwhile, I have firmly advised all my colleagues in Lok Satta Party not to resort to personal attacks or provocative actions. At all times both sides should maintain the highest standards of dignity and decorum. So far, I have never leveled a personal allegation against you or any other political leader of any party in the country. Lok Satta Party and I wish to maintain the same standards of decorum in future also.

“This initiative of a reasoned, honest public debate will be a watershed in our political evolution as a democracy. I am sure other parties will soon emulate us, and it will eventually alter the nature of public discourse and political culture in India.

“I urge you to initiate action at the earliest in order for the debates to take place as soon as possible. Meanwhile, please be assured of civility and all courtesies due to you from my part.”

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - 16:50

Lok Satta produces its Kadapa candidate

The Lok Satta Party today produced Mr. Gudipati Prasanna Kumar, who contested from the Kadapa Lok Sabha constituency on behalf of the Lok Satta Party to refute the TDP’s Goebbels’ propaganda that the party did not field a candidate against the Chief Minister’s son as part of a tacit understanding with the Congress Party.

Mr. Prasanna Kumar himself told the media it was strange that the TDP did not notice him even as he went round the constituency from the day he filed the nomination and received daily coverage in the media.

Talking to the media, party spokesmen Katari Srinivasa Rao and V. Laxman Balaji pointed out that the party could not field candidates in 45 Assembly and 10 Lok Sabha seats despite its best efforts. The TDP which blames the Lok Satta for its debacle in the 2009 elections conveniently ignores the fact that it lost even in constituencies in which the Lok Satta did not field its candidates.

The Lok Satta leaders took exception to TDP leader Yerrannaidu questioning why the Lok Satta Party had been formed and the threat of certain TDP leaders not to allow Lok Satta President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan go round the State. They asked whether the Lok Satta needed clearance from the TDP to either form a party or for its leaders to go round the State.

In reply to TDP leader Nagam Janardhan Reddy’s charge, they explained that since the Lok Satta did not believe in collecting black money like the TDP, it introduced four types of membership to raise finances. Associated members pay Rs.10 and primary members Rs.100 for three years. Those who pay Rs.100 per month or Rs.1000 a year become executive members. To become a lifetime executive member, one has to pay Rs.10,000. Those who pay more according to their capacity will be recognized as silver, gold, platinum and diamond members but they do not enjoy any extra privileges.

Monday, July 6, 2009 - 17:58
