Press Releases Archive

Inciting women on belt shops is unwarranted: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today took strong exception to Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh and State Panchayatiraj Minister K. Jana Reddy inciting women to smash illegal liquor outlets, locally known as belt shops, with the assurance that no cases would be instituted against them for indulging in vandalism.

Abdicating its responsibility of shutting down illegal outlets reflects not merely Government's incompetence but also its irresponsibility, commented Lok Satta Party General Secretary P. Ravi Maruth and Secretary Eeda Chennayya in a media statement.

The leaders pointed out that the emergence and proliferation of belt shops under successive governments is a direct fall-out of the State Government's flawed liquor policy. Viewing liquor as a perennial source of ever increasing revenue, the Governments have winked at belt shops over the years unmindful of the havoc they are causing to the health and finances of millions of people.

The Lok Satta has repeatedly told the Government that illegal liquor outlets sprout and flourish as long as the Government allocates liquor shops to private traders. Earlier, the Government gave liquor shop licenses to highest bidders. Subsequently, it carried out a steep hike in license fee and allocated shops to traders by lots.

The Lok Satta leaders said if the Government is sincere and serious, belt shops can be eliminated with ease. It can straightway take over retail liquor sales as in States like Tamil Nadu.

If it chooses to persist with private trade, it can entrust panchayats with the responsibility of ensuring that there are no belt shops in their jurisdiction and stipulate that any failure on their part will result in dissolution of the elected body. It can even enlist the services of self-help groups in its campaign against belt shops.

Far from eliminating belt shops, the Government is bent upon promoting liquor consumption going by press reports of its intention to allow permit rooms attached to liquor shops in villages.

Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy has set a record of sorts by unveiling one scheme after another for the benefit of the so-called poor and downtrodden sections. However, by encouraging liquor consumption on a large scale he is doing immense harm to the very sections who he would like to help, said Mr. Varma.

The Lok Satta leaders had a dig at TDP President and leader of Opposition N. Chandrababu Naidu also for asserting that his second signature on assuming as Chief Minister would be on a GO banning belt shops. Mr. Naidu seems to forget that no GO is required for shutting down what are apparently illegal outlets.

Monday, June 17, 2013 - 18:07

Stick to state-wide reservations for BCs: Lok Satta Party

The Lok Satta Party has asked the Government to go ahead with elections to panchayats by taking the State as a unit for reservations as announced earlier.

Lok Satta Party Vice President D. V. V. S. Varma in a media statement wanted the Government not to have second thoughts on the reservations issue in the wake of complaints that elections based on State-wide reservations will result in injustice to OCs in certain districts.

According to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics’ provisional estimates for 2011, BCs constitute 39.18 percent of the State’s population. The State Government has reserved 34 percent of seats to BCs and allocated them among districts in proportion to their population. As a result, BCs get more seats in districts where their population is high and less in districts where their population is low. If BCs are getting less than 34 percent of seats in 10 districts and more than 34 percent in 12 districts, it is because of the variation in their population.

Mr. Varma pointed out that if reservations of 34 percent were to be made for BCs taking the district as a unit, their quota will go down in 12 districts in which they account for more than 34 percent of population, resulting in the number of general seats going up. Similarly, their reservations will go up in districts where their population is less than 34 percent, resulting in a fall in the number of general seats.

Mr. Varma underlined that State-wide reservations for BCs have not affected the total number of general seats.

The controversy will merely provide a handle to the Government to once again postpone the overdue panchayat elections.

Mr. Varma wanted the Government to ensure that panchayat elections are held without further delay by giving the reservations chart to the Election Commission.

Monday, June 17, 2013 - 11:38

Dr.JP welcomes CM’s move to enact law on right to services

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today wholeheartedly welcomed Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy’s announcement of his intention to introduce a Public Services Delivery Bill in the Legislature.

In a media statement, Dr. JP, who represents Kukatpally in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, said he had informed the Business Advisory Committee only a few days ago of his plan to introduce the Bill and sought the support of all parties to it.

It may be recalled that Dr. JP had observed a three-day Surajya fast in December 2012 seeking among other things enactment of a law to guarantee basic services to citizens as a matter of their right.

Dr. JP pointed out that citizens now have to put up with huge delays, harassment and corruption in getting basic public services from a host of Government departments. The citizens’ basic entitlements to name a few include birth, death, income, caste, disability and marriage certificates, water, electricity and sewerage connections, building plan permissions, voter cards, ration cards and copies of land records. He pointed out that revenue officials charged Rs.2000 to Rs.3000 per acre as speed money for issuing them a record of rights.

The law should guarantee delivery of basic services within a stipulated time frame and incorporate provisions for imposing a penalty on errant officials and compensating applicants for delays.

Dr. JP suggested that the Andhra Pradesh law can be modeled after the Public Services Bill before Parliament now. At the request of the Parliament’s Standing Committee, the Lok Satta had drafted the Bill integrating the two Bills dealing with delivery of services in physical form and electronic services.

Dr. JP recalled that a number of States had already enacted laws guaranteeing citizens’ right to basic services. He is glad that the Andhra Pradesh Government has at long last started moving in the right direction.

Saturday, June 15, 2013 - 18:56
