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By: L. Cruz, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine

This chapter examines the joint and muscle functions that enable lower-extremity movements dr weil gastritis diet discount prevacid 30mg with mastercard. The ball is the head of the femur gastritis diet safe 30mg prevacid, which forms approximately two-thirds of a sphere gastritis mayo clinic purchase 15mg prevacid mastercard. The socket is the concave acetabulum gastritis vitamins buy generic prevacid on-line, which is angled obliquely in an anterior, lateral, and inferior direction. The cartilage on the acetabulum is thicker around its periphery, where it merges with a rim, or labrum, of fibrocartilage that contributes to the stability of the joint. Hydrostatic pressure is greater within the labrum than outside of it, contributing to lubrication of the joint (31). The acetabulum provides a much deeper socket than the glenoid fossa of the shoulder joint, and the bony structure of the hip is therefore much more stable or less likely to dislocate than that of the shoulder. Several large, strong ligaments also contribute to the stability of the hip (Figure 8-2). The extremely strong iliofemoral or Y ligament and the pubofemoral ligament strengthen the joint capsule anteriorly, with posterior reinforcement from the ischiofemoral ligament. Tension in these major ligaments acts to twist the head of the femur into the acetabulum during hip extension, as when a person moves from a sitting to a standing position. Inside the joint capsule, the ligamentum teres supplies a direct attachment from the rim of the acetabulum to the head of the femur. As with the shoulder joint, several bursae are present in the surrounding tissues to assist with lubrication. The most prominent are the iliopsoas the lower extremity is well structured for its functions of weight bearing and locomotion. Iliofemoral (Y) ligament Iliofemoral ligament Pubofemoral ligament Ischium Femur Ischium Ischiofemoral ligament Femur Anterior view Posterior view bursa and the deep trochanteric bursa. The iliopsoas bursa is positioned between the iliopsoas and the articular capsule, serving to reduce the friction between these structures. The deep trochanteric bursa provides a cushion between the greater trochanter of the femur and the gluteus maximus at the site of its attachment to the iliotibial tract. The trochanteric bursae vary in number, position, and appearance among older individuals, suggesting that these bursae are formed to lessen friction between the greater trochanter and the gluteus maximus (24). The femur is a major weight-bearing bone and is the longest, largest, and strongest bone in the body. Its weakest component is the femoral neck, which is smaller in diameter than the rest of the bone, and weak internally because it is primarily composed of trabecular bone. Unlike the shoulder girdle, the pelvis is a single nonjointed structure, but it can rotate in all three planes of movement. The pelvis facilitates movement of the femur by rotating so that the acetabulum is positioned toward the direction of impending femoral movement. For example, posterior pelvic tilt, with the anterior superior iliac spine tilted backward with respect to the acetabulum, positions the head of the femur in front of the hipbone to enable ease of flexion. Likewise, anterior pelvic tilt promotes femoral extension, and lateral pelvic tilt toward the opposite side facilitates lateral movements of the femur. Movement of the pelvic girdle also coordinates with certain movements of the spine (see Chapter 9). The locations and functions of the muscles of the hip are summarized in Table 8-1. Of these, the large iliacus and psoas major-often referred to jointly as the iliopsoas because of their common attachment to the femur-are the major hip flexors (Figure 8-3). Iliac crest Sacrum Iliacus Ilium Psoas major Sacrum Ischium Ischium Femur Anterior view Femur a two-joint muscle active during both hip flexion and knee extension, it functions more effectively as a hip flexor when the knee is in flexion, as when a person kicks a ball. Crossing from the superior anterior iliac spine to the medial tibia just below the tuberosity, the sartorius is the longest muscle in the body. Extension the hip extensors are the gluteus maximus and the three hamstrings-the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus (Figure 8-5).

