Press Releases Archive

Dr. JP greets Muslims and Hindus

Conveying his greetings to Muslim and Hindu brethren on the eve of Ramzan and Vinayaka Chaturthi, Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said that the festivals should remind them of their common culture, traditions and history.

India is the only nation in the world known for its fusion of diverse cultures over millennia Dr. JP said and recalled in a media statement that Hinduism and Islam have co-existed peacefully since the advent of Islam in India in the eighth century. Their composite culture, shared language, lifestyle and even fusion of religious thought testify to the versatility and syncretism of India.

Against the backdrop of the momentous happenings in the country in the last few weeks, all of us should move forward with confidence and hope to build a great future for our children even as we celebrate the festivals.

“While we all have our own conception of god and religion, we are human, with common history, and more important, a common fate binding all of us. Our love of families and our dreams for our children; our hopes for a better India and our anger against corruption and humiliation; and our sense of joy and beauty and courage and compassion – all these unite us much more than our diversities divide us. Let us rejoice in the good tidings, and celebrate our composite culture and common civilization” said Dr.JP.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 17:28

Lok Satta feels vindicated on Demand for Lokayuktas

Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma has expressed his happiness over Members of Parliament cutting across party lines supporting the Lok Satta plea for constitution of Lokayuktas in States along with the Lokpal, and a National Judicial Commission to deal with higher judiciary, excluding it from the Lokpal purview.

In a media statement issued here today, Mr. Varma pointed out that the Lok Satta has been fighting for the creation of an effective, strong, and independent Lokpal. It conducted two round table conferences in New Delhi and Hyderabad on the Lokpal Bill, brought about a consensus on most provisions, and communicated them to all political leaders in the form of amendments to the Union Government’s Bill.

Congratulating all those who fought along with the Lok Satta for the creation of strong anti-corruption mechanisms, Mr. Varma hoped the Parliamentary Standing Committee and Parliament would give shape to a Lokpal, Lokayukta Bill that reflects public opinion.

Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 16:15

We have made history but miles to go: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan described August 27 as a great day in the history of our Republic. “Parliament displayed the majesty of the functioning of democracy and members, exemplary unity of purpose and leadership. The quality of debate over the Lokpal and Anna Hazare’s fast is a matter of pride for all Indias, irrespective of their political beliefs.”

Dr. JP said that despite baffling diversity and many failings of our political system, the parliamentarians exhibited true nobility of politics.

“The two cardinal gifts of our Constitution are liberty and the vote through which we govern ourselves. If the elected, Government and Parliament become too strong and undermine liberty, it leads to tyranny. If people’s liberty undermines Parliament, it leads to anarchy. It is a challenge for leaders and people to traverse a middle path, integrating liberty with constitutionalism. “

Dr. JP said Anna Hazare has done yeoman service to the country by bringing the fight against corruption to the center-stage of our political process. Even more important, he has brought large sections of the middle class and youth into the political process.

“Now we have the important task of channeling this energy for long-term political engagement. We have many tasks on hand. We have to end corruption. We have to decentralize Government and empower people. We have to establish the rule of law which treats every one alike. We have to strengthen agriculture and save the farmer. We have to transform the nature of politics and make the best and brightest electable.

“We are all one. There are no distinctions of parties or civil society, Parliament or people. Let us all rejoice and get on with the many tasks on hand. Let us all work with redoubled vigor to complete the unfinished agenda.”

Saturday, August 27, 2011 - 20:07
