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By: K. Bram, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Associate Professor, Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine

Microbiological activity is greatest near the surface where oxygen treatment nerve damage generic synthroid 75mcg mastercard, organic matter content pretreatment order cheap synthroid, and temperature are the highest medicine quinine cheap 75mcg synthroid with amex. Positively-charged cations are attracted to these negatively-charged particles medications list form cheap 75 mcg synthroid with mastercard, just as opposite poles of magnets attract one another. Cation exchange is the ability of soil clays and organic matter to adsorb and exchange cations with those in soil solution (water in soil pore space). Cation adsorption is reversible if other cations in soil solution are sufficiently concentrated to displace those attracted to the negative charge on clay and organic matter surfaces. The quantity of cation exchange is measured per unit of soil weight and is termed cation exchange capacity. Thus, cation exchange capacity of soils is dependent upon both organic matter content and content and type of clays. Cation exchange capacity is an important phenomenon for two reasons: · exchangeablecationssuchascalcium,magnesium, and potassium are readily available for plant uptake · cationsadsorbedtoexchangesitesaremore resistant to leaching, or downward movement in soils with water Movement of cations below the rooting depth of plants is associated with weathering of soils. Pesticides or organics with positively charged functional groups are also attracted to cation exchange sites and may be removed from the soil solution, making them less subject to loss and potential pollution. Calcium (Ca++) is normally the predominant exchangeable cation in soils, even in acid, weathered soils. In highly weathered soils, aluminum (Al+3) may become the dominant exchangeable cation. The energy of retention of cations on negatively charged exchange sites varies with the particular cation. The order of retention is: aluminum > calcium > magnesium > potassium > sodium > hydrogen. Cations with increasing positive charge and decreasing hydrated size are most tightly held. Calcium ions, for example, can rather easily replace sodium ions from exchange sites. The cations of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium produce an alkaline reaction in water and are termed bases or basic cations. Aluminum and hydrogen ions produce acidity in water and are called acidic cations. The percentage of the cation exchange capacity occupied by basic cations is called percent base saturation. Soil pH is a commonly measured soil chemical property and also one of the more informative. Since pH (the negative log of the hydrogen ion activity in solution) is an inverse, or negative, function, soil pH decreases as hydrogen ion, or acidity, increases in soil solution. Soil pH values greater than 7 signify alkaline conditions, whereas those with values less than 7 indicate acidic conditions. Soil pH affects the quantity, activity, and types of microorganisms in soils which in turn influence decomposition of crop residues, manures, sludges and other organics. It also affects other nutrient transformations and the solubility, or plant availability, of many plant essential nutrients. Bacteria which are important mediators of numerous nutrient transformation mechanisms in soils generally tend to be most active in slightly acid to alkaline conditions. It is also useful in evaluating the relative tolerance of plants to salt and the suitability of a soil for certain crops. Suitability of a soil for cropping depends heavily on the soils ability to conduct water and air (permeability) and on physical properties of the seedbed (tilth). However, in sodic soils, physiochemical reactions cause aggregates to slake and clay minerals to swell and disperse, leading to reduced permeability and poor tilth. Although weathering of the primary minerals is the indirect source of nearly all soluble salts, there are few instances where sufficient salts accumulated in place to form a saline soil. Saline soils usually occur in areas that receive salts from other locations, and water is the primary carrier. Management techniques, which allow excess soil moisture to migrate beneath the rooting zone, create a saline shallow groundwater flow system that moves down gradient to a discharge area, where the salinized water evaporates, creating a saline seep. The most common land use creating saline seeps is a cropping system that involves summer fallow.

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