Not that Eichmann gastritis water buy cheap prevacid line, the truth-revealer for generations to gastritis diet order prevacid discount come gastritis hiv symptom buy prevacid 15mg otc, ever suspected the existence of such sinister plans gastritis diet xyngular discount generic prevacid canada. What brought the Madagascar enterprise to naught was lack of time, and time was wasted through the never-ending interference from other offices. In Jerusalem, the police as well as the court tried to shake him out of his complacency. They confronted him with two documents concerning the meeting of September 21, 1939, mentioned above; one of them, a teletyped letter written by Heydrich and containing certain directives to the Einsatzgruppen, distinguished for the first time between a "final aim, requiring longer periods of time" and to be treated as "top secret," and "the stages for achieving this final aim. Well, he did not; he never changed his Madagascar story, and probably he just could not change it. It was as though this story ran along a different tape in his memory, and it was this taped memory that showed itself to be proof against reason and argument and information and insight of any kind. His memory informed him that there had existed a lull in the activities against Western and Central European Jews between the outbreak of the war (Hitler, in his speech to the Reichstag of January 30, 1939, had "prophesied" that war would bring "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe") and the invasion of Russia. To be sure, even then the various offices in the Reich and in the occupied territories were doing their best to eliminate "the opponent, Jewry," but there was no unified policy; it seemed as though every office had its own "solution" and might be permitted to apply it or to pit it against the solutions of its competitors. All his "efforts failed because of the lack of understanding of the minds concerned," because of "rivalries," quarrels, squabbling, because everybody "vied for supremacy. This was calculated according to the "absorptive capacity" of the various killing installations and also according to the requests for slave workers from the numerous industrial enterprises that had found it profitable to establish branches in the neighborhood of some of the death camps. Farben, the Krupp Werke, and Siemens-Schuckert Werke had established plants in Auschwitz as well as near the Lublin death camps. As for working conditions, the idea was clearly to kill through labor; according to Hilberg, at least twenty-five thousand of the approximately thirty-five thousand Jews who worked for one of the I. The last time Eichmann recalled having tried something on his own was in September, 1941, three months after the invasion of Russia. This was just after Heydrich, still chief of the Security Police and the Security Service, had become Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. To celebrate the occasion, he had called a press conference and had promised that in eight weeks the Protectorate would be judenrein. For the first time, Heydrich showed "a more human side" and admitted, with beautiful frankness, that he had "allowed his tongue to run away with him" - "no great surprise to those who knew Heydrich," an "ambitious and impulsive character," who "often let words slip through the fence of his teeth more quickly than he later might have liked. Give enough room into which to transfer the Jews of the Protectorate, who now live dispersed. Whereupon Heydrich, perhaps also in the drunkenness of his power, simply ordered the immediate evacuation of the native Czech population from Theresienstadt, to make room for the Jews. Great disappointment: the Bohemian fortress town on the banks of the Eger was far too small; at best, it could become a transfer camp for a certain percentage of the ninety thousand Jews in Bohemia and Moravia. The town proved too small even for these restricted categories, and in 1943, about a year after its establishment, there began the "thinning out" or "loosening up" (Auflockerung) processes by which overcrowding was regularly relieved by means of transport to Auschwitz. Theresienstadt was in fact the only concentration camp that did not fall under the authority of the W. Its commanders were men from his own staff and always his inferiors in rank; it was the only camp in which he had at least some of the power which the prosecution in Jerusalem ascribed to him. When he thought back to Prague, there emerged the occasion when he was admitted to the presence of the great Heydrich, who showed himself to have a "more human side. What he remembered was that he was there as the guest of Sano Mach, Minister of the Interior in the Germanestablished Slovakian puppet government. Mach, as Eichmann recalled, was a nice, easygoing fellow who invited him to bowl with him. Did he really have no other business in Bratislava in the middle of the war than to go bowling with the Minister of the Interior Four months and fiftyfive tapes later, Captain Less, the Israeli examiner, came back to this point, and Eichmann told the same story in nearly identical words, adding that this day had been "unforgettable," because his "superior had been assassinated. To evacuate and deport Jews had become routine business; what stuck in his mind was bowling, being the guest of a Minister, and hearing of the attack on Heydrich. And it was characteristic of his kind of memory that he could absolutely not recall the year in which this memorable day fell, on which "the hangman" was shot by Czech patriots.

