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By: W. Oelk, M.A., M.D.

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Spiritual charge; care of soul; the office of a parish priest or of a curate; hence herbals hills buy ayurslim once a day, that which is committed to the charge of a parish priest or of a curate; a curacy; as herbals king buy cheap ayurslim online, to resign a cure; to obtain a cure herbs that heal trusted ayurslim 60caps. The appropriator was the incumbent parson herbals in tamil discount 60 caps ayurslim otc, and had the cure of the souls of the parishioners. Medical or hygienic care; remedial treatment of disease; a method of medical treatment; as, to use the water cure. Act of healing or state of being healed; restoration to health from disease, or to soundness after injury. Means of the removal of disease or evil; that which heals; a remedy; a restorative. To heal; to restore to health, soundness, or sanity; to make well; - said of a patient. To subdue or remove by remedial means; to remedy; to remove; to heal; - said of a malady. To prepare for preservation or permanent keeping; to preserve, as by drying, salting, etc. The ringing of an evening bell, originally a signal to the inhabitants to cover fires, extinguish lights, and retire to rest, -instituted by William the Conqueror; also, the bell itself. The Roman See in its temporal aspects, including all the machinery of administration; - called also curia Romana. Defn: Of or pertaining to the papal curia; as, the curial etiquette of the Vatican. Curing house, a building in which anything is cured; especially, in the West Indies, a building in which sugar is drained and dried. When thou wast in thy gilt and thy perfume, they mocked thee for too much curiosity. Disposition to inquire, investigate, or seek after knowledge; a desire to gratify the mind with new information or objects of interest; inquisitiveness. There hath been practiced also a curiosity, to set a tree upon the north side of a wall, and, at a little hieght, to draw it through the wall, etc. Difficult to please or satisfy; solicitous to be correct; careful; scrupulous; nice; exact. Exhibiting care or nicety; artfully constructed; elaborate; websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). Careful or anxious to learn; eager for knowledge; given to research or inquiry; habitually inquisitive; prying; - sometimes with after or of. It is a picurious after things that were elegant and beatiful should not have been as curious as to their origin, their uses, and their natural history. Exciting attention or inquiry; awakening surprise; inviting and rewarding inquisitiveness; not simple or plain; strange; rare. Abstruse investigations in recondite branches of learning or sciense often bring to light curious results. To contract or bend into curis or ringlets, as hair; to grow in curls or spirals, as a vine; to be crinkled or contorted; to have a curly appearance; as, leaves lie curled on the ground. To move in curves, spirals, or undulations; to contract in curving outlines; to bend in a curved form; to make a curl or curls. A disease in potatoes, in which the leaves, at their first appearance, seem curled and shrunken. Defn: Having curls; curly; sinuous; wavy; as, curled maple (maple having fibers which take a sinnuous course). The act or state of that which curls; as, the curling of smoke when it rises; the curling of a ringlet; also, the act or process of one who curls something, as hair, or the brim of hats. A scottish game in which heavy weights of stone or iron are propelled by hand over the ice towards a mark. The object of the player is to lay his stone as near to the mark as possible, to guard that of his partner, which has been well laid before, or to strike off that of his antagonist. Curling irons, Curling tong, an instrument for curling the hair; -commonly heated when used. Defn: Murmuring; grumbling; - sometimes applied to the rumbling produced by a slight attack of the gripes.

