Press Releases Archive

A vote against status quo: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said today that the by-elections to the seven Assembly seats in Andhra Pradesh demonstrated that the people rejected the status quo but were not looking for an alternative. They roundly rejected the Congress and the Telugu Desam which between them have ruled Andhra Pradesh for three decades.

In a media statement, Dr. JP pointed out that the Lok Satta Party earnestly attempted to convey its message and sought people's support for its agenda in the form of votes. "The political polarization in the State is so intense that there is no space for rational voices or ethical politics now."

Unfazed by the election outcome, the Lok Satta will do its utmost to protect democratic values.

"Nothing short of a miracle can prevent Andhra Pradesh from becoming the saddest example of decline in politics. Decades of cynical politics, corruption, intense polarization and power without purpose have led to a grave crisis.

"But miracles do not happen on their own; they should be made to happen. That is possible only when saner elements in all parties and concerned citizens including middle classes, women and youth introspect over the parlous state of politics and join hands to reverse the process. The election results should serve as a wake up call", added Dr. JP.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 19:13

Lok Satta Refutes CPI Charge

The Lok Satta Party today refuted CPI MLA Kunamneni Sambasiva Rao's charge that it goes to Government's rescue whenever it is in trouble by deflecting the subject under discussion. The allegation mirrors his bankruptcy of ideas and politics, said Lok Satta Party General Secretary Katari Srinivasa Rao in a media statement.

Mr. Srinivasa Rao said the Lok Satta is a principled party whereas the Communist parties are opportunistic. They chose to have a piggy ride on the Congress and the TDP to win a few seats in elections instead of trying to build a third front. They had enabled the Congress and the TDP to entrench themselves deeply and turn the State into the epicenter of corruption. Even during the current discussion on corruption in the Assembly, the CPI legislator is equivocal. In contrast, the Lok Satta has demanded that the guilty to whichever party they belong should be punished and a strong and independent Lokayukta be constituted to prevent corruption.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, Lok Satta's lone representative in the Assembly, who has been addressing every issue keeping public interest in mind, does not need anybody's certificate, said Mr. Srinivasa Rao.

The Lok Satta Party drafted a Bill to amend the Prevention of Corruption Act as early as in 2009 and circulated it among all parties. The Congress and the TDP which claim to be wedded to eradicating corruption are today feigning ignorance of the Bill. The Bill provides for constitution of special courts, independent prosecution, and exemplary punishment including forfeiture of ill-gotten property of the corrupt.

If the CPI is sincere, it should stop indulging in rhetoric and join the Lok Satta in getting the Bill discussed and passed by the Assembly, Mr. Srinivasa Rao said.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - 18:14

Lok Satta Asks CEO to Order Probe Into Inducements Offered to Voters in the Recent Bye-Elections

Lok Satta Party today (March 19,2012) requested the Chief Electoral Officer to order independent investigation into the inducements offered to voters in the recently concluded bye-elections to the A.P Assembly.

The following is the text of the representation made by V.Lakhman Balaji, State General Secretary of Lok Satta Party, to the CEO...


The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Andhra Pradesh
Election Commission of India (ECI)
Secretariat ‘H’ Block

Sub: recently concluded bye-elections in AP –menace of large-scale vote-buying, offer of inducements, etc. recurred – ECI’s seizures of cash and materials – need for exemplary action against guilty parties and candidates - reg.

Dear Sir,

We commend the Election Commission of India (ECI) in general, and the AP Chief Electoral Officer (CEO)’s office in particular, for its proactive role in intercepting, seizing and confiscating cash, liquor and such other material inducements being transported for and distributed among voters during the recently concluded bye-elections. As a result of the above efforts (as reported widely in the media), a total of Rs. 9 crores in cash and 90,566 litres of liquor were seized which would have otherwise been directly deployed to bribe voters and unduly influence their electoral choice. As per the same media reports, a total of 30 cases too have been booked by the security personnel against the offenders. Your office itself has revealed that it had received numerous and credible complaints of blatant bribing, vote-buying, etc. Such instances of vote-buying and liquor distribution along with quantified ‘going rate’ for each vote by the traditional parties too have been unambiguously and prominently reported in print and electronic media (available in public domain).

However, such seizures of unaccounted for cash, liquor and other such material inducements intended to bribe voters are not new phenomena. Crores of rupees in cash have been seized, thousands of bottles of liquor have been confiscated, material inducements intended to bribe voters have been intercepted by the ECI during previous elections too. Cases too have been booked by the ECI in such cases.

Evidently, these are all instances of highly corrupt electoral practices and therefore blatant violations of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 that are intended to unduly influence the electoral choices of voters and materially alter the outcome of elections. Needless to say, these violations are highly deleterious to the primary objective of the ECI to conduct free-and-fair elections.

We wish to emphasize that in previous instances where ECI has caused the booking of cases against offenders transporting and distributing cash, liquor and other material inducements to bribe voters and cases have not resulted in their timely and duly comprehensive conviction with imposition of statutory punishment. Consequently, traditional political parties, their candidates and political leaders who have encouraged and caused such widespread electoral offences and corrupt practices continue to operate unhindered. Once elections are conducted and results declared, these widespread offences are apparently neglected and not pursued. Clearly, such a casual and topical approach is neither sustainable nor desirable.

We therefore urge you to:

  • Order for a thorough, comprehensive and independent investigation of all cases and especially the most recent ones of seizure of unaccounted for cash, liquor and other material inducements intended to bribe voters. The sources, political operators, transportation couriers, political parties and candidates involved in the above electoral offences should be clearly and unambiguously identified. If necessary, the ECI should cause for such a probe to be taken up by a reputed and independent crime investigation agency such as the CBI.

  • Vigorously pursue those cases related to corrupt electoral practices booked against offenders towards securing timely and due punishment to the offenders.

  • Independently, the ECI can take proactive punitive and exemplary measures against the complicit parties and candidates. The Indian Constitution gives the ECI adequate mandate and powers to achieve this necessary objective.

The ECI must take up the above steps on an immediate basis towards ridding our election process of widespread corrupt practices and help serve the cause of free-and-fair elections.


V. Lakshman Balaji
State General Secretary,
Lok Satta Party

Monday, March 19, 2012 - 20:59
