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By: Y. Grubuz, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Professor, TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine

Shakespeare produces the Merry Wives of Windsor pain throat treatment purchase benemid 500mg visa, possibly at the request of Queen Elizabeth I knee pain treatment ligament cheapest benemid. Twelfth Night pain treatment center pasadena drive lexington ky purchase benemid canada, or What You Will and the History of Troilus and Cressida are produced tennova comprehensive pain treatment center north buy discount benemid 500 mg on line. This renewal of interest in classical learning and literature moved Europeans from medieval habits of thought toward more modern habits. Rediscovering the arts and literature of classical Greece and Rome brought about, first in Italy and then in the rest of Europe, a renewed interest in human life on earth. The Renaissance devotion to Greek and Latin classics has thus become known as Humanism. Many Humanist philosophers believed that human beings were created in the image of God and that each person was a little world, or microcosmos, complete in himself or herself. They believed that humans, sharing as they did in the divine, could perfect themselves and the institutions of this world. Out of this belief came a new emphasis on learning and on the arts, as well as religious and political debates that led to the Protestant Reformation, the decline of feudalism, and the emergence of modern nationalism. Also, the invention of the printing press in 1453 allowed information to spread more quickly and encouraged people to read, to write, to think for themselves, and to challenge authority. In England, the period from 1558 to 1603 is known as the Elizabethan Age after Elizabeth I, the queen who reigned during this period. English literature reached what many people consider to be its zenith during the Elizabethan Age. Shakespeare wrote and produced his plays at the height of the Elizabethan period and throughout much of the Jacobean period, the period from 1603 to 1625 when James I ruled England. While the plots of these plays are derived from classical sources, Shakespeare also was inspired by and reworked the stories and plays of his contemporaries to produce the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, As You Like It, and other plays. Types of Renaissance Drama the two most common types of drama during the English Renaissance were comedies and tragedies. The key difference between comedies and tragedies is that the former have happy endings and the latter unhappy. It is only a slight exaggeration to say that Renaissance comedies end with wedding bells and tragedies with funeral bells. A comedy is typically lighthearted, though it may contain serious action and themes. Action in a comedy usually progresses from initial order to a humorous misunderstanding or confusion and back to order again. Stock elements of comedy include mistaken identities, puns and word play, and coarse or exaggerated characters. Often it celebrates the courage and dignity of its hero in the face of inevitable doom. The hero is typically neither completely good nor completely evil but lives and acts between these extremes. Shakespeare frequently used elements of tragedy in his histories, although some of his histories also include comic elements. Masques were popular in the courts of Elizabeth I and James I, and their theme was often an allegorical or mythological compliment to the noble or group of nobles for whom they were performed. Shakespeare often included in his plays such elements of masques as processions or masked dances. They combine comic and tragic themes, and contain plots that move towards reunion, reconciliation, and regeneration. The Political Conditions of Theater in Renaissance London In the late sixteenth century, London was a bustling city of perhaps 150,000 people-the mercantile, political, and artistic center of England. The city proper was ruled by a mayor and aldermen who frowned upon theater because it brought together large crowds of people, creating the potential for lawlessness and the spread of controversial ideas and disease. Many times, London city officials or Parliament ordered the theaters closed, once because they objected to the political content of a play called Isle of Dogs, and regularly because of outbreaks of plague.