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They are of two kinds herbals kidney stones cheap ayurslim 60caps without prescription, either those properly and strictly so called quest herbals buy ayurslim now, or else pronominal articles herbals on demand coupon discount ayurslim 60caps amex, such as this jovees herbals order cheap ayurslim online, that, any, other, some, all, no, none, etc. Defn: To turn aside; to deviate from a right or a horizontal line, or from a proper position, course or direction; to swerve. At some part of the Azores, the needle deflecteth not, but lieth in the true meridian. The act of turning aside, or state of being turned aside; a turning from a right line or proper course; a bending, esp. That which is chosen as the flower or choicest part; careful culling or selection. He died innocent and before the sweetness of his soul was defloured and ravished from him. To render displeasing; to deprive of comeliness, grace, or perfection; to dishonor. Defn: Unnatural or distorted in form; having a deformity; misshapen; disfigured; as, a deformed person; a deformed head. The state of being deformed; want of proper form or symmetry; any unnatural form or shape; distortion; irregularity of shape or features; ugliness. Anything that destroys beauty, grace, or propriety; irregularity; absurdity; gross deviation from other or the established laws of propriety; as, deformity in an edifice; deformity of character. To pay or discharge; to serve in payment of; to provide for, as a charge, debt, expenses, costs, etc. To renounce or dissolve all bonds of affiance, faith, or obligation with; to reject, refuse, or renounce. To provoke to combat or strife; to call out to combat; to challenge; to dare; to brave; to set at defiance; to treat with contempt; as, to defy an enemy; to defy the power of a magistrate; to websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). To deprive of a garrison, or of troops necessary for defense; as, to degarnish a city or fort. The state of having become degenerate; decline in good qualities; deterioration; meanness. The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having become worse; decline; degradation; debasement; degeneracy; deterioration. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 3518 Defn: Undergoing or producing degeneration; tending to degenerate. Defn: To remove the glaze from, as pottery or porcelain, so as to give a dull finish. Defn: the process of giving a dull or ground surface to glass by acid or by mechanical means. He saw many removes and degradations in all the other offices of which he had been possessed. The state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputation; baseness; moral, physical, or intellectual degeneracy; disgrace; abasement; debasement. Diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration. Degradation of energy, or Dissipation of energy (Physics), the transformation of energy into some form in which it is less available for doing work. To reduce from a higher to a lower rank or degree; to lower in websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). To reduce in estimation, character, or reputation; to lessen the value of; to lower the physical, moral, or intellectual character of; to debase; to bring shame or contempt upon; to disgrace; as, vice degrades a man. It was formerly solely a by-product of chamois leather manufacture, but is now made for its own sake, being valuable as a dressing for hides. One of a series of progressive steps upward or downward, in quality, rank, acquirement, and the like; a stage in progression; grade; gradation; as, degrees of vice and virtue; to advance by slow degrees; degree of comparison. The point or step of progression to which a person has arrived; rank or station in life; position. Measure of advancement; quality; extent; as, tastes differ in kind as well as in degree. The degree of excellence which proclaims genius, is different in different times and different places. Grade or rank to which scholars are admitted by a college or university, in recognition of their attainments; as, the degree of bachelor of arts, master, doctor, etc.

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The phrase is also applied to a trust raised by implication for the benefit of a party who advances the purchase money of an estate herbs de provence uses buy ayurslim uk, etc herbs that help you sleep best order for ayurslim. That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads herbs thai bistro order ayurslim with american express, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect; as herbals for depression purchase genuine ayurslim on-line, the result of a course of action; the result of a mathematical operation. The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly; a resolve; a decree. The resultant of homogeneous general functions of n variables is that function of their coefficients which, equaled to zero, expresses in the simplest terms the condition of the possibility of their existence. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 11363 Defn: Being without result; as, resultless investigations. The sun, like this, from which our sight we have, Gazed on too long, resumes the light he gave. Perhaps God will resume the blessing he has bestowed ere he attains the age of manhood. To begin again; to recommence, as something which has been interrupted; as, to resume an argument or discourse. The act of resuming; as, the resumption of a grant, of delegated powers, of an argument, of specie payments, etc. To reanimate; to restore to life; to bring to view (that which was forgotten or lost). Especially, the rising again from the dead; the resumption of life by the dead; as, the resurrection of Jesus Christ; the general resurrection of all the dead at the Day of Judgment. Cross of the resurrection, a slender cross with a pennant floating from the junction of the bars. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 11367 Defn: Done at retail; engaged in retailing commodities; as a retail trade; a retail grocer. To distribute in small portions or at second hand; to tell again or to many (what has been told or done); to report; as, to retail slander. Defn: One who retails anything; as, a retailer of merchandise; a retailer of gossip. To continue to hold; to keep in possession; not to lose, part with, or dismiss; to retrain from departure, escape, or the like. To keep in pay; to employ by a preliminary fee paid; to hire; to engage; as, to retain a counselor. A Benedictine convent has now retained the most learned father of their order to write in its defense. It is unlucky to be obliged to retaliate the injuries of authors, websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). Defn: To return like for like; specifically, to return evil for evil; as, to retaliate upon an enemy. Defn: the act of retaliating, or of returning like for like; retribution; now, specifically, the return of evil for evil;. Defn: Tending to , or involving, retaliation; retaliative; as retaliatory measures. To keep delaying; to continue to hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slow in progress; to impede; to hinder; as, to retard the march of an army; to retard the motion of a ship; - opposed to Ant: accelerate. To put off; to postpone; as, to retard the attacks of old age; to retard a rupture between nations. Retard, or Age, of the tide, the interval between the transit of the moon at which a tide originates and the appearance of the tide itself. The act of retarding; hindrance; the act of delaying; as, the retardation of the motion of a ship; - opposed to Ant: acceleration. Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron, Can be retentive to the strength of spirit. They form delicate calcareous corals, usually composed of thin fenestrated fronds. Having the form of a net, or of network; formed with interstices; retiform; as, reticular cartilage; a reticular leaf. It includes the shelled Foraminifera, together with some groups which lack a true shell. Resembling network; having the form or appearance of a net; netted; as, a reticulated structure. Having veins, fibers, or lines crossing like the threads or fibers of a network; as, a reticulate leaf; a reticulated surface; a reticulated wing of an insect.