Press Releases Archive

Dandi March II rally against Corruption today

Dandi March II, launched by NRIs in the US, seeking constitution of a powerful and independent Lok Pal to eradicate corruption and recovery of black money stashed abroad by Indians, is concluding on March 26.

The NRIs, under the leadership of organizations like People for Lok Satta, began their 240-mile-long march from Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park in San Diego, California, on March 12 to the Gandhi statue in San Francisco touching 35 towns en route.

Mahatma Gandhi’s historic Dandi March from Sabarmati Ashram against foreign rule inspired NRIs to emulate him in their fight against corruption in India now.

Transcending differences of caste and religion, region and language, NRIs in large numbers have responded to Lok Satta President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan’s call and took part in the march or pledged support, said party spokesman Katari Srinivasa Rao in a media statement. Dainik Chattisgarh editor Sunil Kumar took part in the march in the U. S. while the Gandhian Satyagraha Brigade from Delhi expressed its solidarity.

On March 26, rallies in support of Dandi March II are taking place in 12 cities of the U. S and 22 places, including Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. Indians living in Dubai, the U. K., Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, and Malaysia are also planning solidarity rallies.

Friday, March 25, 2011 - 17:42

Empower Lokayukta to eradicate Corruption: Lok Satta

Even as it welcomed the proposed amendments to the Lokayukta Act to cover more and more people’s representatives and public sector employees, the Lok Satta Party said today that corruption could not be eradicated so long as the Lokayukta remained toothless.

Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma recalled the Second Administrative Reforms Commission’s observation that failure to tackle corruption at the top level led to its becoming rampant. So, mere extension of the Lokayukta’s jurisdiction to more and more people would not solve the problem. Moreover, the Lokayukta in Andhra Ptradesh, unlike its counterpart in Karnataka, does not have powers to raid the corrupt and take action.

Mr. Varma said the Lokayukta should be strengthened with enough powers, resources and personnel. The Anti Corruption Bureau and the Vigilance Department should be brought under the control of the Lokayukta.

Mr. Varma also demanded that the Prevention of Corruption Act be amended on the lines of the draft Bill proposed by Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan in 2009.

The Bill envisages bringing of all elected people’s representatives like MLAs under the purview of the Anti Corruption Bureau, constitution of special courts in all districts to pursue corruption cases, attachment of properties of the guilty, and bringing in all anti corruption institutions like the ACB, Vigilance Department and administrative tribunals under the purview of the Lokayukta.

Mr. Varma appealed to all parties fulminating against corruption to transcend their political differences and join hands in getting the Prevention of Corruption Act amended.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 17:41

Why double standards for sugar and rice Exports, Lok Satta asks Sharad Pawar

Is Mr. Sahard Pawar Union Minister for Sugar Industry or Agriculture, the Lok Satta Party caustically asked today.

Mr. Shard Pawar’s missive to Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee seeking immediate permission for sugar exports reflected his determination to protect the interests of sugar mill owners, said Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma in a media statement.

However, as Union Agriculture Minister Mr. Sharad Pawar had ignored the plight of sugarcane growers by not ensuring a remunerative price for their produce. Permission to exports at the fag end of the crushing season might benefit sugar mill owners, but not farmers who could not get a fair price for their produce. At best, exports might help some sugar mills might clear their cane dues to farmers. In Andhra Pradesh, the State Government has not announced even the State Advisory Price for sugarcane.

He demanded that sugar mills benefiting from exports should be made to share their profits with farmers by way of bonus.

Mr. Varma also faulted Mr. Shard Pawar for focusing only export of sugar and not on foodgrains. “He is arguing for sugar exports on the ground that the country is surplus in sugar. Should he not extend the same logic for export of rice?”

He pointed out that the country’s warehouses and farmers’ homes are overflowing with wheat and rice stocks of 60 million tons – double the needs of the country’s requirements, even as bumper rabi harvests are round the corner. He demanded that the Government permit export of at least four million tons of rice.

Representatives of the Lok Satta Party and independent farmers’ organizations have repeatedly requested the Union Government to permit export of rice to other countries considering that rice prices the world over are ruling high.

The Union Government permitted export of a mere 1.5 lakh tons of rice, although it could have allowed export of lakhs of tons of rice. It could have permitted export of boiled rice and come to the rescue of farmers in Andhra Pradesh. (The paddy crop damaged in heavy rains during the kharif season in Andhra Pradesh was fit only for conversion into boiled rice, which commands a market abroad). Farmers had to make distress sale of damaged paddy as the Government had not permitted export of boiled rice.

The Lok Satta Party as a matter of policy would like the Union and State Governments to rid agriculture of the license-permit raj so that the farmer would have total freedom for marketing his produce wherever he wants within or outside the country. There is no reason why the Government, which ushered in liberalization for the industrial sector since 1990s should not extend it to the agriculture sector.

India lives in villages and villages are peopled mostly by farmers, workers, and artisans dependent on them. How can India progress if Government policies resulting in denial of a fair market price for agricultural produce pauperize farmers, Mr. Varma asked and said, Governments’ policies have driven lakhs of farmers to end their lives.

He recalled that the Government banned export of onions when its price touched Rs.70 a kg. The Government would now not bother when the price of onions has plummeted to Rs.4,50 a kg in the wholesale market. Similarly, the price of tomato has plunged to 50 paise a kg in certain parts of the State.

Mr. Varma wanted the Government to promote storage facilities for food grains and processing facilities for perishable products, impose customs duty on import of edible oil to encourage the indigenous farmer, and compress the number of intermediaries between the producer and the consumer.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 18:03
