Press Releases Archive

Vested interests hemorrhaging Government: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today expressed his shock and anguish over the financially crippled State Government devising ingenious ways to forgo revenue or squander meager resources if either option would help fatten chosen people.

Talking to the media on the Assembly premises, Dr. JP recalled how the Andhra Pradesh Government allowed a huge chunk of Central funds for the Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan to lapse by failing to contribute its share of Rs.400 crore in the last financial year.

However, the Government had no compunction in making available 55000 hectares of mineral-rich land in Scheduled Areas for exploitation by vested interests. As per the State Government scheme, the Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation will undertake mining and shall sell minerals charging a margin of not more than16 percent. On the one hand, the Government gives mining leases to private parties and gives them absolute freedom on pricing without seeking a share in profits other than a token royalty. On the other hand, it shackles the APMDC by stipulating its margin so that the buyers in whom it is interested can reap riches.

Dr. JP also instanced how the Government had spent Rs.1000 crore on a project without a sod of earth being turned up or an acre of land being irrigated. The pretext is preparation of designs etc for a project that will cost Rs.38500 crore as of today, and requires 3750 MW of power for its operation, translating into capital cost of nearly Rs.3 lakh and a recurring operational and maintenance cost of Rs.40000 an acre.

Dr. JP said that with the Rs.1000 crore already spent on the unviable project, the Government could have reimbursed the tuition fees of nearly half a million students or enabled a million youth to gain employment and livelihood skills.

Dr. JP wryly commented, “The Government has not gone bankrupt; vested interests are bankrupting it. No wonder, the Government starves essential schemes of funds even as it gladly and generously rewards people close to power centers.”

Monday, July 12, 2010 - 18:34

Hats off to scientists: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today congratulated all the scientists and technologists on the successful launch of PSLV C-15.

In a media statement, Dr. JP said our scientists have once again demonstrated that given encouragement and resources, they can work miracles. He congratulated engineering students from Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka on designing the educational satellite that went into orbit today.

Monday, July 12, 2010 - 18:34

Robin Hood politics robbing India Of super power stature

Instead of becoming an economic super power in the next one or two decades, India will sink into a bottomless abyss if the media, middle classes and the youth do not put an end to Robin Hood politics, warned Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today.

In his keynote address at a national seminar on electoral reforms, Dr. JP said that modern day kleptocrats, irrespective of the party to which they belong, have mastered the art of plundering State funds and perpetuating poverty among the masses by throwing a few crumbs at them. Instead of getting indignant, the masses feel grateful for the sops they receive. The country’s future will be bleak if such status quo-ism is not ended.

C. Achyutha Memon Study Centre & Library, Thiruvananthapuram, and Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, organized the seminar to discuss the entire gamut of electoral reforms ranging from restructuring of the Election Commission and reforming of the electoral system to curbing the use of money and muscle power in elections.

Dr. JP said that democracy has not proved to be a disaster as some feared. Conduct of regular, peaceful and competitive elections, people enjoying political freedoms, and orderly transfer of power in election after election reflect the strengths of democracy in India. However, unprecedented use of money and muscle power, most of it funded by illegitimate resources, to influence voters has undermined democracy. Political parties have made the sovereign people mere mendicants.

Dr. JP underlined the need for a total transformation in the way political parties functioned. They should become instruments in the hands of people for bettering their lives and cease to be private properties of a few people. The electoral system should be so reformed that every vote counts as in proportional representation. There should be direct elections to local governments. The Election Commission, which has grossly failed in ensuring continuous voter registration and publication of flawless voters’ lists, should turn a new leaf. A concerted effort should be made to mitigate if not eradicate corruption by ensuring sure and swift punishment, including forfeiture of properties of the guilty.

Dr. JP recalled that many countries had gone through such turmoil in their history and overcome them. “The challenge before us is overcoming such problems in the next ten years and not one hundred years.”

Saturday, July 10, 2010 - 21:32
