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By: G. Akrabor, M.A., Ph.D.

Program Director, Homer G. Phillips College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Recently antibiotic resistance correlates with transmission in plasmid evolution quality keflex 250 mg, the introduction of autologous stem cell transplantation (see Chapter 32) as a mainstayofmyelomatherapyandtheavailabilityofagentssuch as thalidomide virus zeus 250 mg keflex visa, lenalidomide treatment for sinus infection in pregnancy cheap keflex 750mg line, and bortezomib have changed the medical management of active (symptomatic) myeloma and extended overall survival antimicrobial bath mat generic keflex 750 mg visa. New proteasome inhibitors, immunomodulatorydrugs(pomalidomide),targetedtherapies, epigenetic agents, and humanized monoclonal antibodies are currentlyundergoingclinicaltrialinvestigations. Vaccinationwiththemyelomaidiotypeofamonoclonal immunoglobulin is an investigational means of immunotherapy. Blotting techniques may replace the current approach to the laboratory evaluation of monoclonal gammopathies. Strategies are being investigated to develop risk-adapted approachestotreatmentbasedonknowledgeofgeneticpolymorphismsormutationsthatmodulatethemolecularpathways thatunderliethepathogenesisofthedisease. Initially, disease onset is slow and insidious, withthepaceofmanifestationsdeterminedbytherateofproliferationoftheIgM-secretingclone. Patients undergo weight loss and the incidence of infection is twice the normal rate. As the disease progresses, about 40% of patients develop hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, andlymphadenopathy. IgM collects on the endothelial side of the basement membrane of the kidney; sometimes these macroglobulin accumulationsobstructglomerularcapillaries. Rouleaux induced by elevations of IgM causes distention of veins and capillaries;retinaloxygenationdiminishesasrouleaux-inducing IgMrises. AsaresultofincreasedIgMlevels,retinalhemorrhage, exudate formation, and varicosities develop, which can leadtomorepermanentretinaldamageunlessIgMlevelsare loweredbytherapy. Neuropsychiatric Problems the most common serious neurologic consequence of the slowedcerebralperfusioncausedbymacroglobulinemiaisacute cerebral malfunction, beginning with headache, fluctuating confusion,forgetfulness,andslowedmentation. Thisconditionisassociatedwithanincreaseinspinalfluidprotein and deposits of monoclonal IgM on myelin sheaths. About90%ofIgMremains trapped in the circulating plasma and exerts an unbalanced transendothelial osmotic effect sufficient to cause marked expansion of the plasma volume. A small number of patients develop flat, violaceous, macular skin lesions resulting from dense infiltration by lymphoplasmacytoid cells. Immunologic Manifestations the basic abnormality in this macroglobulinemia is uncontrolledproliferationofBlymphocytesandplasmacells. Diagnostic Evaluation Hematologic Assessment Microscopic examination of a bone marrow aspirate reveals that the lymphoplasmacytic cells vary morphologically from smalllymphocytestoobviousplasmacells. The total peripheral blood leukocyte count is usually normal, with an absolute lymphocytosis. Diagnosisismadebythedemonstration of a homogeneous M component composed of monoclonal IgM. Quantitation of immunoglobulins reveals IgM levels ranging from 1 to 12 g/dL (usually, >3 g/dL), accountingfor20%to70%oftotalprotein. Many cryoglobulins have the ability to fix complement and initiate an inflammatory reaction similar to that of antigenantibody complexes. Newerstudieshavesuggestedthatextended-doserituximab and other treatment options are likely to yield as good or even better results than currently recommended therapy. Visualexaminationof the electrophoretic pattern is essential because a small lightchain band frequently does not exhibit a significant peak on densitometricscanning. Alpha heavy-chain disease is the most common of the heavy-chain gammopathiesandisfrequentlyseeninmenofMediterranean descent. Heavy chains may be detected in serum, urine, or both (dependingontheclassofheavychaininvolved). Gammopathies With More Than One Band Insomecases,morethanonemonoclonalbandisproduced. Althoughgammopathieswithtwobandsmayrepresentatrue biclonal condition, routine laboratory techniques cannot distinguishbetweenthevariousmechanismsthatcouldproduce twoormoremonoclonalbands. Insuchcases,synthesisofanintact monoclonal immunoglobulin and an excess of monoclonal lightchainsmaybeobserved.

