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By: X. Larson, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

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Lung Fluke Paragonimus westermani (Oriental lung fluke) Geographical Distribution:-Extensively distributed in the Far East prostate cancer foods order generic alfuzosin pills, and focally in West African countries such as Zaire prostate cancer jobs buy generic alfuzosin, Nigeria prostate embolization proven alfuzosin 10mg, Cameroon and also in South America prostate ultrasound cpt buy cheap alfuzosin online. Parasitology 167 Habitat: Adults: In the lung of man Eggs: In the sputum of man Metacercariae: Fresh water crabs and crayfish Morphology: Adult: Size: 7. Avoid eating raw or uncooked crabs and crayfish Avoid contamination of water with sputum or faeces Destroy snails and their habitat Inspecting crabs and crayfish for metacercariae Treating infected individuals and giving health education Laboratory Diagnosis 1. Eggs in aspirates of pleural fluid and occasionally in faeces Parasitology 169 Review Questions Trematoda 1. Illustrate the classification of trematodes according to their habitat in human host. What hosts are required to complete the life cycle of medically important lung flukes? The most common nematode of medical importance are those inhabiting the intestinal tract. Most of these have a direct life cycle and their presence may be confirmed by detecting the characteristics eggs in feces. The filarai are long, slender round worms that parasitize the blood, lymph, subcutaneous and connective tissue of humans. All of the filaria are transmitted by insect vectors and most produce larva called microfilaria that may be demonstrated in the blood, lymph or connective tissue of the human host. Non segmented cylindrical or round worms Possess a shiny cuticle which may be smooth, spined, or ridged Mouth is surrounded by lips or papillae Sexes are separate with the male worms being smaller than the female 5. In the male there is a testis at the distal end of a long tube which terminates in copulatory organs consisting of one or two projections called spicules 6. Copulatory bursa, caudal alae or genital papillae Females are either viviparous (produce larvae) or oviparous (lay eggs) 8. Tissue nematodes are transmitted mainly by insect vectors and most intestinal nematodes are feco-oral route and soil transmitted. Adult worms live in the intestinal tract Female worms are oviparous (lay eggs) Humans are the only or the most significant hosts Most species are soil transmitted Before becoming adults in their human host, the larvae of A. Habitat: Adult: In the small intestine Egg: In the faeces Morphology:-Adult: colour: pinkish Male: size: about 15cm curved tail and two copulatory spicules of unequal size Female: size 2-25cm, with a straight tail. Fertilized Egg With Double Shell Size: about 70mShape: oval, or some times round Shell: the two layer are distinct, rough, brown, covered with little lumps external shell and smooth, thick, colourless Parasitology 172 internal shell. Unfertilized Egg With Double Shell size: 80-90m shape; more elongated (elliptical) shell: brown, puffy external shell and thin internal shell. Semi-decorticated Fertilized Egg Similar to Type A but With out the External Shell shell: single, smooth, thick and colourless or very pale yellow. Semi-Decorticated Unfertilized Egg Shell: a single smooth thin colourless shell (double line) Content: large rounded colourless refractile granules. Infection occurs by ingestion of the infective egg in contaminated food or drink, from contaminated hand. Following ingestion the larvae hatch in the small intestine and penetrate blood vessels in the small intestinal wall. After mating the female produces large number of eggs (200,000 eggs/day/ female) which are passed in the feces. Parasitology 175 -Its infection in children is known to affect gastrointestinal function. Infected children are often Vitamin A deficient and have low serum albumin levels. Frequent exposure to infection may result in impairment of physical and intellectual development. Prevent soil contamination by sanitary latrines and avoid disposal of faeces in the use of night soil as a fertilizer and washing hands before eating 2. Finding the eggs in faeces Identifying adult worms expelled through the anus or mouth. Relevance to Ethiopia: Ascaris lumbricoides is one of the commonest and most widespread human parasites in the world. Highest rates of infection are recorded from children in the age group 5 to 9 years old. Parasitology 176 Ascariasis is found in practically every Ethiopian community and is probably the most common communicable disease in the country, particularly in the malaria -free highlands. The most extensive survey of ascariasis in Ethiopia reported 44% of 32,276 persons, two thirds of them school children, infected.