Hawksbill Turtle - Like the mollusk (giant triton) and the giant clam treatment guidelines for pain 500mg benemid with mastercard, it is protected by a shell and has been overharvested by humans for its meat and shell the pain treatment center of the bluegrass discount benemid 500 mg free shipping. Like the gray reef shark and spotted eagle ray treating pain for uti cheap 500mg benemid overnight delivery, it swims in the lagoon and along the reef face pain treatment for lupus benemid 500mg with visa. Lionfish - the lionfish uses camouflage for protection like the clown triggerfish and the butterflyfish. Like the damselfish and the butterflyfish, it hides among the hard coral to stay safe from predators. Like the sea anemone, the clown triggerfish, and the spotted eagle ray, it is very poisonous. Like the gray reef shark and the polyps of the hard coral and soft coral, the lionfish is mostly stationary during the daytime but actively feeds at night. Moray Eel - Like the shark, the moray eel has pointed teeth and is not dangerous to humans unless provoked. Plankton: Zooplankton and Phytoplankton Plankton is eaten by the hard coral, the soft coral, and the spotted eagle ray. Like the gray reef shark, the lionfish, and the polyps of the hard coral, the soft coral polyps are nocturnal, actively feeding at night. Like the sea anemone and the hard coral polyps, the soft coral polyp is an invertebrate with tentacles and a mouth. Spotted Eagle Ray - Like the hawksbill turtle and the gray reef shark, the eagle ray swims in the lagoon and along the perimeter of the reef face. Like the sea anemone, the clown triggerfish, and the lionfish, it is very poisonous. Bind the book at the top, using either a book binding machine or punching three holes at the top of the book and lacing yarn or metal rings through the holes. Divide the animal cards evenly among the students and have them brainstorm a story using all the cards. Choose only one type of animal and have the students brainstorm a story with only one main character. This works especially well when older students create the big books and share them with the younger grades. Tell students that they will each be contributing one page to a big book about coral reef life. Review the role of each of the coral reef animals pictured in the form of a guessing game. Give each student one Coral Reef Life Card, one sheet of construction paper, drawing materials, scissors, and glue. The student then cuts out the animal, glues it onto the paper, and draws a scene around it. Once all students have finished their pages, the teacher or a student adds the title page. Objective: Students will sort out the different types of coral reef creatures (represented by "found" objects) and find the number of individuals of each type of creature. Reef 1: Kind of Animals Found spiny lobster shark clownfish sea turtle moray eel Number of Each Kind 2 5 8 0 2 6. Have student put a 5 next to the most abundant animal and an next to the least abundant animal. Explain that these objects represent a sample of the different kinds of animals that live on the coral reef (Reef 1). Objective: Students will identify plastic items that are often thrown away, and discuss how these items can be harmful to coral reef creatures. Students will discuss how these items should be recycled, reused, or reduced (used less). Have a student pull out a plastic item from the sack, and explain how it would harm one of the coral reef animals on display.

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Under President Botha pain treatment for carpal tunnel buy line benemid, the march would have been banned pain in jaw treatment generic 500mg benemid otc, marchers would have defied that ban pain treatment guidelines 2012 buy benemid 500mg line, and violence would have resulted jaw pain treatment medications generic benemid 500mg overnight delivery. The new president lived up to his promise to ease restrictions on political gatherings and permitted the march to take place, only asking that the demonstrators remain peaceful. We were joined by Gerrit Viljoen, the minister of constitutional development, a brilliant man with a doctorate in classics, whose role was to bring our discussions into a constitutional framework. I pressed the government to display evidence of its good intentions, urging the state to show its bona fides by releasing my fellow political prisoners at Pollsmoor and Robben Island. While I told the committee that my colleagues had to be released unconditionally, I said the government could expect disciplined behavior from them after their release. That was demonstrated by the conduct of Govan Mbeki, who had been unconditionally released at the end of 1987. On October 10, 1989, President de Klerk announced that Walter Sisulu and seven of my former Robben Island comrades, Raymond Mhlaba, Ahmed Kathrada, Andrew Mlangeni, Elias Motsoaledi, Jeff Masemola, Wilton Mkwayi, and Oscar Mpetha, were to be released. That morning, I had been visited by Walter, Kathy, Ray, and Andrew, who were still at Pollsmoor, and I was able to say good-bye. It was an action that rightly evoked praise here and abroad, and I conveyed my appreciation to Mr. But my gratitude paled compared to my unalloyed joy that Walter and the others were free. It was clear that the ban on the organization had effectively expired, a vindication of our long struggle and our resolute adherence to principle. De Klerk began a systematic dismantling of many of the building blocks of apartheid. He opened South African beaches to people of all colors, and stated that the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act would soon be repealed. Since 1953 this act had enforced what was known as "petty apartheid," segregating parks, theaters, restaurants, buses, libraries, toilets, and other public facilities, according to race. In November, he announced that the National Security Management System, a secret structure set up under P. In early December, I was informed that a meeting with de Klerk was set for the twelfth of that month. One of these young men was Cyril Ramaphosa, the general secretary of the National Union of Mine Workers and one of the ablest of the new generation of leadership. I also had visits from colleagues of mine from Robben Island, including Terror Lekota and Tokyo Sexwale, who stayed to lunch. They are both men with large appetites, and the only complaint I heard about them was from Warrant Officer Swart, who said, "Those fellows will eat us out of house and home! The government asked for an "honest commitment to peace" and I pointed out that our readiness to negotiate was exactly that. His words had imbued millions of South Africans and people around the world with the hope that a new South Africa was about to be born. The very first step on the road to reconciliation, I said, was the complete dismantling of apartheid and all the measures used to enforce it. Those demands included the release of all political prisoners, the lifting of all bans on restricted organizations and persons, the end to the State of Emergency, and the removal of all troops from the townships. I stressed that a mutually agreed-upon cease-fire to end hostilities ought to be the first order of business, for without that, no business could be conducted. National Party leaders generally heard what they wanted to hear in discussions with black leaders, but Mr. Although they defined "group rights" as a way of protecting the freedom of minorities in a new South Africa, in fact their proposal was a means of preserving white domination. I mentioned an editorial that I had recently read in Die Burger, the mouthpiece of the National Party in the Cape, implying that the group rights concept was conceived as an attempt to bring back apartheid through the back door. It was a mark of the man that he listened to what I had to say and did not argue with me. I reaffirmed that if I was released into the same conditions under which I had been arrested I would go back to doing precisely those things for which I had been imprisoned.

