Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta and FIFA hails NREGS extension to agriculture

The Lok Satta Party and the Federation of Independent Farmers’ Associations (FIFA) today welcomed the Union Rural Development Ministry decision to bring 30 kinds of agricultural operations under the purview of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS).

In a media statement, Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma recalled that it was the Lok Satta Party and FIFA under the leadership of Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan which had first sought NREGS extension to the agriculture sector.

The measure will facilitate extension of a little investment subsidy to the farmer and provide relief to the crisis-ridden agriculture sector, said Mr. Varma.

He suggested that the NREGS allocate funds for 20 work days per acre and not merely 12 days as proposed to cover operations like sowing, weeding, application of fertilizer and pesticides and land leveling. The scheme should benefit farmers as well as tenants.

If farmers are united and have credible leaders, they can forge many victories in their battle for a better deal, Mr. Varma said.

Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 18:52

Dr.JP's Appeal to Friends and Concerned Citizens

Dear friends and concerned citizens,

When we started Lok Satta many years ago, it was like many civil society movements today. However, it became apparent over time that in order to bring about the change all of us are fighting for in our different ways, we have to operate in the political spaces as well, or else we will not be effective.

This goes against a lot of our sentiments about politics, but it is the bitter truth.

In more recent times, the fight against corruption run by so many organisations and groups across India has seen such massive public support, especially from the middle class, that many a political observer was surprised. This in turn has galvanised many Citizen Candidates into joining electoral battle in the recently concluded municipal elections in Mumbai and elsewhere. This trend will endure.

But let us also do better. While the 5-7% vote share these candidates collected is impressive for a first attempt, it is also clear that this could have been higher. The public perception of a splintered 'front' kept many Citizen Candidates from making the full impact that the crowds in anti-corruption rallies indicated.

We've been fragmented by the multiplicity of platforms, causing some confusion and maybe even suspicion of the new 'brands' that have suddenly cropped up for elections.

We can and must overcome this. Lok Satta is not only a party created out of an Andolan, but it also has a constitution that is tailor-made for all those who are fighting for open, transparent, equitable and clean government at all levels. Lok Satta has been designed to be an inclusive platform for all Indians seeking political transformation. It has always been recognized and acknowledged that Lok Satta is not owned by current members; it belongs to all India. The members and leaders at any point of time are humble custodians of a national platform. ‘Nation above party; and party above self’ is the motto of Lok Satta. Membership has to be open, and leadership has to be by democratic choice at all levels. Each of us can proudly call this our own platform.

The next round is to be played out in Delhi a few weeks from now. The lessons of Mumbai should not be forgotten, nor the fragmentation repeated in Delhi and elsewhere. It's time to act as one force. I am therefore inviting all our friends fighting for the same ideals to unite in the Lok Satta family.

Our internal democracy is a functioning, thriving culture and is just the platform on which all of us in civil society can join hands in the political arena. Our blemish-free past combined with our growing brand recognition in several states will enable all of us to hit the road running in the next round of elections and beyond.

Come, join us. We welcome you with open arms, recognising ourselves in each of you. We welcome not merely your support, but equally your passion and leadership to augment ours. There is too much to do; and too few of us willing to do it on a sustained basis. Let's fight together and do justice to our noble cause: Clean, Transparent, Equitable and Participative democratic government, and the promise of building a great new India together.

With warm regards,

Dr Jayaprakash Narayan
Lok Satta

Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 10:37

FIFA to defy Government orders and Sell paddy in Maharashtra

The Federation of Independent Farmers' Associations (FIFA) will once again be defying Andhra Pradesh Government restrictions on movement of fine varieties of paddy and rice outside the State by undertaking sales in Maharashtra on February 26.

It may be recalled that FIFA had defied the curbs and undertook sales in Karnataka on February 19.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, President of FIFA and the Lok Satta Party, will lead the satyagraha movement from Pocharam village in Nizamabad district to Esgi in Nanded district of Maharashtra on February 25.

Giving this information at a media conference, Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma said that the Andhra Pradesh Government would neither ensure the minimum support price for paddy, leave alone a fair and remunerative price, nor allow farmers to sell their produce outside the State where prices are ruling higher by about Rs.200 a bag. As a result of the State Government's ruinous policy, farmers have lost hundreds of crores of rupees in the last couple of years.

Mr. Varma pointed out that the State Government restrictions run contrary to Government of India directives.

Although FIFA had openly and publicly defied its orders, the somnolent State Government would neither lift restrictions nor arrest its violators, charged Mr. Varma.

Mr. Varma appealed to farmers to take part in the satyagraha movement cutting across party lines and added that the Shetkari Sanghatan of Maharashtra will participate it.

The farmers will set off from Pocharam village at 9-00 a.m. on February 25 and reach Bodhan for the night touching Yellareddy and Banswada en route. They will resume their journey from Bodhan at 9-00 a.m. on February 26, cross the border check-post at Saluru and undertake sale of paddy through auction at Esgi village in Nanded district. Dr. JP will be addressing and interacting with farmers during the satyagraha movement.

Mr. Varma disclosed that FIFA would repeat its violation of the illegal Andhra Pradesh Government orders by undertaking paddy sales in both Tamil Nadu and Orissa too.

Mr. Varma said that since the satyagraha movement has nothing to do with the impending by-elections, the election code does not apply to it.

Mr. V. Laxman Balaji, Lok Satta Party General Secretary, Mrs. N. Sarojadevi, Mahila Satta President, and M. Satyanarayana, Greater Hyderabad Lok Satta President, took part in the media conference.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 21:19