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They succeeded in getting amendments to the Packers and Stockyards Act that opened the way for a voluntary checkoff system prostate 5lx softgels order 10mg alfuzosin with visa. Reflecting the forward-thinking of producers back then mens health depression trusted alfuzosin 10mg, as well as today prostate cancer 12 tumors purchase alfuzosin toronto, this represented the first voluntary checkoff program prostate 70 order 10mg alfuzosin with amex. By 1968, producer enthusiasm had spread, with 16 states organized and the nickel checkoff program launched nationwide. Pork Checkoff 7 Quick Facts Pork Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act of 1985 the need for additional funds to keep pork competitive with other meat and poultry helped producers make the decision to move from a voluntary to a legislative checkoff. A "100 percent Producer Task Force" organized an effort that led to the successful passage of federal legislation ­ the Pork Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act of 1985, more commonly referred to as the Pork Act, as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. After being overwhelmingly approved by a producer referendum, the national legislative Pork Checkoff was set in motion under the supervision of the U. Under the terms of the Pork Act, all pork producers and importers of pigs and pork products contribute a portion of all sales. The Pork Act created the National Pork Board, which is responsible for collecting the Checkoff and administering Checkofffunded programs that benefit producers with all sizes of operations. The National Pork Board is made up of 15 members who are nominated by the Pork Act Delegate Body and appointed by the secretary of agriculture. Since 2001, the National Pork Board has assumed responsibility for promotion, consumer education and research programs. The Pork Checkoff funds programs in the following areas: · Promotion ­ Centered on Pork. Pork Checkoff education programs complete this activity by making research results available to producers. Promotion, Consumer Information and Research the Pork Act stipulates that Checkoff funds must be used for promotion, research and consumer information programs. These programs are designed 8 Pork Checkoff Quick Facts Frequently Asked Questions What is the National Pork Board and how are its members appointed? The 15-member National Pork Board collects Checkoff funds and implements research, promotion and consumer information programs, such as advertising, retail marketing, export promotion, production improvement, and environmental management. Contact one of the following associations for assistance: American Association of Meat Processors, Frequently Asked Questions 9 Quick Facts What steps are producers taking to improve animal well-being? An advisor is trained by the Pork Checkoff and can offer certification training and administer exams to handlers. Advisors can include veterinarians, university Extension specialists and ag educators with a B. Environmental Protection Agency shows that the livestock industry only generates 2. Pork prices are cyclical and depend on many supply and demand factors, both at home and abroad. Looking back 40 years, hog prices rose in the 1970s, as did the prices of many other agricultural products. Hog prices stabilized in the 1980s and trended downward into the 1990s, due to new technologies and production efficiencies. By 2004, both pork and hog prices rose again, with pork prices reaching record levels and hog prices nearly matching record levels. By the fourth quarter of 2007, however, producers began to experience economic losses, and a downturn in the global economy in 2008, combined with the outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus in 2009, created a perfect storm for the pork industry. As prices declined, producers began taking steps to reduce the supply, which is one of the few steps producers of commodities can take to raise prices. The National Pork Board, which represents all producers by law, collects Pork Checkoff funds and uses those funds for education, promotion, research and communication. The National Pork Producers Council collects voluntary funds and uses them to manage industry and legislative issues affecting the pork industry and its members.

