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By: S. Mufassa, M.A., M.D.

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Though the discovery of neuronal stem cells was momentous blood pressure medication while breastfeeding order 40 mg furosemide amex, it is only one of the ways the aging brain can rejuvenate and improve itself blood pressure tracking chart printable generic 40mg furosemide visa. Paradoxically heart attack karaoke demi lovato furosemide 100 mg amex, sometimes losing neurons can improve brain function blood pressure cuff size cheap furosemide master card, as happens in the massive "pruning back" that occurs during adolescence when synaptic connections and neurons that have not been extensively used die off, in perhaps the most dramatic case of use it or lose it. Keeping unused neurons supplied with blood, oxygen, and energy is wasteful, and getting rid of them keeps the brain more focused and efficient. That we still have some neurogenesis in old age is not to deny that our brains, like our other organs, gradually decline. Researchers Mellanie Springer and Cheryl Grady of the University of Toronto have shown that as we age, we tend to perform cognitive activities in different lobes of the brain from those we use when we are young. This shift within the brain is another sign of plasticity - shifting processing areas from one lobe to another is about as large a migration as a function can make. No one knows for sure why this shift happens, or why so many studies suggest that people with more education seem better protected from mental decline. The most popular theory is that years of education create a "cognitive reserve" - many more networks devoted to mental activity - that we can call upon as our brains decline. We now know that exercise and mental activity in animals generate and sustain more brain cells, and we have many studies confirming that humans who lead mentally active lives have better brain function. Those that involve genuine concentration - studying a musical instrument, playing board games, reading, and dancing - are associated with a lower risk for dementia. Dancing, which requires learning new moves, is both physically and mentally challenging and requires much concentration. Karansky, it turns out, was doing everything right to fight off age-related memory loss, making him an exemplary model for the common practices we should all be pursuing. Physical activity is helpful not only because it creates new neurons but because the mind is based in the brain, and the brain needs oxygen. Walking, cycling, or cardiovascular exercise strengthens the heart and the blood vessels that supply the brain and helps people who engage in these activities feel mentally sharper - as pointed out by the Roman philosopher Seneca two thousand years ago. In fact, whatever keeps the heart and blood vessels fit invigorates the brain, including a healthy diet. A brutal workout is not necessary - consistent natural movement of the limbs will do. As van Praag and Gage discovered, simply walking, at a good pace, stimulates the growth of new neurons. These functions begin to deteriorate as we age, making us prone to falling and becoming housebound. Nothing speeds brain atrophy more than being immobilized in the same environment; the monotony undermines our dopamine and attentional systems crucial to maintaining brain plasticity. A cognitively rich physical activity such as learning new dances will probably help ward off balance problems and have the added benefit of being social, which also preserves brain health. It also has a meditative aspect, which has been proven very effective in lowering stress and so is likely to preserve memory and the hippocampal neurons. Karansky is always learning new things, which plays a role in being happy and healthy in old age, according to Dr. George Vaillant, a Harvard psychiatrist who heads up the largest, longest ongoing study of the human life cycle, the Harvard Study of Adult Development. Some of these people, now in their eighties, have been tracked for over six decades. Vaillant concluded that old age is not simply a process of decline and decay, as many younger people think. Older people often develop new skills and are often wiser and more socially adept than they were as younger adults. These elderly people are actually less prone to depression than younger people and usually do not suffer from incapacitating disease until they get their final illness. Of course, challenging mental activities will increase the likelihood that our hippocampal neurons will survive. David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, taught himself ancient Greek in old age to master the classics in the original.

