Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta rubbishes critics

The Lok Satta Party today took strong exception to certain politicians and media analysts blaming the Lok Satta for the failure or success of certain parties in the 2009 elections. “The charge that the Lok Satta Party cut into the votes of one party or the other betrays the critics’ presumption that they own certain vote banks. It is nothing but an affront to the voters’ intelligence and wisdom.”

Talking to the media, party spokesmen Mrs. S. Manorama and Mrs. K. Geeta Murthy said that the Lok Sattta Party had been formed specifically to usher in new politics, and not to pull down one party and enthrone the other and perpetuate traditional politics. Certain families and individuals over the years had converted politics into a lucrative business enterprise to serve their personal interests at the cost of citizens. “The citizens around whom politics should revolve in a democracy have been turned into supplicants.”

The spokesmen pointed out that the Lok Satta had contested the elections with a clear-cut and practicable agenda. Although it enjoyed tremendous good will, the Lok Satta failed to convert it into votes for reasons ranging from absence of competent leaders and inadequate resources to the malicious propaganda that a vote to the Lok Satta would be a wasted vote. Infact only, 5 to 10% of the people who are supporters of Lok Satta voted in its favour because of the propaganda of wasted vote. In truth, Lok Satta’s vote has thus been diverted to traditional parties which indulged in vote buying, liquor distribution, casteism, and parochialism. But Lok Satta refuses to blame other parties for our inability to convert our support into votes.

After honest introspection, the Lok Satta haf decided to overcome its weaknesses and strengthen itself to reach the people, instead of blaming them. “We are proud that more than 7.5 lakh voters chose to vote for us, spurning inducements like money and liquor and a host of freebies offered by all traditional parties.” Lok Satta represents the future and traditional parties represent the past. We will build a secure future for all children irrespective of caste, region, religion, and language. These elections have given us the foundation to build clean politics.

The spokesmen recalled that the Lok Satta Party right from the beginning had made it clear that it alone could not transform the country. “There are innumerable competent and honest leaders in all parties and in society who are equally fed up with the present state of affairs. The Lok Satta invited all like-minded parties, forces and individuals to join hands in its mission of unveiling new politics. The only conditions the Lok Satta stipulated for contesting elections together was the parties should pledge themselves against inducing voters with money and liquor and fielding candidates with criminal antecedents. Sadly, not a single traditional party came forward to abide by the Lok Satta criteria at least publicly. These parties should introspect honestly and correct their methods instead of indulging in mud-slinging and blame throwing.

“The Lok Satta firmly believes that buying votes with money and liquor is nothing but a travesty of democracy. People come to power by investing in votes only to enrich themselves enormously by all means. There is no raison d’etre for the Lok Satta Party if it resorts to or condones such behavior.”

Quoting Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, the spokesmen pointed out that the Lok Satta had made a good beginning in the 2009 elections and was poised to emerge as the future of India.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 17:23

NRIs happy over Lok Satta performance

People for Lok Satta, an NRI organization backing the Lok Satta Party, described the 2009 elections in Andhra Pradesh as a moral victory for the party in that lakhs of people voted for it spurning inducements like money, liquor and freebies offered by the three traditional parties and ignoring the malicious propaganda that a vote for the new party would be a wasted vote.

The organization comprising NRIs in the U.S., Canada, Britain, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand, campaigned for the party through phone calls and SMS.

It noted that the Lok Satta Party had struck roots in urban areas although it could not make an impact in rural areas. It pledged itself to replicate Kukatpally, from which party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan was elected to the Assembly, all over the country in the days to come. The NRIs would do their best to create a society in which every one transcending caste and religion, region and language had equal opportunities for growth, said Messrs Satya Suresh Donepudi, Kranthi Gaddam, Prasad Gattu in a statement released through the Lok Satta Party headquarters here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 17:23

Voters displayed extraordinary maturity: Dr. JP

Voters in India at both the State and national levels displayed extraordinary maturity in rejecting opportunistic alliances struck solely to grab power, said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

Addressing the party’s State Working Committee, Dr. JP said the elections were historic in that the voters refused to vote for a party that promised cash transfer of Rs.2000 per family per month. They did not succumb to politicians who sought to stoke the flames of hatred based on caste and region. That the voters returned 33 Congress candidates to the Lok Sabha compared to a mere 157 to the Assembly testified to their discretion in choosing the party that should rule the country.

Dr. JP congratulated Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Chief Minister Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy on their remarkable performance in national and State elections.

Dr. JP pointed out that the Lok Satta could not translate the abundant good will it enjoyed into votes because it did not have competent leaders who could inspire confidence among rural voters. It enjoyed enormous good will because it had a powerful agenda, and the middle classes had begun to own it. It was ignored by the media owners who had their vested interests to pursue, although media personnel by and large stood by the party. There was no reason to get dejected by the media’s attitude since the aberration would turn out to be transient. The media could not afford to antagonize the middle classes, its major constituency. “As a moral institution, the media is going to stand by the people and support the cause of democratic transformation.”

The Lok Satta as of now was in no position to guarantee that it would safeguard rural voters from feudal oppression if they exercised their franchise freely. It, therefore, envisaged formation of citizen service centers in every constituency to serve as a bridge between people and governmental agencies and safeguard them from factional pressures.

Underlining the need to strengthen the party with cooption of competent leaders and raising of adequate resources, Dr. JP said, “We are engaged in a war and we need soldiers who are prepared to fight. I am not enamored of earning a name and fame but only interested in transforming the country. Join me and share the glory.”

Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 17:50
