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It may also improve patient and physician satisfaction by increasing the actual or perceived time spent communicating and having questions answered (39) menstrual pain relief discount lady era 100 mg free shipping. As other Web tools begin to show promise women's health diet cleanse generic lady era 100mg online, this communication is often not limited to standard e-mail (40) breast cancer 7000 scratch off cost of lady era. Physicians and patients should be discouraged from communicating on health matters through social media tools that are publicly viewable women's health center kennesaw order 100mg lady era amex, do not ensure patient confidentiality, and are not readily recordable or admissible to the medical record. Physicians should be aware of legal requirements in their states about these communications and the risk for state medical board violations or other issues if the physician is not licensed in the state in which the electronic communications are received. Physicians and patients should recognize that this information may not be complete or accurate. Establishing a professional profile so that it "appears" first during a search, instead of a physician-ranking site, can provide some measure of control that the information read by patients before and after the initial encounter is accurate. Physicians should consider doing routine surveillance (46) of their online presence by searching for their names, and they should correct inaccurate information. Position 5: the reach of the Internet and online communications is far and often permanent. Physicians, trainees, and medical students should be aware that online postings may have future implications for their professional lives. The online behaviors an individual displays may harm employability and recruitment, may result in limitations in professional development and advancement, and may reflect poorly on the profession as a whole. Many institutions have begun to harness the power of digital media to attract patients, new faculty, or trainees, especially in allied health professional education (47). Employers have turned away job applicants on the basis of questionable digital behavior, including provocative or inappropriate photographs or information, content that displays drinking or drug use, and evidence of poor communication skills (48). Anecdotal reports indicate that medical school admissions offices and residency training programs are increasingly using the Web to prescreen candidates. Many trainees may inadvertently harm their future careers by not responsibly posting material or not actively policing their online content. Educational programs stressing a proactive approach to digital image (online reputation) are good forums to introduce these potential repercussions. The implications for professional life extend beyond being a prospective applicant to career advancement. Several very public missteps have been documented, including physicians taking digital photographs during surgery (49), posing with weapons and alcohol (in some instances during humanitarian work) (50), and unprofessional microblog posts (for example, "tweets") (51) that may ultimately harm both the individual and the profession. Several large pharmacies and insurers have piloted systems for prescription refills and appointment updates (42); however, these interactions are largely unidirectional (such as update or reminder texts) with several layers of encryption for security. Despite these advances, current technology does not provide adequate security to prevent third-party access to information. Also, text messaging is not analogous to e-mail because of its abbreviated format and the greater possibility of missed messages. Therefore, physicians should not use text messaging for medical interactions with even established patients except with extreme caution and with patient consent. Position 4: Physicians should consider periodically "selfauditing" to assess the accuracy of information available about them on physician-ranking Web sites and other sources online. Education about the ethical and professional use of these tools is critical to maintaining a respectful and safe environment for patients, the public, and physicians. As patients continue to turn to the Web for health care advice, physicians should maintain a professional presence and direct patients to reputable sources of information. Digital media use for nonclinical purposes may affect societal perceptions of the profession, especially when questionable content is posted by physicians in their personal use of the Web. Maintaining separate personal and professional identities in Web postings may help to avoid blurring boundaries in interactions with patients and colleagues. These guidelines are meant to be a starting point, and they will need to be modified and adapted as technology advances and best practices emerge. Physicians are encouraged to take a proactive approach to managing digital identity by routinely performing surveillance of publicly available material and maintaining strict privacy settings about their information. Physicians also need to familiarize themselves with these technologies to guide themselves, and their patients, as they navigate the online terrain.

A frontal eye-field (area 8) lesion leads to deficit of workingmemory for ocular saccades (Ploner et al pregnancy estimator purchase 100mg lady era free shipping. Left-frontal patients have the most difficulty with working memory of verbal items womens health services cheap lady era 100 mg visa, and right-frontal patients with nonverbal ones pregnancy old wives tales discount 100 mg lady era amex. Frontal patients young women's health birth control generic 100 mg lady era with mastercard, unlike temporal patients, have been noted to perform poorly in spatial as well as nonspatial conditional association tests (Petrides, 1985), probably because of the working-memory component that those tests contain. As noted above, working memory can be characterized as sustained attention to an internal representation. Thus, working memory is subject to distractibility and interference, which are likely after prefrontal damage. In the frontal patient, irrelevant stimuli and irrelevant memories can easily interfere with the currently relevant memory; hence the critical importance of the context in which the relevant memory is tested. The greater the similarity between these and the memory currently "on line," the greater is the probability that they will interfere with it. Interference and the failure to control it clearly play a role in the memory deficit of the frontal patient. Nonetheless, after interference and other relevant factors have been suitably considered and controlled, there remains a population of frontal patients, especially with lateral damage, that exhibit a deficit of working memory not attributable to those factors. Such patients fail a variety of working-memory tests, although, somewhat paradoxically, they may not fail others supposed to test recent memory, such as the Wechsler Memory Scale, paired-associates tests, and the Benton Visual Retention Test (Stuss and Benson, 1986). To sum up, frontal patients show deficits in working memory, especially if their lesions include lateral prefrontal cortex. The magnitude and qualities of one such deficit depend on the context of the testing and, most important, on the degree to which the test requires the suppression of interference. Frontal lesions, as we will see below, can adversely affect this interference controlling function. Planning Whereas faulty working memory deprives frontal patients of the ability to use experience of the recent past, faulty foresight deprives them of the ability to plan for the future guided by internal cues. The two deficits are the mirror image of each other: one reflects failure of a temporally retrospective function, the other failure of a prospective one. These failing functions are the two sides of the same coin, two mutually complementary aspects of temporal integration (see below). Both tend to be affected together in the frontal patient, especially if the causal lesion is in the lateral prefrontal convexity. The same individual whom we have seen lacking memory of the recent past we now see lacking "memory of the future" (Ingvar, 1985) or "prospective memory" (Dobbs and Rule, 1987). Perhaps no prefrontal symptom has been reported more consistently than the inability to plan. Harlow (1848) recognized it in Phineas Gage, and was probably the first to report it. Innumerable authors have also noted it, usually in conjunction with reference to lack of initiative, including Penfield and Evans (1935), Brickner (1936), Freeman and Watts (1942), Ackerly and Benton (1947), Lhermitte et al. The failure to formulate plans, especially new plans, is generally accepted as being a common feature of prefrontal syndromes. The lack of foresight or "prospective memory" and the lack of capacity to formulate and carry out plans are closely related (Meacham and Leiman, 1982; Dobbs and Rule, 1987). The successful execution of a plan necessitates the prior conceptual scheme of the plan, the preparation for each of the steps to implement it, and the anticipation of its consequences. Therefore, it is difficult to dissociate the inability of frontal patients to plan from their poor foresight.