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The attending physician noted massive hepatomegaly and splenomegaly antibiotics for uti planned parenthood purchase keflex 500 mg without prescription, mental retardation antibiotics for acne control order keflex 250mg visa, marked pallor antibiotic resistance vietnam buy cheap keflex 250mg line, and hematologic complications antibiotics for acne for sale buy generic keflex 500mg on-line. White cells were taken to assay for glucocerebrosidase, and the activity of the enzyme was found to be markedly below normal. Except for the brain, glucocerebroside arises mainly from the breakdown of old red and white blood cells. Without the proper degradation of glucocerebroside due to a lack of glucocerebrosidase, it accumulates in cells and tissues responsible for its turnover. The easy bruising is due to a low blood platelet count, and the lethargy is due to the anemia. Enzyme replacement therapy results in the reduction of hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal abnormalities, and other Gaucher-associated problems. The major drawback of therapy using intravenously administered recombinant glucocerebrosidase is its prohibitive cost (several hundred thousand dollars per year). As part of a study to quantify contributors of stress to hyperglycemia and ketosis in diabetes, normal hepatocytes and adipocytes in tissue culture were treated with cortisol and analyzed by Northern blotting using a gene-specific probe. Hypolacticacidemia Ketoacidosis Hyperglycemia Dicarboxylic acidosis Hyperchylomicronemia 3. A l4-year-old boy has been experiencing progressive onset of muscle fatigue and cramping. His physician finds no evidence for hypoglycemia, and fatty acids are released appropriately in response to a glucagon challenge. A muscle biopsy reveals unusual lipid-filled vacuoles in the cytoplasm of his myocytes. I 10 15 2025 days 24 48 72 hrs 15 20 25 days glycogenolysis glycogenolysis gl uconeogenesis c. Pre-appointment blood work was requested and the results are shown below: Fasting blood glucose Hemoglobin A Hemoglobin Ale Urine ketones Urine glucose 7. Galactokinase Aldose reductase Glucokinase Galactose 1-P uridyl transferase Aldolase B 8. Presence of ketone bodies Hyperglycemia Lipemia Elevated HbA1c Lipoprotein lipase 9. A 40-year-old woman with a history of bleeding and pancytopenia now presents with leg pain. She describes a deep, dull pain of increasing severity that required pain medication. Hepatic gluconeogenesis Skeletal muscle glycogenolysis Adipose tissue lipolysis Skeletal muscle proteolysis Hepatic glycogenolysis Answers 1. Triglyceride accumulation in muscle is not normal and indicates fatty acids are not entering the mitochondria normally. Glycogen depleted around 18 hours, gluconeogenesis from protein begins to drop gradually, and by 2 weeks, ketones have become the more important fuel for the brain. Aldose reductase is rich in lens and nerve tissue (among others) and converts glucose to sorbitol, which causes the osmotic damage. HbAlc is glycosylated HbA and is produced slowly whenever the glucose in blood is elevated. Glucocerebrosides would accumulate in the cells because the missing enzyme is glucosy1cerebrosidase. Amino acids released from proteins usually lose their amino group through transamination or deamination. The carbon skeletons can be converted in the liver to glucose (glucogenic amino acids), acetyl CcA, and ketone bodies (ketogenic), or in a few cases both may be produced (glucogenic and ketogenic). The kidney adds small quantities of ammonium ion to the urine in part to regulate acid-base balance, but nitrogen is also eliminated in this process. Most excess nitrogen is converted to urea in the liver and goes through the blood to the kidney, where it is eliminated in urine. An elevated concentration of ammonium ion in the blood, hyperammonemia, has toxic effects in the brain (cerebral edema, convulsions, coma, and death). Most tissues add excess nitrogen to the blood as glutamine by attaching ammonia to the y-carboxyl group of glutamine. Figure 1-17-1 summarizes the flow of nitrogen from tissues to either the liver or kidney for excretion. Glutaminase the kidney contains glutaminase, allowing it to deaminate glutamine arriving in the blood and to eliminate the amino group as ammonium ion in urine.

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