Press Releases Archive

Politics is about people and not politicians: Dr.JP

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today reiterated the maxim that politics is too serious a business to be left alone to politicians and called upon people with integrity, leadership qualities, resources and concern for society to plunge into politics.

Addressing a gathering on the occasion of Mrs. Kanthimathi Kannan, founder-President, The Right to Walk Foundation, joining the Lok Satta Party, Dr. JP said politics is about changing the lives of people not about the electoral fortunes of politicians. Mrs. Kanthimathi, Dr. JP said, is a true politician in that sense since she has devoted her time and energy to improve the lot of pedestrians, unfazed by discouragement from many quarters.

Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta Party has a comprehensive philosophical outlook unlike other political parties. It believes in reconciliation of conflicting interests, adopts a rational approach and offers solutions to problems and practices what it preaches in word and deed. What the LSP says today, the entire country will follow tomorrow, Dr. JP added.

Dr. JP said that honesty in politics is a minimum requirement but not the maximum qualification. One should, besides being honest, have the intellectual and moral capacity and courage to bring about transformation in society.

There is no need for cynicism since we have the resources and technology to realize our dream of building a better society.

The society cannot be transformed if people confine themselves to deriding politics and politicians. It is true that sometimes tussle for power and factionalism and other evils characterize politics. But that should not deter the finest men and women from playing a creative role in politics. Lincoln and Gandhi are great examples of leaders who while being part of contemporary politics, had risen above pettiness, and rebuilt their respective nations. That is what India needs today, Dr.JP said.

Mrs. Kanthimathi said that she would like to improve the living conditions of the poorest of the poor and brings smiles to their faces.

Lok Satta Party State President Katari Srinivasa Rao described Mrs. Kanthimathi as a warrior in the cause of pedestrians.

Mr. Bandaru Ramamohan Rao, Vice President, took part in the meeting.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 - 15:33

Release input subsidy without linking it to bank accounts: Lok Satta

Denial of input subsidy to victims of last year's drought and Neelam cyclone on the ground they do not have bank accounts merely mirrors Government's incompetence, said the Lok Satta Party.

About 11 lakh of the 30.41 lakh farmers hit by the natural calamities will have to forgo the input subsidy of Rs.10000 per hectare if the Government sticks to its irresponsible stance, said Mr. P. Bhaskara Rao, Convener of the Lok Satta Party's farmers' wing and Mr. Eeda Chennayya, State party Secretary.

The leaders pointed out that the input subsidy can be paid to farmers through crop loan accounts, or crossed cheques or through their cooperative bank accounts. The Government should not link subsidy with the Aadhar since issuance of Aadhar cards is still under way.

The Lok Satta leaders faulted the Government also for its failure to ensure supply of seeds to farmers although the crop season has begun. Farmers waiting in serpentine queues for hours on end for soybean seeds in Medak district exemplifies the problem.

How will a Government which cannot ensure supply of seeds, fertilizers and input subsidy on time help the farmer get a remunerative price for his produce in a free market, they asked.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 17:24

Lok Satta Constitutes Committee to Review the Membership

Lok Satta constituted an empowered committee to review the membership enrollment process and improve the system and correct the errors. The committee comprises of the following members:

1. Sri M Padmanabha Reddy, IFS (Retd), Member Lok Satta’s Independent Election Authority
2. Sri M Rambabu, IAS (Retd)
3. Sri P Kodandarama Rao, Chairman, Lok Satta’s Disciplinary Committee

Their terms of reference are as follows:

1. To identify the errors in member enrollment and voter registration, and to suggest remedial measure

2. To suggest improvements in member enrollment and voter rolls preparation, with adequate safeguards to eliminate / minimize errors.

3. To refer to the party’s disciplinary committee cases, if any, in which any member has acted in a deliberate and malafide manner in member enrollment; these will be based on specific complaints and evidence, and there will be no fishing expedition.

Regarding errors or mistakes, L.S. party members may submit their representation to the committee with evidence on or before 20th Jun 2013 to the below mentioned address.

H.No.6-1-69, Flat No.204,
G.K.R. Mansion
Saifabad, Lakdikapool
Hyderabad - 500 004
Ph : 040-23230334
Email id:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 14:56