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Both questions now were answered in the affirmative: he had seen the places to gastritis diet generic prevacid 15mg with visa which the shipments were directed gastritis medication list discount prevacid 30 mg otc, and he had been shocked out of his wits gastritis or appendicitis order prevacid american express. One last question distal gastritis definition generic prevacid 30 mg visa, the most disturbing of all, was asked by the judges, and especially by the presiding judge, over and over again: Had the killing of Jews gone against his conscience But this was a moral question, and the answer to it may not have been legally relevant. But if the facts of the case were now established, two more legal questions arose. First, could he be released from criminal responsibility, as Section 10 of the law under which he was tried provided, because he had done his acts "in order to save himself from the danger of immediate death" And, second, could he plead extenuating circumstances, as Section 11 of the same law enumerated them: had he done "his best to reduce the gravity of the consequences of the offense" or "to avert consequences more serious than those which resulted" Clearly, Sections 10 and 11 of the Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law of 1950 had been drawn up with Jewish "collaborators" in mind. Jewish Sonderkommandos (special units) had everywhere been employed in the actual killing process, they had committed criminal acts "in order to save themselves from the danger of immediate death," and the Jewish Councils and Elders had cooperated because they thought they could "avert consequences more serious than those which resulted. It is true, he once said his only alternative would have been suicide, but this was a lie, since we know how surprisingly easy it was for members of the extermination squads to quit their jobs without serious consequences for themselves; but he did not insist on this point, he did not mean to be taken literally. And in the trial itself there was the testimony of a witness for the defense, von dem Bach-Zelewski, who declared: "It was possible to evade a commission by an application for transfer. To be sure, in individual cases, one had to be prepared for a certain disciplinary punishment. In his last statement to the court, Eichmann admitted that he could have backed out on one pretext or another, and that others had done so. He had always thought such a step was "inadmissible," and even now did not think it was "admirable"; it would have meant no more than a switch to another well-paying job. The postwar notion of open disobedience was a fairy tale: "Under the circumstances such behavior was impossible. He had assassinated a certain Walter Kadow, the man who had betrayed Leo Schlageter - a nationalist terrorist in the Rhineland whom the Nazis later made into a national hero - to the French Occupation authorities, and a German court had put him in jail for five years. The only "extenuating circumstance" he cited was that he had tried to "avoid unnecessary hardships as much as possible" in carrying out his work, and, quite apart from the question of whether this was true, and also apart from the fact that if it was, it would hardly have been enough to constitute extenuating circumstances in this particular case, the claim was not valid, because "to avoid unnecessary hardships" was among the standard directives he had been given. Hence, after the tape-recorder had addressed the court, the death sentence was a foregone conclusion, even legally, except for the possibility that the punishment might be mitigated for acts done under superior orders - also provided for in Section 11 of the Israeli law, but this was a very remote possibility in view of the enormity of the crime. Wade in the British Year Book for International Law, 1934] and hence are altogether outside the legal realm, whereas all orders and commands, at least in theory, are still under judicial control. If what Eichmann did had been acts of state, then none of his superiors, least of all Hitler, the head of state, could be judged by any court. For, obviously, things were not so simple as the framers of the laws had imagined them to be, and if it was of small legal relevance, it was of great political interest to know how long it takes an average person to overcome his innate repugnance toward crime, and what exactly happens to him once he has reached that point. To this question, the case of Adolf Eichmann supplied an answer that could not have been clearer and more precise. In September, 1941, shortly after his first official visits to the killing centers in the East, Eichmann organized his first mass deportations from Germany and the Protectorate, in accordance with a "wish" of Hitler, who had told Himmler to make the Reich judenrein as quickly as possible. The first shipment contained twenty thousand Jews from the Rhineland and five thousand Gypsies, and in connection with this first transport a strange thing happened. He was angry enough to complain to Himmler that Eichmann had deceived him and his men with "horsetrading tricks learned from the Gypsies. Forgotten, first of all, by Eichmann himself, who did not once mention it either in the police examination or in his various memoirs. When he had taken the stand and was being examined by his lawyer, who showed him the documents, he insisted he had a "choice": "Here for the first and last time I had a choice. The prosecutor, who cross-examined him later with respect to the same incident, wished to establish that Eichmann himself had determined the final destination of all shipments and hence had decided whether or not a particular transport was to be exterminated - which was also untrue.

