Press Releases Archive

US honor for RTI activist

The US Government has invited Mr. N. Nagendra Babu (44), a practicing High Court advocate and RTI (Right to Information) activist of Hyderabad to study the principles of transparency, accountability, and ethics in American Government and business.

The US Government has extended the invitation under its prestigious International Visitor Leadership Program. Mr. Nagendra Babu, who is also an activist of the Lok Satta Party, will be in the U. S. from September 13 to October 1, 2010.

As convener of the United Forum for RTI Campaign, comprising more than 100 civil society organizations, Mr. Nagendra Babu has trained about 1200 volunteers in Andhra Pradesh on the importance of the RTI Act and organized meetings to spread awareness about its provisions.

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 18:27

Tackle political mafia through stringent Anti Corruption law: Lok Satta

There is no alternative to amending the Anti Corruption Act to recovering the ill-gotten wealth of top politicians and officials, Lok Satta Party State Working President D. V. V. S. Varma said here today.

Commenting on Opposition leader N. Chandrababu Naidu’s assertion that he would deploy the Revenue Recovery Act to recover ill-gotten wealth of Congress politicians if his party comes into power, Mr. Varma pointed out the Act could not prevent or mitigate routine corruption in implementation of even the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. It would be ridiculous if Mr. Chandrababu Naidu thinks he can tackle political mafia’s corruption with the Revenue Recovery Act.

Mr. Varma said that in the past certain politicians maintained ties with the mafia. However, today the mafia itself is ruling politics. The mafia is looting natural resources and gobbling up Government lands. If this unbridled corruption goes unchecked, the State will go into the hands of a few plunderers of public wealth and the common people reduced into perpetual beggars.

The Lok Satta Working President recalled that his party proposed a comprehensive amendment to the Anti Corruption Act and circulated a Bill to that effect when the then Chief Minister and Mr. Chandrababu Naidu hurled charges of corruption against each other in April 2008. Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan requested Mr. Chandrababu Naidu as the Opposition leader to take the initiative to convene an all-party meeting to discuss the Bill and get it passed in the Assembly. If Mr. Chandrababu Naidu is serious about eradicating corruption, he should at least now work in that direction. Even the Government should consider the Bill in the context of corruption allegations ruling party leaders themselves are hurling against each other. Those promising eradication of corruption without overhauling the anti-corruption law are indulging in empty rhetoric or shadowboxing.

The Lok Satta Bill to amend the Anti Corruption Act brings under its purview all elected representatives ranging from a panchayat board member to Member of Parliament. It provides for constitution of special courts to try corruption cases, appointment of independent public prosecutors of the rank of a chief judicial magistrate, total autonomy to the Anti Corruption Bureau and an empowered Lok Ayukta.

The Bill provides for seizure of property of an accused during investigation and attachment if proven guilty.

Mr. Varma counseled that people should not conclude the fight against corruption would be futile since it is too deep rooted. Such complacency will cut at the roots of democracy. Hong Kong, which was once notorious for widespread corruption, has eradicated it by constituting an autonomous body and ensuring sure and swift punishment of the guilty.

“If you have the will to end corruption there is always a way. Besides amending the anti corruption law, the Government has to bring in systemic changes providing for competition and giving choice to consumers, and deploy technology to eradicate corruption.

Saturday, September 11, 2010 - 22:14

Centralized rule aggravating People’s woes: Lok Satta

Torrential rains this year have once again exposed how centralized administration plays havoc with common people’s lives, commented the Lok Satta Party here today.

The administration has come to a virtual standstill with the Chief Minister ailing, the Cabinet divided on regional lines, a fight raging for the Chief Minister’s seat and some Ministers preoccupied with covering up corruption charges against them.

Talking to the media, party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao and Eda Chennayya said that as a result of the the paralysis in administration people had to endure hardships ranging from fertilized scarcity to flooded homes and fields, water and air-borne diseases and cratered roads. Private hospitals and laboratories in Coastal Andhra are fleecing fever-hit people in the name of patelet infusions.

The Lok Satta leaders said that the people would not have gone through such hardship had powers, responsibilities, resources and personnel been devolved on local governments. They would have attended to problems as they arose and provided relief.

The remarks of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Mayor that officials had not heeded her appeals for road repairs for the last one month eloquently testified to the centralized nature of administration.

The party leaders said district tours by Ministers and the Chief Minister in the name of ‘Praja Patham’ would amount to an eye-wash so long as powers and resources are not devolved upon locally elected people’s representatives.

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 17:53