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Ultimately blood pressure explanation cheap furosemide 40mg without a prescription, absence of cough pulse pressure 50 mmhg furosemide 40mg for sale, abrupt onset fever and presence of tonsillar exudates with swelling should prompt a throat swab pulse pressure greater than 80 purchase furosemide 100 mg with visa. If a throat swab returns positive with group A streptococcus in a child with clinical signs of strep pharyngitis blood pressure chart 50 year old male discount 40 mg furosemide amex, he or she requires a 10 day course of penicillin or amoxicillin. The main reason to treat strep pharyngitis is to reduce the risk of complications and waiting 1-2 days for a swab result does not impact occurrence rates. Children with strep pharyngitis may develop two types of complications: suppurative meaning pus-forming, or non-suppurative. Suppurative complications include tonsillopharyngeal cellulitis or abscess, otitis media, meningitis and brain abscesses. Non-suppurative complications include scarlet fever, acute rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Scarlet fever may present with a sandpaper papular rash and a strawberry tongue along with a sore throat. Rheumatic fever historically was a common cause of valvular heart disease, however incidence has significantly reduced with the introduction of antibiotic therapy. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis generally presents 1-2 weeks following onset of pharyngitis. The child will present with cola-coloured urine, periorbital edema, malaise, and decreased appetite. Treatment for poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is beyond the scope of this podcast but it is important to note that treating Group A Strep pharyngitis does not prevent the complication of glomerulonephritis so to be aware of this in counseling and follow-up. In the past, these patients were readily referred for tonsillectomy but more recent evidence suggests that a child should have repeated confirmed strep infections before the benefits outweigh the risks of surgery. Far fewer children people are getting tonsillectomies today than before, but parents will still often request surgery. Current guidelines recommend tonsillectomy in a patient who has had 7 episodes in the past year, 5 episodes per year in the past 2 years or 3 episodes per year in the past 3 years, and all infections should be culture confirmed group A strep. Decisions regarding surgery should always be discussed with families on a case-by-case basis. Last on our list of common infectious causes of sore throat is infectious mononucleosis. On exam, the child may have erythematous tonsils with exudate, palatal petechiae, symmetrical lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly. A child with a presentation of infectious mononucleosis may require a throat swab depending on the clinical suspicion of strep pharyngitis. Administration of antibiotics to patients with mono often results in a rash that is maculopapular in nature. Children should be counseled to avoid contact sports for the duration of illness due to the risk of splenic trauma. Next, we will review the investigations and treatment for the emergent causes of sore throat. The child will present with severe sore throat, stridor, coarse voice, dysphagia, and fever. On exam, the child may appear toxic, be tachycardic, tachypneic and have low oxygen saturation. On exam, they may have increased work of breathing, cervical lymphadenopathy, drooling, and neck stiffness. Lateral neck soft-tissue x-ray, or bedside ultrasound are methods of visualizing the epiglottis. Patients with epiglottitis should be admitted to an intensive care setting for continuous monitoring. Empiric antibiotic therapy, such as Ceftriaxone, should be given to cover group A streptococcus, Staph aureus and respiratory anaerobes. Once the child is afebrile and has clinically improved, therapy can be stepped down to oral antibiotics to complete a 14-day course. Children with retropharyngeal abscesses may present similarly to epiglottitis with rapid onset of severe sore throat, stridor, coarse voice, dysphagia and fever, but they may also have a vague and nonspecific presentation.

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Though there is still more work to be done on oxytocin in humans normal blood pressure chart uk 40mg furosemide with mastercard, evidence suggests that its effect is similar to that in prairie voles: it makes us commit to our partners and devotes us to our children blood pressure joint pain cheap furosemide 40mg on line. In sheep coenzyme q10 high blood pressure medication buy 100 mg furosemide with amex, oxytocin is released in the olfactory bulb arrhythmia ultrasound discount furosemide on line, a part of the brain involved in odor perception, with each new litter. Sheep and many other animals bond with, or "imprint" on, their offspring by scent. But if oxytocin is injected into a mother ewe when exposed to an unfamiliar lamb, she will mother the strange lamb too. Oxytocin is not, however, released with the first litter - only with those litters that follow - suggesting that the oxytocin plays the role of wiping out the neural circuits that bonded the mother with her first litter, so she can bond with her second. Freeman proposes that oxytocin melts down existing neuronal connections that underlie existing attachments, so new attachments can be formed. Nor does it make lovers cooperative and kind; rather, it makes it possible for them to learn new patterns. There is