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By: H. Kalan, M.B.A., M.D.

Medical Instructor, Florida State University College of Medicine

Precocious puberty has been reported as early as the age of 6 years; however treatment wax order 600 mg sustiva fast delivery, the presence of other endocrine stigmata helps to resolve the diagnosis medications 247 order 600mg sustiva with visa. Trauma: this may be accidental symptoms 9 days after embryo transfer purchase 600mg sustiva mastercard, straddle-type injuries resulting from falling astride a sharp object may result in minor injuries such as lacerations medications with sulfur purchase sustiva, or a blunt injury may result in a vulval haematoma; the injuries caused by penetrating objects may be serious and may result in peritoneal trauma involving internal viscera requiring laparotomy. Self-inflicted during play or following sexual abuse may not be reported by the child for fear of remonstration. Examination under a good light coupled with a detailed history help to arrive at the cause. Precautions must be taken to ascertain and exclude the possibility of foreign body inserted in the vagina being overlooked. Prolapsed urethra may follow undue physical exertion when the child complains of painful micturition, vulvar pain and bleeding. Separation of the labia reveals a mulberry like protrusion at the site of the urethral orifice. It is possible to pass a soft rubber catheter through the centre of the mass and the bladder decompressed. The catheter may be left in situ for a few days, suitable antibiotic cover and analgesics should be prescribed. The oedematous mass may subside or undergo necrosis when after a few days it can be excised at the line of demarcation with a cutting cautery knife. Sarcoma botryoides also known as grape-like sarcoma is a rare and highly malignant tumour of childhood carrying a serious prognosis. If pelvic imaging shows the presence of a well-developed uterus and ovaries, then the consideration for plastic surgery for an artificial vaginal reconstruction (partial or complete) becomes mandatory; however, in case of congenital absence of the vagina, in the absence of the uterus, postponing of the surgical procedure until the time of marriage is important, as coital frequency helps to maintain the patency of the vagina. It must be remembered that in the case of suspected hermaphroditism, the undescended testis in the inguinal canal or intra-abdominal situation should be surgically removed at the appropriate time as it is prone to malignant change with advancing age. Tumours of gynaecological origin in children: the role of the gynaecologist is to be aware of the possible occurrence of tumours in childhood, and to be familiar with the investigations to arrive at the proper diagnosis and management plan. A large variety of swellings and tumours of diverse origins have been recognized in infancy and childhood. Many of these are not strictly of gynaecologic origin but enter the domain of differential diagnosis or are seen by the gynaecologist first, hence the need about their awareness. Sarcoma botryoides is a rare and highly malignant tumour of childhood, it generally presents as a polypoidal of grape-like neoplasm protruding through the vulva. Ovarian tumours, both cystic and solid, are known to occur in children, and account for 1. Girls with ovarian neoplasms generally present with abdominal enlargement and pain. In the prepubertal child, the bulk (over 60%) of these tumours are of germ-cell origin (dermoids are the commonest; however, immature teratomas, embryonal cell tumours, endodermal sinus tumours, dysgerminomas, choriocarcinomas and gonadoblastomas have been recognized in childhood, many of these are malignant). Many of these tumours secrete substances such as alfa fetoproteins, carcinoembryonic antigen and human chorionic gonadotropin hormone which serve as tumour markers and help to arrive at a diagnosis. With approaching adolescence, the incidence of epithelial cell tumours of the ovary begin to make their appearance, so that in adult life epithelial tumours of the ovary predominate and account for almost 80% of all ovarian neoplasms. Bulk of these is the germ cell tumours (dysgerminomas predominant); endodermal sinus tumours, teratomas and mixed cell types have a dismal outlook. A rare tumour of the lower genital tract namely sarcoma botryoides also affects children; it is a tumour posing a grave prognosis and should be tackled in a paediatric oncologic setting. This is important to enable the growing child to achieve maturity and preserve future childbearing potential. The first involves victimization by a stranger; it may involve any form of sexual activity brought about by enticement, coercion or force. Appropriate medical examination and tests performed, counselling offered and efforts undertaken to bring the offender to book. Incest occurs frequently in families with social problems of alcoholism, drug abuse, physical abuse, broken homes, violence, delinquency, mental retardation and an atmosphere of violence. Father-daughter relationships are the commonest, but it may involve any close male relative. Among children of incestuous relationship only 10% have normal psychological development. Anger, guilt feelings, mood swings, depression, lying, cheating and stealing are some bad habits these children develop; poor school performance often follows and unexplained physical complaints, sleep disturbances and aggressive behaviour are frequent manifestations.

