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By: O. Samuel, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.
Associate Professor, CUNY School of Medicine
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Assuming the inevitability of this narrative ignores the real work involved in sexualizing Susan Smith hiv infection rates europe buy cheap medex on-line. In other words antiviral plants buy 1mg medex with visa, Susan did not resemble Farrah Fawcett as the infanticidal Diane Downs hiv infection ways purchase cheapest medex and medex, pining for her ex in black leather and big hair singing raucously to "Hungry Like a Wolf herpes zoster antiviral drugs purchase genuine medex on line. To overcome this lack of visual "evidence" of her deviant sexuality, the media leaned heavily on these various cultural scripts to do this work for them. Although Susan Smith achieved national fame by claiming that her boys had been kidnapped and then confessing to murder, the sensational, sexy angle is what kept her in the news in ensuing months. Like Amy Fisher before her and Aileen Wuornos a few years later, Smith became, in public representations, a "sex kitten in the slammer. The one-track focus on the "boyfriend motive," with its attendant trappings of single motherhood, sexuality, class, and violence, amounted to an argument that Susan Smith was an evil representative, a national problem, was not some lone feminine aberration. She was apparently shy-all the news accounts seem to agree on these few facts-and she was not one to play with alcohol or drugs. But more to the point-and I feel like somebody needs to say this-she was no great beauty" (Wurtzel, 114). These were not just mothers in need of reform; in this political discourse, these were women who never should have had children at all. The problem, in other words, was not just their styles of mothering, or socioeconomic constraints on their maternal behavior; it was the women themselves. According to this line of thinking, mothers themselves were to blame for poverty, crime, and violence, among other things. The apparent problem was clearly the violence that she inflicted, but in these narratives it was also the perceived sexuality and class desires of the working mother. Conservatives in 1990s America easily donned the mantle of accuser, using "Susan Smith," now shorthand for female evil, as the representative of various perceived social problems. Anti-abortion, or "pro-life," groups responded angrily to the case, arguing that infanticide and abortion were interchangeable. Many media outlets added fuel to this "pro-life" fire when they erroneously 417 Feldstein, 169. Her recent break-up with Tom Findlay represented the "culmination" of a tragic life, although some tragedies apparently affected Smith more than others: "If the suicide of her father, Harry Vaughan, had traumatized her, she never showed it. She did become profoundly depressed in her senior year after undergoing an abortion. A law enforcement official said that Smith brought up the abortion during her confession to the murders. This was not just a case of journalists baiting readers with controversial headlines, dubious facts from anonymous sources, and sexual innuendo. One editor argued that we could not blame Susan Smith for being confused by such an "ambiguous society" that "supports mothers as they 418 419 Eftimiades, 38. False information with dubious sources abounded in these first few weeks of coverage. The most sensational example was probably the Newsweek report that Susan Smith watched her sons struggle as her car sank (Adler and Carroll, "Innocents Lost"). Her estranged husband has no right to imply that he should have been asked to consent to the murder of his children - that would have been an invasion of her sacred right to privacy. Conservative observers easily targeted Susan as yet another reason to chip away at abortion rights, a trend which gained momentum in the mid-1990s. Even the popular line of favoring abortion only in cases of rape and incest rested upon the idea that only women who are forced to have sex should not have to suffer the consequences. Women who have sex willingly and get pregnant are, according to this line of thinking, already deviant before they decide whether or not to abort. Although public debate generally rests on ideas about "life" and murder, Willis concluded that "the nitty-gritty issue in the abortion debate is not life, but sex. Susan Smith became a target of antiabortion activists not because she had ever actually had an abortion, but because, according to the logic of the "boyfriend motive," she had murdered her children for a sexual relationship, which, in the pro-life discourse, was essentially the same thing. In this rhetoric, moralizing and sexualization-the refrain of the 1990s-again went hand in hand, with Susan Smith serving as the new central scapegoat. But feminists have countered this argument, citing a long history of powerful white male infidelity with "subordinate" women.
