Time for Clean & Honest Politics
Lok Satta Party - Makkal Sakthi: New Politics for the New Generation
Lok Satta Party (LSP) is contesting elections in Tamil Nadu. Known also as Makkal Sakthi (‘People Power’) in this southern State, it stands for clean & honest politics, curbing corruption (remember the famous Zero-Rupee Note campaign?) and government that actually works for the citizens. More than 50 eminent citizens are contesting elections on behalf of the party as people’s candidates. A number of reputed voluntary organizations fighting against corruption and reforms groups led by eminent citizens too have joined this landmark effort.
Join, Support & Make a Contribution. Today!
You can join the efforts, become a member or register as a supporter. Make a contribution to Makkal Sakthi directly or through Lok Satta Party (LSP). Just visit www.loksatta.org or www.makkalsakthi.in websites and click on the ‘Contribute’ link: make a quick, easy, safe and secure contribution to Lok Satta Party or Makkal Sakthi from anywhere in the world. You can donate via e-transfer, credit card, cheque or cash (LSP office addresses are in the website). All contributions will be immediately acknowledged and receipt will be given. All contributions are 100% exempt from income tax in India.
Become an Election Volunteer/Media Team Member
You and your friends can become our Election Volunteer (field campaigner) in Tamil Nadu today. You can also join the TN LSP Media Team and help coordinate the campaign efforts in the State. Spread the word about LSP: Makkal Sakthi among your friends everywhere and through various media: Twitter, Facebook, online groups or even plain old email! Call your friends and family in Tamil Nadu and tell them to support and vote for LSP:Makkal Sakthi in the April 2011 elections.