Press Releases Archive

Farmers have no alternative to defying Illegal AP Government acts: Dr. JP

The Federation of Independent Farmers' Associations today charged the Andhra Pradesh Government with contravening Government of India directives under the Essential Commodities Act by banning inter-State movement of fine varieties of paddy and rice.

Addressing a media conference, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, President of FIFA and the Lok Satta Party, pointed out that although the Government of India unambiguously stipulated that there shall be no curbs on inter-State movement, the Andhra Pradesh Government has taken law into its own hands by banning sale of paddy and rice outside the State by farmers and tenants. "It is behaving like a street rowdy," fulminated Dr. JP.

"The farmer in India is facing ruin not because of the vagaries of nature but because of the cruel and unjust policies of State and Central Governments. It is the Government that has become an albatross round the farmer's neck," charged Dr. JP.

The State Government itself had removed the barriers on movement of rice and paddy outside the State a couple of years ago citing heavy losses to farmers because of the steep decline in local prices.

Although prices have once again crashed this year against the backdrop of a steep increase in the cost of production, the Andhra Pradesh Government would not permit movement of rice and paddy outside the State.

FIFA is launching a Dandi-like farmers' satyagraha March on February 18 and 19 to defy the unjust laws and regulations that are dealing a body blow to farmers. Farmers and tenants starting from Yemmiganur in Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh will march to Gilkasugur in Raichur district of Karnataka and effect token sale of paddy in defiance of the Andhra Pradesh Government ban. "Let the Government arrest and prosecute farmers and me," said Dr. JP who had given notice of FIFA's action program to the Chief Minister on February 2 itself.

The State Government is blind and dumb in that refuses to see the farmers' plight or listen to wise counsels, said Dr. JP.

FIFA would repeat its defiance of unjust laws and regulations by organizing a similar march from Nizamabad in Andhra Pradesh to Nanded in Maharashtra.

It is time farmers all over the country transcending parties and crops they grow joined hands and demanded dismantling of the present license-permit raj. They should fight Governments but not end their lives in despair, he said pointing out that over 2.3 lakh farmers had committed suicide in the last 15 years.

Dr. JP said that farmers do not get even the minimum support price for any produce, leave alone a fair and remunerative price. The Government, which cannot ensure payment of even the MSP, denies the farmer the freedom to market his produce outside the State. In contrast, an industrialist can sell his manufactured products anywhere he wants. On top of it, he gets a subsidy if he chooses to export it outside the country.

The Government harms the farmers' interest by allowing duty-free import of edible oil even as it regulates farm produce exports. The country witnesses a lot of breast-beating whenever prices of onions and tomatoes go up but not a tear is shed when their prices plummet. The State Government which collects hundreds of crores of rupees on marketing of agricultural produce would not utilize the amount to provide warehouses for farmers to store their produce and get pledge loans.

Referring to the grouse in certain circles over his inclusion in a House committee to go into Government land deals, Dr. JP disclosed he had told the Speaker that he would step down to make way for those who feel they are under-represented. He said he had rejected both the ruling Congress and the Opposition TDP during the no-confidence vote because he regarded both parties as wolves fighting for the right to devour innocent lambs. "They represent the corrupt and failed politics of the past. The Lok Satta represents politics of the future and gives hope and leadership to youth," Dr. JP said.

Lok Satta Party Working President Mr. D. V. V. S. Varma and Secretary P. Bhaskara Rao took part in the media conference.

Thursday, February 16, 2012 - 18:59

No introspection or direction in Governor’s address: Dr. JP

Governor E. S. L. Narasimhan’s address to the joint session of the State Legislature is deeply disappointing in that it reflected neither introspection nor direction, commented Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, Lok Satta Party President and MLA from Kukatpally.

The Governor went through the Constitutional ritual and indulged in sheer escapism by not touching upon many grave issues confronting the State, added Dr. JP.

The Lok Satta leader pointed out that although Andhra Pradesh has emerged as the epicenter of corruption going by the number of CBI and ACB raids in the recent past, the Governor does not even acknowledge it as a problem, leave alone indicate what his Government plans to do about it. There is not even a cursory acknowledgment of the liquor mafia bribing Ministers, legislators, bureaucrats and media as revealed by ACB raids. The Governor is silent on the Telangana problem which has been agitating all the regions of the State. Although passions might have subsided, concerns remain very much. Yet, the Governor does not talk of empowering people and engendering confidence among them.

Dr. JP faulted the Governor for maintaining eloquent silence on the recent Supreme Court judgment on allocation of 2G spectrum and all other natural resources in a petition filed by the Lok Satta and others. The Lok Satta Party, he recalled, had exposed the State Government’s capricious allotment of vast tracts of coastal areas to private parties to such an extent that it could not provide a suitable site for a shipbuilding proposed by the Union Government.

Dr. JP said the Governor does not acknowledge the crisis in the agriculture sector. The State Government has not been able to ensure the minimum support price for a number of crops and does not bother even to announce the State advised price (SAP) for sugarcane. The Federation of Independent Farmers’ Associations (FIF) is organizing a Dandi-like march from Andhra Pradesh to Karnatka to defy the law which prevents farmers from marketing paddy/rice outside the State.

Referring to the parlous state of the healthcare sector, Dr. JP said that even teaching hospitals are going without intravenous fluids like dextrose and saline and material for carrying out urine sugar tests. Educational standards in schools have plummeted going by annual surveys. Many parts of the State capital are reeling under severe water shortage even as the entire countryside is going without power. Yet, the Governor would not say what the Government proposes to do.

Dr. JP said the State’s claim of being fiscally responsible is hollow going by the Principal Accountant General’s report. The Union Government withdrew the Rs.703 crore it falsely claimed as incentive under the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act in 2008-09. During 2009-10, the State once again claimed to have conformed to Central fiscal guidelines by halting all deposit transactions.

The Governor’s address comes as a deep disappointment, said Dr. JP.

Monday, February 13, 2012 - 14:50

Lok Satta seeks end to discretionary funds of CM, MLAs

During the budget session of the Legislative Assembly beginning from February 13, the Lok Satta Party will focus its attention on the liquor policy, relief to the crisis-ridden farmer, elections to local bodies and resolution of issues raised by various sections.

In a media statement, Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma appealed to all parties to help facilitate a thorough discussion on the issues.

Mr. Varma said that all parties should join hands in getting the present liquor policy, which has spawned a politics-dictating liquor mafia, changed. All the members transcending their party barriers should ensure that justice is done to farmers. Farmers have not been able to get even the minimum support price whatever crop they raise. The Government would not allow them to market paddy and rice outside the State. The members should exert pressure on the Government and ensure elections to municipalities and panchayat raj bodies take place. The ruling party, rocked by corruption scams and internal fights, has deferred the elections fearing defeat. The Assembly should also help resolve issues over which a number of sections are on the warpath as governance has come to a standstill because of party politics.

Mr. Varma demanded that the Government do away with special and discretionary funds being allocated to the Chief Minister and MLAs and utilize them for priority sectors. The priorities in the forthcoming budget should shift from extending temporary sops to making people self-reliant. It should allocate funds for ensuring quality education, healthcare and skills to all, baling out agriculture from crisis, and rejuvenating industry. Local governments should be empowered with devolution of funds and powers.

Mr. Varma appealed to all parties to pass the budget only after a thorough discussion.

Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 15:39