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The parasympathetic division sends preganglionic neurons from the cranial area and the sacral area gastritis or stomach flu cheap prevacid master card. Sacral: There are a few preganglionic neuron cell bodies of the parasympathetic division that are located in the sacral region of the lateral horn of the spinal cord gastritis in english language buy prevacid online now. Axons from these neurons enter pelvic splanchnic nerves and then extend to gastritis diet questions discount prevacid 30 mg visa terminal ganglia which are located near or on the effector gastritis diet buy prevacid 15mg without a prescription. Effectors innervated by the lower portion of the parasympathetic nervous system include the lower half of the large intestine and organs of the reproductive and renal systems. This system is composed of a nerve plexus or a meshwork of fibers innervating the digestive tract from the esophagus to the distal colon. When food is introduced into the digestive tract, stretch receptors in the gut are activated and send action potentials through afferent enteric sensory neurons. These neurons synapse with enteric interneurons which are capable of activating efferent enteric motor neurons. Their increased activity enhances digestive enzyme secretions and gut contraction to cause mixing and propulsion of food. In this system, there are 2 synapses-; one separating preganglionic and postganglionic neurons, and the other between the postganglionic neuron and effector (see figure below). The preganglionic neuron releases neurotransmitters stored in synaptic vesicles of axon terminals. An action potential reaching the axon terminal causes release of these stored neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. After crossing the synapse, neurotransmitters bind to receptors imbedded in postganglionic cell membranes (see figure below). Action potentials arriving at the axon terminal lead to release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, separating the postganglionic neuron and effector (neuro-effector junction). Finally, binding of neurotransmitter to the receptor expressed on effector cells can result in excitation or inhibition of the effector. Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions differ in the types of neurotransmitters they release and the receptors and second messenger systems they express. Nicotinic receptors are located on the postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic cell bodies. Muscarinic receptors are located on all parasympathetic effector cells and some (generalized sweat glands) sympathetic effector cells. The preganglionic neuron for both parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems is cholinergic. In general, activation of some receptor subtypes lead to stimulation of the effector and activation of others to inhibition of the effector. Even numbered subtypes are usually inhibitory and odd numbered subtypes are usually excitatory, but there are no hard and fast rules. Ultimately, the relative amounts of each receptor subtype expressed in the tissue will determine the overall effect (stimulation or inhibition) on the particular gland or organ. They are named after alkaloids found in tobacco and certain mushrooms respectively. The cell bodies of postganglionic neurons for both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems express nicotinic receptors (see figure above). Muscarinic receptors (M) are located on cells of all parasympathetic 250 effectors and on cells of some sweat glands innervated by the sympathetic nervous system. There are several subtypes of muscarinic receptors (M1-M5) which may be stimulatory or inhibitory. There are two main types of adrenergic receptors, namely, alpha and beta which have several subtypes. For our purposes, we will focus on the following four subtypes: alpha 1, 2, and beta 1, 2, and 3. Odd subtypes of adrenergic receptors (alpha 1, and beta 1, and 3) generally have stimulatory effects and even subtypes (alpha 2 and beta 2) have inhibitory effects. The next section explores the effects of a ligand binding to its receptor in a particular tissue. Drugs that are agonists, binds to a specific receptor and activates it, while an antagonist binds to a receptor and prevents it from being activated, or inhibits it. Eyes 251 the eye has multiple autonomic functions controlled by several autonomic receptors.