Press Releases Archive

Tendulkar offers a lesson to youth: Dr. JP

“In a country starved of excellence and world-class accomplishments, Sachin Tendulkar’s extraordinary feat is a much needed confidence booster,” said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

In a media statement, Dr. JP pointed out that sports persons like Dhyanchand, Sunil Gavaskar, Rahul Dravid, Kapil Dev and Sachin tendulkar have had the most important influence in transforming a country shackled by centuries of foreign oppression into a self-confident modern India.

“Tendulkar and others have demonstrated that excellence is a combination of immense talent, life-long discipline, equanimity in the face of adversity and above all team spirit that rejoices in collective success,” said Dr. JP.

Dr. JP said that youth should realize that everyone is capable of success. What matters is discipline and relentless pursuit of success for the greater glory of our society, and not for undeserving accumulation of wealth by plunder or for individual greed at the cost of public good.

Friday, March 16, 2012 - 18:52

Union Budget a mixed bag: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today described the Union Budget as a mixed bag.

In a media statement, Dr. JP said that the Union Finance Minister has tried his best to rein in fiscal deficit by expanding the service tax net and increasing the excise duty and provide some relief to individual income tax payers. His conscious thrust on boosting infrastructure especially in sectors like coal and energy, although belated, is most welcome. Similarly, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee’s announcement of a series of anti tax evasion measures, and his promise to publish a white paper on black money and introduce legislation to plug evils like money laundering and benami property acquisition will help reduce black money generation in a growing economy, although they may not help in getting back the black money Indians stashed away in other countries.

Dr. JP, however, regretted that the Union Finance Minister did not attempt to tackle ills plaguing agriculture, education, healthcare, and job creation but contended himself with making marginally higher monetary allocations. The Union Finance Minister was long on rhetoric and short on action in addressing the crisis in the agriculture sector. There is not even a passing reference to promoting self-sufficiency in edible oils, considering that India is the world’s largest importer. There is no mention of imposing even a moderate customs duty of 10% on edible oil imports as a means to boost indigenous production or promoting export of agricultural produce or encouraging value addition and constricting the supply chain. Making available more credit to farmers at a lower rate of interest is welcome but it is not a substitute for rejuvenating agriculture and the Indian economy. Farmers need better markets, value addition, price stimulus to promote investments and export promotion. None of these has been addressed by this budget.

Farm sector is in crisis. Agriculture could be our trump card with right policies. Agriculture growth will stimulate rural economy and reduce poverty. You can protect consumers only when you stimulate production, and production can be boosted only by a price advantage. You cannot promote long-term growth by harming rural India and agriculture.

Dr. JP said that Mr. Pranab Mukherjee did not display any vision or unveil initiatives to improve education and healthcare. Even as the Prime Minister talked of increasing the national allocation to healthcare from the present one percent to 2.5 percent of GDP, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee confined himself to a marginal increase in the funds for the National Rural Health Mission and ignored the massive failure in the delivery of healthcare services. Similarly, the Union Finance Minister did not take cognizance of the falling standards of education and failures in implementation of sarva siksha and madhyamika siksha abhiyans. India is ranked 73rd among the 74 countries pervade in educational outcomes. For a fast growing economy with an ambition to be a world power, our school education is an embarrassment. The Finance Minister has not shown any inclination to look at outcomes in education and to promote delivery of services and accountability.

By making a token allocation for the National Skill Development Council, the Union Finance Minister washed his hands off tackling massive unemployment among youth. Millions of young people in India are getting marginalized in a growing economy. The budget has failed to address their needs.

Dr. JP said that every political party in the country should focus on boosting economic growth, ending corruption and promoting transparency and eradicating poverty and mitigating inequalities. All political parties are in the dock in not addressing them as of now, he added.

Dr JP Said, “We cannot end poverty and promote equity by pursuing populist policies and vote bank politics. We need quantum leaps in agriculture, education, healthcare and jobs”.

Friday, March 16, 2012 - 18:48

Railway Budget disappointing: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said the Railway Budget is disappointing in that it did not unveil any strategy to make Indian Railways the engine of economic growth.

In a media statement, Dr. JP pointed out that decades of neglect and years of populism have landed the railways in a crisis. Instead of building up reserves on investments made more than a century and half ago, the railways are today forced to borrow at high interest rates and turning projects unviable.

Railways have over the years lost the lion's share of cargo movement to roads. As a result, roads have come under enormous stress. Cargo movement on roads not merely results in higher fuel consumption but contributes to pollution and wear and tear of vehicles.

Dr. JP said that the railways have not paid adequate attention to urban public transport. The Railway Minister ought to have unveiled an innovative plan to integrate rail, road and metro transport in such a way that with a single ticket a passenger can move about in urban areas.

On the whole, Dr. JP said, the railway budget appeared to be an accountant's statement lacking in imagination.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - 19:35