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These are due to (a) mutations in Ca++ channels or (b) changes in the neuronal network symptoms enlarged spleen purchase 200 mg sustiva with visa. The patient appears to go blank for less than 30 seconds and there may be accompanying fluttering of eyelids or small chewing movements 88 treatment essence 600mg sustiva for sale. Awareness of the surroundings is regained quickly at the end of an attack medications online generic 200mg sustiva visa, and the patient may not even know that one has occurred medicine 5513 purchase sustiva 200mg online. In children with underlying brain disease, absence seizures may co-exist with other types of generalised seizures. They are characterised by sudden loss of consciousness without any warning (aura), followed by generalised tonic, and finally clonic convulsive movements lasting for 1-2 min. The head may drop for a few seconds or the child may drop to the floor without any apparent cause. Such seizures reflect diffuse brain damage and may be a manifestation of secondary generalised epilepsy. In adults, the commonest form of epilepsy is focal epilepsy wherein the commonest associated lesion is in hippocampal sclerosis. The patient is conscious and is aware of the event which lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes. These seizures are associated with highly localised abnormal discharge which spreads widely into a limbic system. The ictal phase begins with repetitive motor activity such as lip smacking, swallowing or aimless wandering or unconscious performance of highly skilled activities such as car-driving (automatisms) or motionless stare. Hence, although the terms psychomotor, temporal and limbic have been used synonymously, all such seizures are not the same. Focal seizures arising from a focus in the frontal lobe tend to become generalised. Distingushing between primarily generalised seizure and focal changing to generalised seizure is important as the choice of drugs differs for both. There occurs flexion or extension of proximal muscles, including truncal muscles for brief period. Defining a specific epilepsy syndrome may be more helpful in judging the prognosis and in selecting the drug treatment rather than taking into consideration only the seizure characteristics. Neurophysiology: John Hughlings Jackson postulated about a century ago that epileptic seizures were caused by "occasional, sudden, excessive, rapid, local discharges from the gray matter ". Depending on the neurotransmitter released, the brain neurons are grouped as excitatory and inhibitory. Activation of these receptors modifies various voltage-gated Na+, K+, Ca++ and Cl- ion channels and excites or inhibits the neuron. An action potential is an all or none phenomenon; once the threshold is reached, the action potential fires. This cellular event is associated with influx of Na+ into and efflux of K+ out of the neuronal cell. Normally the neurons fire action potentials singly or in short, runs; and the excitability is kept under control by powerful inhibitory influences. Pathophysiology: It involves two, importantly related events: (i) Hyper-excitability: is the abnormal responsiveness of the neurons to an excitatory input, leading to multiple discharges. Thus, epilepsy is a network phenomenon involving the participation of many neurons firing simultaneously. Inhibitory feedback loops in the normal brain regulate the frequency of firing of individual neurons and prevent synchronisation. When such inhibitory feedback is defective, a large number of cells in a given area of the brain fire at the same time. Factors which may trigger the abnormal focus or permit the spread of activity to the normal brain include hyperventilation, alkalosis, hypoglycemia, overhydration, hypocalcemia, overeating, and emotional stress. Spread of the abnormal electrical activity to the normal brain tissue causes a generalised seizure. The clinical type of seizure is independent of the brain pathology but is determined by the site of the abnormal focus. Experimentally drugs with a potential anti-epileptic activity are assessed against, seizures induced in mice by (1) injecting medullary stimulants or (2) by applying a maximal electrical shock. Drugs likely to be effective in grand mal epilepsy usually confer protection against electrically induced seizures. This consists of delivery of brief localised trains of electrical stimuli to an area of the brain, repeatedly at about 24 hour intervals.

