Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today appealed to students to use the Right to Information Act as an effective tool to ferret out irregularities of rulers and inefficiencies in the education system.
Addressing a student meet organized by Yuva Chaitanya at Rosary Convent in Abids, Hyderabad. Dr. JP said maintenance of secrecy in administrative matters other than those impinging on national security leads to corruption, nepotism and other evils. “It is tantamount to violating people’s sovereignty. In a democracy, people are sovereign and rulers, servants. Just as you do not keep quiet if your domestic servant does something without taking you into confidence, do not put up with rulers doing something behind your back. Keeping people informed of all administrative matters is rulers’ responsibility. The right to information is not a boon the Government has conferred on the people; it is their inherent right.”
Dr. JP pointed out there is no dearth of laws in India. But they will serve the purpose only when people learn to utilize them by having proper understanding.
Dr. JP, one of the architects of the Right to Information Act, said there is scope for improving its provisions. Even in its present form, people can use it to preserve and promote democracy. People’s silence for the last 63 years has contributed to politics of loot and plunder.
Pointing out that the Governments in India spend Rs.200 crore every hour, Dr. JP said that people should ensure that every paisa is properly utilized by invoking RTI Act provisions to expose irregularities in governance.
A large number of students from degree and professional colleges attended the meet, coordinated by Mr. K. Vijaya Bhaskar and Mr. D. Narasimha Rao.