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A professional relationship also must not be compromised by the development or maintenance of unethical dual relationships hiv infection symptoms time order medex 5mg online. A psychologist will not be effective if also trying to be a friend antiviral y alcohol generic medex 5mg overnight delivery, a colleague hiv infection rates new jersey order 1mg medex otc, or a lover hiv infection rate in nigeria order cheap medex on-line. One of the differences between talking to a friend and talking to a psychologist is that the professional relationship is a primarily unilateral, or "oneway," relationship in which the problems or concerns of the patient or client are discussed, not the needs or concerns of the psychologist. Thus, psychotherapy involves consulting with a mental health professional to obtain assistance in changing feelings, thoughts, or behaviors that one experiences as problematic and distressing. Psychotherapy utilizes theories of human behavior as well as a carefully integrative plan to improve the psychological and behavioral functioning of a person or group. An extensive review of all the research studies concludes that those who choose to receive psychotherapy from a mental health professional tend to benefit from the experience (Barlow, 1996; Hollon, 1996; VandenBos, 1996). Most people who participate in a psychotherapy experience are satisfied with their treatment (Consumer Reports, 1995; Seligman, 1995). Twin studies have revealed further support for the genetic influence in the development of depression. For example, Bertelsen, Harvald, and Hauge (1977), Nurnberger and Gershon (1992), and others. Depressed patients also appear to have lower levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine (Spoont, 1992; Thase et al. Furthermore, endocrine involvement is associated with depression in that depressed patients experience elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol relative to nondepressed persons (Pariante & Miller, 2001; Weller & Weller, 1988). Thus, people may be biologically vulnerable to developing certain types of psychological disorders such as depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or panic disorder. The psychologist may discuss this biological aspect with the patient to help him or her better understand and cope with this aspect of the illness. The patient also inevitably experiences psychological concerns related to the depression. Attitudes and the interpretation of stressful life events may also contribute to feelings of depression. Beck and colleagues (Beck, 1963, 1976) have suggested that depressed persons maintain a "negative schema" which is a stable negative cognitive belief about their life. Thus, depressed people maintain automatic negative interpretations of life events. Seligman (1975, psychotherapy, feeling that much more effort should be directed toward prevention rather than treatment of psychological problems (Albee & Gullotta, 1997; Albee & Perry, 1996). An integrative biopsychosocial perspective maintains that biological, psychological, and social influences on behavior interact and must be taken into consideration in both psychological and medical treatment. Although psychotherapy conducted by psychologists is primarily a psychological (rather than biological or social) intervention, the biological and social influences on behavior are assessed, discussed, and taken into consideration during psychotherapy. Often, social or medical interventions are sought through other professionals or resources. Leading experts expect that psychotherapy will become more integrative, psychoeducational, problem-focused, and briefer in the future (Norcross et al. The patient may have a biological or genetic predisposition to depression and other affective or mood disorders. Research has demonstrated that emotional problems such as depression tend to be two to three times more likely to occur if someone has a relative with depression (American Psychiatric Association, 2000; Gershon, 1990). Relatives usually share both genetic and environmental Psychotherapeutic Interventions 1994) suggested that depressed persons develop a pessimistic style of understanding their world and maintain a "learned helplessness" feeling that they have no control over their life. Klein, 1952; Kohut, 1971) suggest that impaired early attachments make one vulnerable to depression. Psychological interventions generally focus on such concerns by examining the thoughts and feelings associated with depression. Stressful life events such as divorce is highly associated with the onset of depression, especially among men. While divorced women are three times more likely to develop severe depression relative to women who remain married, men are nine times more likely to develop depression following a divorce (Bruce & Kim, 1992). For instance, in various cultural groups, many members tend to express depressive symptoms through somatic complaints such as headaches and gastric discomfort (Shorter, 1994; Tsai & ChentsovaDutton, 2002). How emotional distress is expressed is partially determined by the social and cultural context in which the distress is experienced.
