Press Releases Archive

TDP stooping low, charges Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party said today it was not interested in indulging in a slanging match with the TDP which had stooped so low as to make scurrilous allegations against the Lok Satta and its leader Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan brushing aside all facts.

Party spokesmen Katari Srinivasa Rao and V. Laxman Balaji told the media that the TDP was repeating its baseless charges ad nauseam, without taking cognizance of the replies given by the Lok Satta. To cite just one instance, they recalled that Dr. JP had lent his services to all parties and leaders who wanted to do something good for the country. He joined the National Advisory Council constituted by the UPA Government, and not by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. He had the privilege and opportunity of serving on a number of panels constituted by the earlier NDA Government also. More significantly, he was a member of the Governance Committee formed by the Chandrababu Naidu Government itself as part of its mission to draw up a Vision 2020 program.

The leaders regretted that instead of entering into an honest and public debate with Dr. JP on all issues raised by him and his party, the TDP was making personal attacks on Dr. JP. That the TDP is trying to find excuses for avoiding a public debate is evident to everybody.

The Lok Satta has, therefore, decided to not to pay the TDP back in kind and instead, focus its attention on the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections. The party today released a pamphlet comprising its agenda for the GHMC. The Lok Satta Party makes five promises in its manifesto for the GHMC elections. They are:

  • Supply of safe drinking water in all colonies and bastis which do not have the facility now with the installation of reverse osmosis plants
  • Implementing a citizen’s charter under which failure to attend to a public grievance in a specified period invites penalty on the GHMC
  • Identification and resolution of problems basti-colony wise and implementation of a division agenda in three phases – 100 days, one year and five years respectively.
  • Devolution of GHMC funds at the rate of Rs.2 crore for each division every year, so that an elected divisional committee could spend it on attending to pressing local problems
  • Integration of the functioning of the GHMC, Metrowater and Urban Development Authority.
  • Better traffic management with improving public transport system and provision of footpaths and free flow of traffic

The Lok Satta spokesmen underlined: “We have the clarity of purpose, determination, competence and integrity to deliver on our promises.” They appealed to people with integrity and leadership qualities to come forward to fight the elections on the Lok Satta platform. They said the Lok Satta’s slogan is going to be “Seeti bajao; city bachao” (Blow the whistle and save the city)

Saturday, July 11, 2009 - 19:13

NRI group in US campaigns for Changes in AP Corruption law

Lok Satta Party NRI group in the U. S. "People for Lok Satta" ( launched a campaign to garner support for an amendment to the Prevention of Corruption Act drafted by Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, President of the Lok Satta Party.

People for Lok Satta is urging the people of Andhra Pradesh to come forward and sign an online petition which calls upon the Chief Minister to walk his talk on combating rampant corruption. The group's campaign includes calls and emails to MLAs, online videos and writing to Indian print and electronic media.

Party spokespersons Mr. V.Laxman Balaji and Mrs. Y. Ramadevi released here the deatils to the media.

"Corruption cancer is killing India. We do not have strong laws to prevent corruption and punish the guilty. Only with public awareness and pressure on MLAs can the bill pass with majority support" said Ms. Hyma Sagi, who is spearheading the campaign for the group.

The online petition, (, which has gained close to 1000 signatures so far, outlines the many provisions of the bill which facilitate seizure and forfeiture of property of corrupt public servants and establishing an independent anti-corruption agency.

"Combating corruption is not one party's crusade but it's everyone's fight" said Mr. Kapil Bolisetti, an active volunteer from the New Jersey chapter of People for Lok Satta. "The success of the bill hinges on creating awareness of the bill by explaining the loopholes in the existing anti-corruption laws and the need for stringent laws to curb corruption. When enough pressure comes from people, the elected representatives will have no way but to support the bill. After all, aren't they our voice?"

The NRI group, with more than 300 passionate working professionals, is actively working to support Citizen Help Centers in India, campaigning for NRI voting rights, creating awareness about the party's ideology and attracting the disenchanted NRI community into the mainstream political process.

Friday, July 10, 2009 - 18:08

Clarification on opinion poll and comments

Thank you for all your responses on the hypothetical question (in the form of on line poll) for any alliances for GHMC election. We assure all the members, supporters and concerned citizens, that your views have been forwarded to the party leadership and they have been studied carefully. Lok Satta Party will not take any decision that undermines our core principles. Please rest assured.

-Web Administrator

Some of you were rightly concerned about LSP adopting the methods of traditional parties. We wish to set the record straight:

  • LSP volunteers did not stage a dharna. They only staged a silent protest on the sidewalk without obstructing traffic. Most TV channels showed this and commented on the novel form of protest.
  • Certain unruly activists of TDP shouted slogans, hurled chappals, tried to cross the road, and acted in a deliberately provocative manner.
  • Lok Satta volunteers did not retaliate nor did they hurl back any footwear. Some of them held the chappals hurled at them in their hands. Certain sections of the media deliberately misrepresented facts, or were misled.
  • In any case, it is not desirable for Lok Satta to resort to such protests, even when they are silent, peaceful and lawful.

Therefore the party leadership firmly advised all colleagues to desist from any such protests, no matter what the provocation is.

-Lok Satta Party

Thursday, July 9, 2009 - 18:40