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Participate as an "at-the-elbow" observer during microscopic examination of active ophthalmology cases man health center order alfuzosin online now, including special stains prostate 600 plus buy online alfuzosin. Participate in gross examination and cutting of common ophthalmic pathology specimens (eg prostate 06 discount 10 mg alfuzosin with visa, eyelid biopsies mens health 9 alfuzosin 10mg low price, corneas, whole globes), and take macroscopic and microscopic photographs to document pathologies. Prepare a basic histologic specimen (eg, hematoxylin-eosin stain) for review by the ophthalmic pathologist. Perform microscopic examination of a specimen under supervision, and participate in writing the report, preferably previewing slides in advance of the pathologist to come up with a diagnosis and to suggest special stains and immunohistochemistry without the influence of the ophthalmic pathologist, followed by reviewing the report and special stain orders with the latter. Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist these goals relate to , but build upon and are more advanced and distinct from, the second and third years of ophthalmic residency training. Describe advanced ocular anatomy, and identify histology of the minor structures of the eye and their uncommon variants (eg congenital grouped pigmentation). Describe the histology of the less common but potentially vision or life-threatening ocular and adnexal diseases (eg, healed giant cell arteritis, mimics and masqueraders of inflammation and neoplasm, less common benign and malignant neoplasms). Describe ancillary procedures for oncology (eg, bone marrow aspiration, cerebrospinal fluid cytology). Manage consultation between the clinician and ophthalmic pathologist regarding indications for special stains (eg, Gram stain for bacteria, Congo red for amyloid; Gomori methenamine silver staining for fungi; Prussian blue for hemosiderosis; von Kossa for calcium; Oil Red O or Sudan Black for sebaceous carcinoma) or processing (eg, orientation of specimen, special handling). Participate as an observer during the microscopic examination of active ophthalmology cases, including more advanced stains and techniques. Participate in subspecialty clinical pathological meetings (eg, with corneal surgeons, infection specialists, tumor board). Handle appropriately gross or cytologic specimens in the ophthalmic pathology laboratory (eg, vitreous biopsy, exenteration specimen). Prepare more advanced histologic specimens for review by the ophthalmic pathologist (eg, special stains or fixation methods such as glutaraldehyde fixation for electron microscopy). Perform microscopic examination of a paraffin-embedded specimen and a frozen-section specimen without direct supervision; provide a relevant differential diagnosis; draft a report­preferably previewing slides in advance of the pathologist­to come up with a diagnosis and to suggest special stains and immunohistochemistry, without the influence of the ophthalmic pathologist; review the report and special stain orders with the ophthalmic pathologist. Participate with the ophthalmic pathologist in tumor board and similar multidisciplinary meetings, presentations on recent advances, and journal clubs involving pathology. Research requirement: Publish at least one paper based on basic, translational, or clinical research involving ophthalmic pathology. Perform preoperative and postoperative assessment of patients with common oculoplastic disorders. Describe basic anatomy and physiology (eg, orbicularis, meibomian glands, Zeis glands, orbital septum, levator muscle, Mьller muscle, Whitnall ligament, Lockwood ligament, preaponeurotic fat, scalp, face). Describe basic mechanisms and indications for treatment of eyelid trauma (lid margin sparing, lid margin involving, canaliculus involving). Describe mechanisms and indications for treatment of upper and lower eyelid retraction. Describe basic anatomy and physiology (eg, puncta, canaliculi, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct, endonasal anatomy, lacrimal glands). Describe mechanisms and indications for treatment of congenital and acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Recite the differential diagnosis of lacrimal gland mass (eg, inflammatory, neoplastic, congenital, infectious). Describe basic anatomy (eg, orbital bones, orbital foramina, paranasal sinuses, annulus of Zinn, arterial and venous vascular supply, nerves, extraocular muscles). Identify normal orbital and relevant nasal and paranasal sinus anatomy on imaging studies (eg, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging). Describe basic mechanisms and indications for treatment of orbital trauma (eg, medial wall and floor fractures, retrobulbar hemorrhage). Recite the differential diagnosis of common orbital tumors in children and adults. Describe indications for and perform the basic office examination techniques for the most common eyelid abnormalities (eg, margin reflex distance, palpebral fissure height, levator function, lagophthalmos, lid crease, lid laxity assessment, brow height, dermatochalasis, eversion, double eversion). Perform minor lid and conjunctival procedures (eg, repair of small eyelid laceration including marginal, removal of benign eyelid lesions, chalazion curettage or excision, conjunctival biopsy). Treat complications of minor operating room procedures (eg, incision and drainage of chalazia, excision of small eyelid lesions). Describe indications for and perform the basic office examination techniques for the most common lacrimal abnormalities (eg, Schirmer test, dye disappearance test, punctal position, punctal dilation, canalicular probing, lacrimal probing and irrigation). Describe indications for and perform an incision and drainage of the lacrimal sac.

