Make terrorism a national crime: Dr. JP
Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today demanded that the Constitution be amended to make all terrorist offences as federal crimes. He also suggested that an umbrella agency be created to prevent terrorist atrocities and the legal framework strengthened to mete out swift and exemplary punishment to the guilty.
Expressing his deep condolences to the families of the New Delhi blast victims, Dr. JP said terrorists cannot undermine either the unity or integrity of India or harmony among Indians. Each terrorist assault will strengthen the resolve of every Indian to protect the nation and promote our economy. Terrorists are bound to fail because India’s capacity for resilience is tremendous.
Dr. JP said that the frequent terrorist attacks should make us realize two weaknesses from which India suffers. The first is the absence of inter-agency and inter-State cooperation and coordination in dealing with terrorist crimes and the second is the weak legal framework. “We should realize that terrorism will not disappear in a hurry and that we have to live with it for many, many years because of the geo-political situation.”
Making terrorist offences a federal crime, creating an umbrella agency to deal with terrorism, and strengthening the legal framework to facilitate swift and effective action are the need of the hour. The fact that 20 years after the assassination of the former Prime Minister of the country the guilty have not been punished, eloquently testifies to the tardy legal system, he added.