But it never made a clear determination as to the admissibility of the evidence because it found that the defendant did not demonstrate that the evidence would have changed the result of his trial hiv infection rates on the rise buy medex 1 mg without a prescription. State (2005) stages of hiv infection graph purchase medex 1mg without a prescription, an Oklahoma state appellate court found no evidence that Brain Fingerprinting is generally accepted in the psychological community hiv infection in young adults purchase generic medex on-line, and could not even complete a Daubert analysis because Farwell failed to provide any report to support his affidavit anti viral foods purchase genuine medex. It also stated that, in part based on the lack of a complete report regarding the test, the defendant had not demonstrated that the test would survive a Daubert analysis. Admissibility and Constitutional Issues of the Concealed Information Test in American Courts 419 While Farwell went for a period of time in the early 2000s without publishing any significant work, he and his colleagues have been active more recently, publishing a broad description of Brain Fingerprinting (Farwell, 2012) as well as two sets of purported field studies (Farwell, Richardson, & Richardson, 2013; Farwell, Richardson, Richardson, & Furedy, 2014). Among all four groups, the authors report perfect accuracy, with no indeterminate results. These results would be very important to the field and to the issue of admissibility, especially the one true field study in Farwell et al. Second, the results are so uniformly perfect (as is virtually every result reported by Farwell since Farwell & Donchin, 1991) that they are difficult to believe. As others have noted, the use of highly specific standards could lead to selection bias, influencing the result (Meijer, Ben-Shakhar, et al. Other shortcomings in the Farwell studies, as discussed in the critiques outlined earlier, would further cut against its admissibility under Daubert. When discussing the four Daubert factors, the Daubert Court instructed trial judges to assess them through the lens of the "theory or technique" or the "particular scientific technique" at issue. How broadly to frame the question of what scientific technique was at issue or what constituted the relevant scientific community was long a central argument in Frye determinations of admissibility, and remains an issue under Daubert. However, I think the more natural reading of Daubert asks the trial judge to make determinations based on the specific method sought to be admitted. To the extent that the research demonstrates consistently similar results across modalities, studies focusing on one modality may inform capabilities in another modality. More detailed descriptions of error rates in the field in Japan (with specific explanations of the methods used to ascertain ground truth) would be particularly useful. To the extent that field testing is not possible, laboratories should seek to maximize external validity in their studies. In mock-crime studies, researchers should focus on making mock crimes as complex and realistic as possible. To the extent that we can model our studies after that environment, they will be more useful in a Daubert analysis. Researchers should seek to make extremely clear in their papers the distinctions between memory detection and lie detection. A judge applying Daubert is likely to have very little familiarity with the credibility assessment field, and the term "polygraph" is so intertwined with lie detection that judges are likely to confuse the two classes of tests (Meixner, 2012; Ogawa, Matsuda, & Tsuneoka, 2015). Critically, true lie detection methods may never be admissible because their role overlaps with the traditional credibility-assessment 422 Detecting Concealed Information and Deception role of the jury. Memory detection should not suffer from the same pitfall, but without making the distinction between the tests clear in the literature, it will be more difficult for nonexperts to properly treat the tests separately. Some scholars associated with law enforcement have already written on this topic. To the extent that various dependent measures yield results that are independent of each other, combining those measures could increase the sensitivity and specificity of the test. And to the extent that the dependent measures yield results that overlap, those results can be used to argue that results of one measure can be extrapolated to other measures. While we still lack field studies that are likely critical to admissibility, experimental studies have become more numerous and more externally valid, and the general acceptance, methodological consistency and sophistication, and rigor of the results have continued to strengthen. Constitutional protections also limit the extent to which evidence can be involuntarily seized from individuals and then later used against them at trial. The Fourth Amendment guarantees "[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. Where there is an objectively justifiable expectation of privacy held by the individual subject to the search, government agents must generally obtain a warrant prior to conducting the search, or the evidence found in the search will be suppressed. The Supreme Court has found that compulsion of a physical substance from an individual, such as obtaining a sample of blood or urine, is a search under the Fourth Amendment (Schmerber v.