some dispute over the idea that oxytocin is solely responsible for this new burst of learning. For changes in our existing attachment, or how it might facilitate these changes, neuroscientist Zarc Pansckip argues that oxytocin and combination with other brain chemicals is so overwhelmingly good at reducing our feeling of separation distress that the pain of losing previous attachment makes less eminent impression than it would otherwise. The relative lack of distress may also free us to learn new things, and form new bonds, while partially reconfiguring our existing relationship. Plasticity allows us to develop brains so unique - in response to our individual life experiences - that it is often hard to see the world as others do, to want what they want, or to cooperate. The brain for Freeman is fundamentally an organ of socialization, and so there must be a mechanism that, from time to time, undoes our tendency to become overly individualized, overly self-involved, and too self-centered. As Freeman says, "The deepest meaning of sexual experience lies not in pleasure, or even in reproduction, but in the opportunity it affords to surmount the solipsistic gulf, opening the door, so to speak, whether or not one undertakes the work to go through. Contrast him with the inveterate bachelor who never falls in love and becomes more eccentric and rigid with each passing year, plastically reinforcing his routines through repetition. Unlearning in love allows us to change our image of ourselves - for the better, if we have an adoring partner. But it also helps account for our vulnerability when we fall in love and explains why so many self-possessed young men and women, who fall in love with a manipulative, undermining, or devaluing person, often lose all sense of self and become plagued with self-doubt, from which it may take years to recover. Understanding unlearning, and some of the fine points of brain plasticity, turned out to be crucial in the treatment of my patient A. One of his most tormenting symptoms was the almost perfect fusion in his mind of sex with aggression. He felt that to love someone was to consume her, to eat her alive, and that to be loved was to be eaten alive. And his feeling that sexual intercourse was a violent act upset him greatly, yet excited him. Thoughts of sexual intercourse immediately led to thoughts of violence, and thoughts of violence, to sex. Merzenich has described a number of "brain traps" that occur when two brain maps, meant to be separate, merge. When a musician uses two fingers together frequently enough while playing an instrument, the maps for the two fingers sometimes fuse, and when the musician tries to move only one finger, the other moves too. The harder the person tries to get out of the brain trap, the deeper he gets into it, developing a condition called "focal dystonia. Each time they try to say the sounds properly, they say them incorrectly, reinforcing the problem. Each time he thought of violence, he thought of sex, reinforcing the connection in the merged map. The trick is not to try to move the fingers separately, but to relearn how to use their hands the way they did as babies. When treating guitarists with focal dystonias who have lost control of their fingers, for example, she first instructs them to stop playing guitar for a while, to weaken the merged map. Then a single string with a different feel from a normal guitar string is put on the guitar, and they feel it carefully, but with only one finger. Eventually the fused brain maps for their fingers separate into two distinct maps, and they can play again.

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In the bamboo zone pulmonary hypertension zebra order 100mg furosemide overnight delivery, Podocarpus latifolius pulse pressure equivalent buy furosemide 40mg online, Bersama abyssinica and Neoboutonia macrocalyx were the most abundant woody species in the forest reserve arrhythmia heart failure cheap 40 mg furosemide otc. The national park had Podocarpus falcatus and Dovyalis abyssinica as the most abundant woody species in this vegetation zone (Table 2) blood pressure elderly discount furosemide 100mg fast delivery. In the sub-alpine montane heath, Juniperus procera, Erica arborea and Rapanea melanophloeos were the most abundant woody species within the forest reserve. Key woody species of the forest reserve and national park in different vegetation zones of Mt Elgon Forest Ecosystem Vegetation Forest area Key woody species (listed from most abundant to least zone abundant) Mixed Forest Neoboutonia macrocalyx, Casearia battiscombei, Ekebergia montane reserve capensis, Aningeria adolfi-friedericii, Celtis africana forest National Park Ficus thonningii, Podocarpus falcatus, Croton microstachyus, Olea europea subsp caudata, Trichocladus ellipticus Bamboo Forest Podocarpus latifolius, Bersama abyssinica, Neoboutonia vegetation reserve macrocalyx Podocarpus falcatus, Dovyalis abyssinica, Teclea nobilis, National Diospyros abyssinica Park Sub-alpine Forest Juniperus procera, Erica arborea, Rapanea melanophloeos, heath reserve Hagenia abyssinica, Hypericum keniense National Park - Herbaceous species associations within vegetation zones the mixed montane forest had 59 herbaceous species, of which Pennisetum clandestinum, Cyperus articulates and Setaria plicatilis were the dominant grasses, while Hypoestes forskhalii and Galinsoga parviflora were the dominant herbs within the forest reserve (Table 3). In the national park, Cyperus difformis and Oplismenus hirtellus were the dominant grasses, while