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The disassembly of lamins results in the dissolution of the nuclear envelope in prometaphase of the cell cycle mens health tv cheap alfuzosin online. A re-replication block cannot occur in the G1 cell because it has not gone through S (answer e) androgen hormone and inflammation purchase alfuzosin 10 mg online. The lamins differ from other intermediate filament proteins in the presence of a nuclear import signal mens health december 2012 buy generic alfuzosin 10mg. The lamins form the core of the nuclear lamina prostate cancer facts buy alfuzosin without prescription, interact with nuclear envelope proteins, and play a role in the maintenance of the shape of the nucleus. Dephosphorylation of the lamins is associated with the reassembly of the nuclear envelope in telophase. The colchicine-tubulin complex is added at the positive end of the kinetochore, but it inhibits further addition of tubulin (answer c). The result is a biochemical capping of the tubulin at the growth end, preventing further tubulin addition. Cells are blocked in metaphase and cannot escape because microtubule motors are unable to function in generating the forces required for anaphase. Actin and myosin are involved in cytokinesis [the division of cytoplasm (answers a and b)], whereas tubulin and the microtubules regulate separation of the daughter nuclei and their contents. Taxol binds and stabilizes microtubules (answer e), causing a disruption of microtubule dynamics and inhibition of mitosis. Taxol and colchicine are similar in binding only to ,-tubulin dimers and microtubules. It is transcriptionally inactive during the interphase stage of the cell cycle, when the genetic material is normally duplicated. Heterochromatin is one of two subclassifications of chromatin on a morphologic basis. Euchromatin (B) is actively transcribed chromatin and is visible only with the use of electron microscopy. The nuclear envelope (C) shields the nucleus from the cytoplasm, which allows the sequestration of the genetic material from mechanical cytoplasmic forces. The separate nuclear compartment also allows for separation of the cellular processes of transcription and translation. The inner nuclear membrane is associated with a lamina of fibrous proteins including intermediate filament proteins, known as lamins, that regulate the assembly and disassembly of the nuclear membrane during mitosis. Nuclear pores (D) are interruptions in the nuclear envelope that function as aqueous channels for the passage of soluble molecules from the nucleus to the cytoplasm (ribosomal subunits) and from the cytoplasm to the nucleus (nuclear proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm and transported to the nucleus). E2F is regulated through phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of Retinoblastoma protein (Rb), a key "negative" regulator of the cell cycle. Cells that enter G1 have dephosphorylated Rb protein that is subsequently phosphorylated, allowing passage of cells from G1 to "S. Accumulation of 150 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology bcl-2 has been associated with the increased incidence and severity of prostate carcinoma in African-American males. At each point where crossover has occurred between two chromatids of the homologous chromosomes, an attachment point known as a chiasma forms. Meiosis is the mechanism used by the reproductive organs to generate gametes-cells with the haploid number of chromosomes. During meiotic prophase I, maternal and paternal chromosomes are precisely paired, and recombination occurs in each pair of homologous chromosomes. The first meiotic prophase consists of five substages: leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis. During metaphase I, there is random segregation of maternal and paternal chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes are aligned on the metaphase plate of the meiotic spindle in metaphase I. The second meiotic division is responsible for the reduction in the chromosome content of the cell by 50%. In zygotene (answer b), the synaptonemal complex begins to form, which initiates the close association between chromosomes known as synapsis. The bivalent is formed between the two sets of homologous chromosomes (one set maternal and one set paternal equals a pair of maternal chromatids and a pair of paternal chromatids). The formation of chiasmata and desynapsing (separation of the axes of the synaptonemal complex) occurs in the diplotene stage (answer d). Diakinesis (answer e) Cell Biology: Nucleus Answers 151 is an intermediate phase between diplotene and metaphase of the first meiotic division.

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