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Grey Walter (1964a) showed that electrical responses elicited by visual menopause patch proven lady era 100mg, auditory ucsf women's health center mt zion order lady era once a day, and somatic stimuli can be recorded from humans over large and overlapping frontal areas women's health clinic coon rapids 100mg lady era free shipping. Subsequently menopause questions lady era 100 mg with mastercard, animal studies have more clearly defined the distribution of evoked responses on the cortical surface and provided clues about the routes that sensory inputs follow to reach the frontal cortex. Monkey studies (Bignall and Singer, 1967; Bignall and Imbert, 1969) showed that stimuli of three modalities elicited evoked responses in frontal areas, with considerable overlap in the prefrontal region. On the other hand, electrical stimulation of primary areas, or areas in their vicinity, elicited potentials in the prefrontal cortex even after thalamectomy, suggesting that polysynaptic cortico-cortical pathways intervene in the transmission of sensory input to the prefrontal cortex. In the cat, connections from sensory areas to the frontal cortex have been traced electrophysiologically as far forward as the anterior sigmoid and the orbital gyri (Imbert et al. Some of the neuronal reactions exhibit substantial selectivity with regard to stimulus parameters. Although considerable variability has been observed in the topographic distribution of units as it pertains to the modality of the stimuli to which they respond, there seems to be a degree of specificity in that distribution; it is particularly evident for visual, olfactory, and gustatory cells. Units reactive to visual stimuli are especially common in the prearcuate region (area 8 included) and the inferior lateral prefrontal convexity. In the latter region, units have been noted to respond to complex stimuli, such as faces (Scalaidhe et al. Olfactory and gustatory units, on the other hand, have been found in the posterior orbital and opercular (orbitotemporal) regions, respectively. In the orbitofrontal cortex of the rat, olfactory units have also been found which seem to engage in ensemble encoding of odors (Schoenbaum and Eichenbaum, 1995a, 1995b). Whereas some studies reveal prefrontal units that respond to stimuli of only one modality, others show bimodal and trimodal responsiveness (Nelson and Bignall, 1973; Schechter and Murphy, 1975; Benevento et al. By intracellular recording, they determined that some of those interactions could occur in the prefrontal units themselves and not at some previous synaptic stage. Auditory-visual interactions were also observed at the unit level in the cortex of the superior temporal sulcus, another region that on the basis of anatomical connectivity could be expected to show multisensory convergence. The presence in the prefrontal cortex of cells reactive to stimuli of every one of the sensory modalities, and most particularly of cells with multimodal properties, confirms the multi-sensory character of the prefrontal cortex that studies of connectivity and evoked potentials have suggested. Indeed, on both anatomical and physiological grounds, the prefrontal cortex is evidently cortex of sensory association. Another characteristic of prefrontal cells, also exemplified by area-8 units, is their involvement in selective sensorial attention. Many of those cells are demonstrably reactive to sensory stimuli, especially visual, if and insofar as such stimuli are motivationally or behaviorally significant (Fuster, 1973; Pigarev et al. This kind of conditional reactivity indicates that the sensory input to prefrontal units is subject to modulation by neural influences related to prior experience, motivation, or internal state. The mechanisms of such modulation of afferent input are unclear, although they probably involve limbic and diencephalic structures, as well as other regions of association cortex that project to the prefrontal cortex. Lesion studies, as we have seen, implicate the prefrontal cortex, especially the orbital and prearcuate areas, in these two aspects of attentive control. Next, let us briefly consider the experimental evidence bearing on some of the mechanisms underlying sensory attention and the role of the prefrontal cortex in them. Experimental lesion or functional blockade of that system abolishes spindle bursts, recruiting responses, and other forms of synchronous electrographic activity associated with cortical inhibition (Lindsley et al.

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