Hypoestes forskhalii and Achyranthus aspera were the most abundant herbs. The bamboo zone had 36 herbaceous species, of which Yushania alpina and Pennisetum clandestinum were the dominant grasses, while Hypoestes forskhalii and Cyathula polycephala were the dominant herbs within the forest reserve (Table 3). Yushania alpina was the dominant grass, while Hypoestes forskhalii and Achyranthus aspera were the dominant herbs in the national park. The sub-alpine montane heath had 42 herbaceous species, of which Cyperus difformis, Cyperus kyllinga, Cyperus articulates and Digitaria scalarum were the abundant grasses, while Alchemilla rothii, Oxalis comiculata and Satureja biflorawere the most abundant herbs within the forest reserve (Table 3). Cyperus articulates, Cyperus kyllinga and Digitaria scalarum were the dominant grasses, while Commelina benghalensis and Tephrosiauniflora were the dominant herbs within the national park. Key herbaceous species of the forest reserve and national park in different vegetation zones of Mt Elgon Forest Ecosystem Vegetation zone Forest area Life-form Key herbaceous species (listed from most abundant to least abundant) Mixed montane forest Forest reserve Grass Pennisetumclandestinum, Cyperus articulates, Setariaplicatilis Forest reserve Herb Hypoestesforskhalii, Galinsoga parviflora National Park Grass Cyperusdifformis, Oplismenushirtellus National Park Herb Hypoestesforskhalii, Achyranthusaspera Bamboo vegetation Forest reserve Grass Ushania alpina, Pennisetumclandestinum Forest reserve Herb Hypoestesforskhalii, Cyathulapolycephala National Park Grass Ushania alpina, National Park Herb Hypoestesforskhalii, Achyranthusaspera Sub-alpine heath Forest reserve Grass Cyperusdifformis, Cyperuskyllinga, Cyperus articulates, Digitariascalarum Forest reserve Herb Alchemilla rothii, Oxalis comiculata, Satureja biflora National Park Grass Cyperus articulates, Cyperuskyllinga, Digitariascalarum National Park Herb Commelinabenghalensis, Tephrosiauniflora Stand structure Stem density the national park had a relatively higher stem density than the forest reserve within the mixed montane forest (Figure 2). In the bamboo zone, the forest reserve had a higher stem density than the national park. In the sub-alpine montane heath, the forest reserve had a higher stem density than the national park, whose physiognomy was largely grassland in this vegetation zone. Stem density of the forest reserve and national park in different vegetation zones of Mount Elgon Forest Ecosystem Stem diameter at breast height Within the mixed montane forest zone, trees in the forest reserve had relatively larger diameter at breast height than those of the national park (Figure 3). However, in the bamboo zone, trees in the national park had larger stem diameter than those in the forest reserve. Mean stem diameter at breast heightof trees of the forest reserve and national park in different vegetation zones of Mount Elgon Forest Ecosystem Forest canopy height Among trees found in the mixed montane forest zone, those in the forest reserve were significantly taller than those in the national park (Figure 4). In the bamboo zone, however, trees in the national park were relatively taller than those in the forest reserve. In the bamboo zone, trees in the national park had a relatively larger basal area compared to those in the forest reserve. This observation can be explained by intermediate disturbance hypothesis (Wilson, 1994), which states that lack of site disturbance leads to lower species diversity because plant species that are favoured by the prevailing environment condition tend to dominate and outcompete the less favoured ones. The same hypothesis states that very high levels of disturbance lead to the elimination of less favoured species hence lowering species diversity. Thus, according to this hypothesis, less favoured species are vulnerable to competitive exclusion either due to lack of site disturbance or very high levels of disturbance. Moderate levels of disturbance, on the other hand, lead to a situation where both environmentally dominant species and rare taxa get a chance to establish. It is possible, therefore, that controlled resource use that prevailed in the forest reserve led to moderate levels of disturbance, while the exclusive resource preservation approach of the national park subjected it to a complete lack of disturbance or very high levels of it. It is not clear at this stage what may have caused a high level of disturbance in the national park. Similarly, the forest reserve had the same woody species richness as the national park in the mixed montane forest, but the latter had a lower woody species richness in the bamboo zone than the former. In the sub-alpine montane heath, the national park had degenerated to a grassland, unlike the forest reserve that had at least seven woody species in this vegetation zone. The decline in woody species richness in the national park within the bamboo zone and sub-alpine heath is not consistent with the objective of the resource preservation approach, which is expected to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and not loss of it. The forest reserve, which supported community-based conservation approach, appeared to perform better in biodiversity conservation in this regard than the national park. Two likely causes of low species richness in the national park are uprooting of woody plants by elephants and/or having a high number of herbivores than the carrying capacity of the protected area.

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