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By: F. Falk, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Midwestern University Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine

Previously reported gross findings in affected wombats have ranged from minimal change medicine dictionary order genuine capoten on line, to pale consolidation of ventral lung lobes with mucopurulent exudate in the bronchi and bronchioles medicine advertisements discount capoten 25mg otc. Alternatively pulmonary fungal load and infection may have been exacerbated due to the presence of concurrent disease or immune suppression medicine dispenser order capoten 25mg fast delivery. Investigations into Southern hairy nosed wombat health in the region are continuing treatment plan order capoten no prescription. Aleuriospores of Emmonsia are ubiquitous and soil borne, and on inhalation form thick-walled non-replicating adiaspores in host tissues which continue to increase in size. Infection of wombats is thought to occur when they are pouch young, and a linear increase in Emmonsia spherule size with increasing wombat age has been observed. Emmonsia adiaspores also resemble Coccidoides immitis in tissue section, with the exception that Emmonsia lacks internal spores. Conference Comment: this is a unique look at a rarely observed, but morphologically distinct fungus. Lesions are restricted to the lungs in reported cases and there is a tremendously broad host range. Though the changes in this case were minimal, which was curious in itself when compared with the described poor body condition, they were largely confined to the interstitium as adequately described by the contributor. Contributing Institution: School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide References: 1. Adiaspiromycosis causing respiratory failure and a review of human infections due to Emmonsia and Chrysosporium spp. Adiaspiromycosis due to Emmonsia crescens is widespread in native British mammals. Burrow use and ranging behaviour of the southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) in the Murraylands, South Australia. Adiaspiromycosis in suspected cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). History: the boa was part of a reptile husbandry in which numerous animals were found to be in poor condition. These findings raised the suspicion for septicemia and, due to poor condition, the animal was euthanized. Gross Pathology: the animal was in poor body condition and showed severe cachexia. Laboratory Results: Antemortem blood cell count revealed severe leukocytosis with lymphocytosis (results not provided). Histopathologic Description: the slide contains sections from the kidney, epididymis and nervous ganglia (including chromaffin cells). Numerous eosinophilic, round, variable-sized (2-10 µm) intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies are present in the renal tubular epithelium, neurons and chromaffin cells, and epididymal epithelial cells. In the kidney, almost all glomeruli show abundant collagen deposition within the mesangium (glomerulosclerosis). Numerous intensely eosinophilic and tightly packed 2-µm granules are present in nephrocytes of the distal convoluted tubules (sexual segment) whereas epithelium of the proximal convoluted tubules contain coarsely granular brownish pigments (see discussion). Coelomic effusion, boa: Numerous leukocytes (arrows) and erythrocytes (arrowhead) contain homogenous bluish intracytoplasmic inclusions. Many epithelial cells also contain large amounts of an unidentified reddish brown granular pigment. Kidney, boa: Renal tubular epithelial cells contain one or more round, variably-sized eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions (arrows). Epididymis, boa: Epididymal lining epithelium contains one or more round, variably-sized eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions (arrows). The discovery of virus-like particles by transmission electron microscopy in affected tissues raised the suspicion for a viral etiology. These particles had a diameter of 110 nm and a hexagonal capsid, resembling C-type retroviral particles. Two major lineages of arenaviruses are described based on genetic differences and geographical distribution: Old World arenaviruses and New World arenaviruses. After a few weeks, neurologic signs appear and are characterized by head tremor, disorientation, ataxia, opisthotonos and behavioral changes.