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The breed has some resemblance to the Nubian except for longer hair on the rear legs regional pain treatment medical center inc buy discount benemid 500mg online. For the most part pain throat treatment cheap benemid 500mg otc, Nigerian Dwarfs are a hearty breed and seldom have kidding problems natural treatment for shingles nerve pain benemid 500 mg generic. They are fine-boned back pain treatment options 500 mg benemid amex, with a long, refined neck and straight or slightly dished profile. The hair is short and fine with a wide color range including brown, black and golden, often with random white markings. Zaraibi (Egyptian Nubian, Theban) Average lactation is 250 to 300 kg (551 to 661 lb) over sixmonth cycle. The name translates into "barn type", indicating that they were managed in confinement or tethered around dwellings. The Zaraibi is the rarest of the three ancestors of the Anglo-Nubian and is found in decreasing numbers in Egypt and Sudan. It has long legs, a long and deep body, and wide, long drooping ears that have a fold at the tip, especially in young kids. H A E N L E I N European Breeds were introduced to the United States and other areas as the quickest means for increasing milk production. These breeds are generally above average in size with mature does weighing 45 to 55 kg (100 to 120 lb) and bucks 60 to 75 kg (130 to 165 lb). When good nutritional standards are met, milk production ranges from 350 to 900 kg (770 to 1,980 lb) in 178 Appendix A: A Sampling of Goat Breeds Appendix A: A Sampling of Goat Breeds 179 a 300 day lactation. They can be considered both as purebred producers and for their potential in crossing with local goats. The Alpine is a highly developed milk breed and originated in the Swiss and Austrian Alps. They are medium to large in size and are hardy and adaptable animals, thriving in many climates. Due to many years of intensive selection, the breed has excellent dairy conformation and good fertility. Distinctive characteristics show the ancestry of Indian Jamnapari, Indian Chitral, British native and Zaraibi. The profile between the eyes and the muzzle is strongly convex, creating its Roman nose. The colors vary greatly, with black, tan or red colors predominating, often spotted or dappled. The Nubian is used in the Middle East, South America and the Caribbean to improve the milk and meat yield of native goats. The breed originated in Switzerland and is the largest Swiss breed averaging 50-75 kg (110 to 165 lb) in body weight. Saanens are vigorous animals, well-suited to intensive systems, and renowned for high milk production and excellent udders. However, Saanens do not fare well in strong tropical sunshine, where it must have access to shade at all times. The Saanen has been introduced into all continents and throughout the tropics and is the most widely distributed of the improved breeds. Toggenburg Average Lactation is 600 to 900 kg (1,320 to 1,980 lb) in 275 to 305 days. It has been called the oldest breed of Switzerland and was one of the first to be imported to the United States. They have course, long black hair, long, twisted horns which are scimitar-shaped and long lop ears that are carried laterally. Boer "Also known as Afrikaner, South African Common Goat, the Boer is an improved indigenous breed with some infusion of European. It is a horned breed with lop ears and showing a variety of color patterns and a convex profile.

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