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It is particularly useful in patients with concomitant heart disease and those intolerant to agonists symptoms 2 days before period 200 mg sustiva for sale. A combination of ipratropium and a beta adrenergic agonist by inhalation produces additive effects because ipratropium acts on large and medium sized bronchi whereas 2 agonist act on the smaller bronchi medicine zocor generic sustiva 600mg. Oxitropium bromide and tiotropium bromide are other analogues with similar properties; tiotropium has a longer duration of action symptoms jaw cancer order generic sustiva canada. Prevention of Acute Attacks Currently there is no definite strategy for primary prevention of asthma or preventing the treatment thesaurus discount 600mg sustiva mastercard, development of airflow limitation in patients. It is interesting to note that children raised on farms and in rural areas were consistently found to have low incidence of asthma as against those raised in affluent and urban areas. This could be associated with microbial deversity seen in urban and rural areas, particularly innocuous microorganisms triggering protective immunological responses in the rural children. Avoidance of the causal factors, such as an allergen, may eliminate acute attacks. This is not easy and if the allergen is not easily detected, extensive skin testing and, desensitisation are unlikely to yield much success. Patients in whom acute attacks are precipitated by a psychologically unpleasant situation are likely to benefit from some readjustment in their family and social life; in case of children, a discussion with the parents is helpful in identifying the problem. The glucocorticoids beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone have the advantages that they are potent, lipid soluble and effective promptly in small doses. Because of their low bioavailability due to high first pass metabolism, their systemic toxicity is low, although almost 80% of the drug is swallowed during inhalation. It is used as the drug of choice in the prevention of nocturnal asthmatic attacks and those induced by exercise. Its onset of action is slow (10-15 min) and the duration of action long (12 hours). However, tolerance may develop during long term therapy They are always used in combination with an inhaled glucocorticoid to reduce. Sometimes, it causes palpitation and, difficulty in passing urine, particularly in the elderly Repeated at frequent interval, it may. Tolerance to ephedrine develops after several weeks of continuous therapy but it is reversible (Chapter 18). Their major drawback is the variability in bioavailability Slow release preparations of theophylline given in the. Leukotriene Modifiers Leukotrienes liberated during inflammation are more potent and longer acting bronchoconstrictors than histamine (Chapter 25). They increase bronchial secretion, decrease mucociliary clearance, and increase vascular permeability Drugs can modify the. Adverse reactions: these are mild, self-limited and include dyspepsia, headache, eosinophilia and raised liver enzymes. The latter can cause severe hepatitis, and can interact with warfarin to enhance its effect. Leukotriene modifiers have no bronchodilator action and cannot be used as rescue drugs. Combined use of glucocorticoids and leukotriene modifiers may permit a reduction in steroid dose (steroid sparing role). They can be used as an alternative to low dose inhaled glucocorticoid therapy in mild asthma, and in children. Their main advantage is that they are effective orally and hence can be used as substitute for cromolyn. Treatment of Chronic Persistent Asthma Over and above the treatment during acute attack, patients with persistent asthma need some form of maintenance therapy. However, they lack anti-inflammatory action and their efficacy diminishes with continued use owing to development of tolerance. Salbutamol should be used additionally (preferably by inhalation) to treat acute attacks when they occur. Inappropriate administration of repeated doses of potent sympathomimetics can induce lethal cardiac arrhythmias. Inhalational Glucocorticoids: They are the first-line therapy for chronic persistent asthma since chronic inflammation is important in its pathogenesis. Glucocorticoids suppress the inflammatory response and improve lung function at multiple levels.

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