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Page 90 of 136 Maureen Parsons graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology followed by a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing in 2003. In 2011, Maureen participated in the opening of the Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center and was one of the founding intensive care nurses, providing team care to advanced cardiovascular and thoracic surgery and medicine patients, including heart and lung transplants and pulmonary endarterectomy patients from around the world. Parsons then went on to attend California State University, San Marcos where she graduated Magna Cum Laude and received a Master of Science Degree in Nursing, specializing as a Family Nurse Practitioner in 2014. While there, she conducted a clinical research trial for Esbriet (Pirfenidone) for patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. In June of 2017, she joined the Neurological Surgery team where she currently works closely with Dr. Howard Tung specializing in neurosurgical evaluation and treatment of spinal disorders as well as tumors of the brain. She provides strategic insight and guidance for philanthropic endeavors, communications, business development, and short- and long-term operational planning. Morgan also oversees both the clinical coordinator and administrative assistant teams. Morgan has over 16 years of leadership experience in project management, business development, donor and client relations, marketing, and event production. Business Officer and Interim Business Officer (2008-2010); and Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences Affiliations Business Manager (2010-2015). In her role as Senior Director for Neuro, Trauma Burn and Rehab service lines, Michelle Ziemba is charged with the development and operations of the Neurological Institute and to the Neuro service line oversight, strategic program development, and operations for Trauma, Burn, and Rehab Services. Michelle also works with the Departments of Neurological Surgery and Neurosciences to improve clinical care, patient access, and clinical operations for both ambulatory and inpatient services and is responsible for Trauma and Burn Program Verification, program operations and strategy. Additional responsibilities include budget planning, financial sustainability, faculty recruitment, departmental program development, and marketing as well as providing oversight of rehabilitation services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy operations for both inpatient and outpatient services. Page 93 of 136 Prior to her current role, Michelle was the Associate Vice President of Trauma, Emergency, and Perioperative Services where she provided oversight over two hospitals and an ambulatory surgery center for the University of Arizona. There she oversaw all departmental operations, strategic planning, budget and organizational alignment. She was appointed by the executive leadership team to serve as an operational leader/liaison to clinical and revenue cycle operational leaders to facilitate a successful transition to the new electronic medical record system. Michelle has 20 years of experience as a passionate healthcare executive and enjoys being a change agent and leading operational initiatives to improve patient care and organizational excellence. The Potential Impact of "Take the Volume Pledge" on Outcomes After Carotid Artery Stenting. Role of Pregnancy and Female Sex Steroids on Aneurysm Formation, Growth, and Rupture: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Efficacy of Riluzole in the Treatment of Spinal cord Injury: a Systematic Review of the Literature. Surgical Outcomes Following Repeat Transsphenoidal Surgery for Nonfunctional Pituitary Adenomas: A Page 111 of 136 Retrospective Comparative Study. First-in-Man Clinical Experience Using a High-Definition 3Dimensional Exoscope System for Microneurosurgery. Use of Tentorial Sling for Microvascular Decompression in Patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Description of Operative Technique and Clinical Outcomes. A First-in-Human, Phase I Study of Neural Stem Cell Transplantation for Chronic Spinal Cord Injury. Multisociety Consensus Quality Improvement Revised Consensus Statement for Endovascular Therapy of Acute Page 112 of 136 Ischemic Stroke.

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Key features of assessment tools Reliability: reflects the reproducibility of the assessment tool and the accuracy with which a score is being measured medications pictures purchase 25mg capoten free shipping. It is higher in written assessments such as multiple choice and extended matching question formats medicine and technology buy discount capoten 25 mg line, and lower in clinical competency-based assessments where there are more uncontrolled variables treatment bronchitis generic capoten 25mg amex. Evaluation using generalisability theory can be performed to account for complex variables treatment plan goals cheap capoten 25mg free shipping. Validity: reflects the accuracy with which a test measures what it is purported to measure. It is a qualitative factor that evaluates the authenticity of an assessment and its fitness for purpose. Educational impact: assessment is an important driver of learning; appropriate assessment tools encourage learners to acquire the desired knowledge, skills and attitudes. Cost-effectiveness: reflects the practical aspects of assessment and helps determine the choice of assessment tool. Acceptability: successful assessment formats must be acceptable to the teaching faculty and the learners. Blueprinting: ensures the assessment tool samples content across the full range of learning objectives for the curriculum. Assessment 67 Standard setting Numerous methods to determine pass-marks for different assessment formats are available. Norm-referencing: in norm-referenced assessments the pass mark is determined by examiners using comparison within the cohort of examinees and thus the pass-mark varies at each sitting. A percentage of candidates will pass the assessment on each occasion (Fixed Percentage Method). Norm-referencing does not take account of the content of the assessment or the competence of the candidates. Criterion-referencing: in criterion-referenced assessments the pass-mark is set in advance by a team of experienced examiners using their judgement about the degree of difficulty of the assessment and the minimum score expected of a candidate who just reaches the acceptable standard. A number of criterionreferenced standard setting methods are described including the Angoff and Ebel procedures. Good practice for summative assessments in medical education demands that a minimum competence (safety) level should be set ­ the assessment should identify the Pass/Fail border and all candidates who reach the required standard should pass the examination. Assessments should thus be criterion-referenced by experienced examiners who recognise the standard required of the candidates at whatever level of undergraduate or postgraduate experience. In addition, the examiner awards the candidate a global score, based on an overall judgement of performance. These methods have gained credibility as they allow experienced clinicians to make judgements about professional competence and they are currently the gold-standard methods for assessments of clinical competence. Assessments in medical education fall into three main categories ­ those that measure knowledge, competence and performance. Checks sensation starting distally with joint position sense, then light touch, pin prick 11. Checks for walking in lower limb examination and prontor drift in upper limb examination 12. Examines patient in a professional manner (gentle, watches for pain, maintains dignity and privacy) 14. Closure (thanks patient, leaves patient comfortable) Examiner to ask: "Please summarise your key findings" 15. Candidate presents summary in a fluent, logical manner "What do you think is the most likely diagnosis? Good news Bad news Neither Management Please mark one of the circles for each component of the exercise on a scale of 1 (extremely poor) to 9 (extremely good). A score of 1­3 is considered unsatisfactory, 4­6 satisfactory and 7­9 is considered above that expected, for a trainee at the same stage of training and level of experience. Please note that your scoring should reflect the performance of the SpR against that which you would reasonably expect at their stage of training and level of experience. You must justify each score of 1­3 with at least one explanation/example in the comments box, failure to do so will invalidate the assessment. Organisation/Efficiency Not observed or applicable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 7. Reproduced by kind permission of the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board. Please use this space to record areas of strength or any suggestions for development.

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