Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta to strengthen base

VISAKHAPATNAM: Expressing satisfaction over the overwhelming response of people to Lok Satta in the just concluded election, its founder-president, Jayaprakash Narayan, said that the party would now concentrate on strengthening organizational base and leadership--the two areas where the party was found to be wanting.

Addressing mediapersons after reviewing party performance in the four north coastal districts here on Monday, Dr. Narayan refused to hazard a guess on the number of seats or the percentage of votes his party would get, asserting that politics is not just winning or losing elections, it is a continuous process of creating awareness among people and helping create a better society. “People now believe that, unlike other political outfits, Lok Satta stood for what it said and did what it promised to do. We have scored moral victory,” he said. People have also realized that other political parties had become morally bankrupt.

He said that with a view to reaching people and helping them, Lok Satta would set up civic centres in all mandals initially. This would be followed by setting up of similar centres in all villages. There would also be a call centre to help people in all aspects with phone no.40405050. The idea was to help and guide people solve their day to day issues in their own. He came down heavily on politicians who abuse voters, alleging that they were demanding money for votes.

“This was like devils quoting Vedas. It was the politicians who, taking advantage of the helplessness of the poor, purchased votes, got elected and made crores of rupees. The allegation was atrocious,” he said.

Answering questions, Dr. Narayan asserted that there was no dearth of leaders in Lok Satta party. Media has a tendency to recognize only persons with some designations, like MLA etc, as leaders. Because of certain problems, the party could not put up candidates in all Assembly and Lok Sabha segments. This issue of leaders would also be taken care of.

Senior Lok Satta leaders Y.D. Rama Rao,V. Ramachandraiah, Srinu Mahesh, Lakshman Babji, Jhansi were present.

Courtesy: The hindu

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 19:23

Lok Satta Organizing a Medical Camp at Bholakpur, Hyderabad

The Lok Satta Party is organizing a medical camp in Bholakpur where a few people have died and more than 100 fallen ill by drinking polluted Metro water.

Mr. C. V. L. Narasimha Rao, Lok Satta Party’s candidate for the Secunderabad Lok Sabha seat, Mr. Rohit Kumar, candidate for the Musheerabad Assembly seat and Mr. N. Ravinder, President of the Greater Hyderabad Lok Satta unit, went round the affected localities today and visited hospitals where the victims were undergoing treatment.

The three leaders said in a statement that the Lok Satta would be organizing the camp for two days to help people who were reluctant to undergo treatment amidst unhygienic surroundings in the Government’s Gandhi Hospital and could not afford costly treatment in private hospitals.

The Bholakpur tragedy underlined the Government’s failure even to provide basic amenities to citizens in Hyderabad often proclaimed as a Metropolis in the making and a hub of technology. They recalled that only four days ago, the Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan had alerted the authorities about pollution of drinking water with sewage in Kukatpally area. That even CARE Hospitals’ nurses developed diarrhea because of polluted drinking water underlined the problem was not confined to one area. Although Bholakpur residents had drawn the authorities’ attention to drinking water getting polluted with effluents from leather units, no action had been taken. Their plea for dispatch of water tankers too had not been heeded.

The Lok Satta pointed out that it was sheer negligence that caused the tragedy since the State had the resources and technology to provide safe drinking water to every citizen not merely in the Twin Cities but all over the State.

The absence of coordination between the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, the Metro Water and Sewerage Board and the Pollution Control Board merely aggravated people’s plight.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 16:29

Dr. JP unveils solutions to Severe urban crisis

Glitzy shopping malls, swanky multiplexes and high-rise buildings with glass facades are masking the deep poverty and destitution, widespread illiteracy and high unemployment and the havoc liquor is playing in the lives of lakhs of people in the heart of Hyderabad.

Disclosing this here today, Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said that urban Andhra Pradesh is going through a severe economic and sociological crisis, which cannot be tackled with handouts of television sets, cash grants and free rice.

Dr. JP, who had gone round Kukatpally Assembly constituency, the microcosm of urban Andhra Pradesh, for the last three days told a media conference that whoever came to power in the just concluded elections should shed blinkers, realize the magnitude of the crisis and mount a concerted effort to confront it head on.

The Lok Satta President, who interacted with hundreds of poor families, said it was a disgrace that Hyderabad, the capital city and the so-called knowledge hub of India, teemed with people, who migrated from far off places in search of work and livelihood lived in abject conditions. The children of the poor dropped out of school to work as child laborers. Hundreds of young women who lost their husbands to alcohol were leading pitiable lives. Most people in slums went without even basic amenities.

Dr. JP suggested two solutions to address the urban crisis: Creation of 1250 new towns all over Andhra Pradesh and formation of district/city/town governments.

The 1250 towns with all modern amenities could be constructed in five years at a total cost of Rs.40,000 crore or Rs.8000 crore per year. They would become the growth centers and help people find livelihood opportunities. The towns should be so conceived that they provide quality and free education and health care to all and livelihood and job-oriented skills to the unemployed youth. The rise of the new towns would prevent mass migration into the existing cities and towns.

The myriad problems urban citizens are facing can be resolved only when city and town governments are formed and resources, powers and personnel are devolved on divisional/ward committees elected by them. Then the committees will focus on addressing problems ranging from education and health care to transport and sanitation. The Lok Satta is committed to forming city governments, ward/divisional committees and making a per capita grant of Rs.1000 to every ward/division.

Dr. JP said that traditional political parties concerned themselves with elections once in five years and tried to win people's votes by using caste, money and liquor cards. "I understand that bets running into millions of rupees are being waged on who will form the government and the winning margins of contestants."

"But real politics lies in what happens between elections. Elections have become party and candidate-centric instead of people- centric."

Dr. JP said that the people have been so disempowered in the last six decades of Independence that they find themselves helpless.

Dr. JP graphically portrayed the plight of people in Kukatpally. They do not get safe drinking water since sewage flows into drinking water. Many manholes are without covers, posing a threat to children even in summer. At many places, manhole structures being at a higher level than roads, pedestrians and two-wheeler riders are vulnerable to accidents. Everywhere, the drains remain open. The Kukatpally and Vinayaknagar drains into which industries dump their effluents on the sly are emptying themselves into the Hussain Sagar, which was once the drinking water source of Hyderabad. In Motinagar, Moosapet and elsewhere, open sewers, oppressive stench, mosquito menace and groundwater pollution have become a way of life for decades. Social services continue to be in a parlous state. Small children who cannot afford even footwear go to private schools paying exorbitant fees. Government schools continue to remain dilapidated and manned by teachers who have little incentives to teach. Even those who claim to have completed the primary school cannot read or write a single sentence. The traffic remains chaotic with no parking lots, foot over-bridges and zebra crossings resulting in frequent and fatal accidents. A sub-center of a primary health center does not have staff to attend to patients.

"It is not as though we do not have resources or technology to solve the basic problems of people. The fact is there is no coordination between agencies like the Municipal Corporation, Metro Water and Pollution Control Board and Metropolitan Development Authority to address problems like pollution of drinking water and open drains."

Dr. JP said there is no need for people to despair since they have seen a ray of hope in the Lok Satta and voted for it on a large scale. All that they have to do is to make the Lok Satta their platform and devote a little time and energy to resolve problems confronting all of them.

Sunday, May 3, 2009 - 20:07
