Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta to boycott GoM on State bifurcation

The Lok Satta Party has decided to boycott the Group of Ministers (GoM) constituted by the Union Cabinet on the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and called upon other political parties to follow suit.

State Lok Satta Party President Katari Srinivasa Rao announced the decision taken by the party's State Working Committee earlier today at a media conference.

Mr.Srinivasa Rao recalled that the Lok Satta has all along maintained that it would welcome formation of Telangana as part of a comprehensive and amicable solution. Far from working out such a solution, the Congress Party has viewed State bifurcation as a party issue with an eye on votes and seats in the next general election. When an agitation erupted in Seemandhra, the Congress appointed the A. K. Antony committee instead of a parliamentary committee or a committee of Union Ministers. The Lok Satta had set an example by rejecting the Antony committee.

The Center's egoistic, dictatorial, incompetent and immature handling of a delicate subject runs counter to the country's federal structure and threatens national unity, said Mr.Srinivasa Rao. That is why the Lok Satta has decided to boycott the GoM.

Mr.Srinivasa Rao recalled that when the State was rocked by agitations for a separate Telangana during 1969-70 and a separate Andhra during 1972-73, Union Government representatives held comprehensive discussions with State representatives for months and hammered out solutions. In contrast, the present GoM has called upon people to convey their views via emails instead of holding discussions with all sections of people in all regions although the subject involved the very existence of a large State and that too the first to be carved out on linguistic basis.

The methods of working chosen by the GoM dent the federal character of the country and widen the chasm between people of different regions.

If the Government of India realizes its folly and initiates comprehensive discussions with all sections of people with a sincere desire to find an amicable solution, the Lok Satta will have no hesitation in joining hands.

Mr. K. Omkar, Vice President, Mr. P. Ravi Maruth, General Secretary and Mr. N. Ravinder, Secretary, took part in the media conference.

Saturday, October 19, 2013 - 17:52

The State’s future should be decided on Telugu soil: Dr. JP

“When feelings are running high on both sides, Andhra Pradesh can neither be bifurcated nor kept united forcibly. In such a situation, the Union Government should not take any decision arbitrarily as in a monarchy, foist it on the State and dent the federal set-up in the process.”

That was what LokSatta Party national President Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan told a delegation of Andhra Pradesh RashtraParirakshanaVedika which called on him today at the party headquarters.

Dr. JP reiterated the party stand that it would welcome formation of Telangana as part of a comprehensive and amicable solution. The LokSatta Party is opposed to the Center imposing its decision in a dictatorial manner and fanning regional animosities without working out a comprehensive and amicable solution.

Pointing out that States are not municipalities but enjoy an equal status with the Center, Dr. JP said that the Center cannot take the Assembly for granted and ask people to convey their views by email. Such a stance is unconstitutional and harms the federal set-up.

Dr. JP recalled that immensely popular Jawaharlal Nehru and strong Indira Gandhi took decisions by respecting popular sentiments. Even a dictator like Stalin of the erstwhile Soviet Union dared not undo the States. How can a Center which cannot interfere in a State’s domain beyond a point unilaterally decide on the very existence of a State, Dr. JP asked.

The question whether Andhra Pradesh should be dividedinto two or three States or some other r arrangement has to be made must be settled on Telugu soil. If it can, the Center should facilitate such a dialogue and help in arriving at a comprehensive and amicable solution, said Dr. JP.

LokSatta Party State President Katari Srinivasa Rao took part in the meeting.

According to Vedika Coordinator V. Lakshmana Reddy, Dr JP pledged his party’s support to any attempt aimed at safeguarding the federal set-up.

Friday, October 18, 2013 - 16:26

Dr. JP demands withdrawal of case against P. C. Parakh

LokSatta Party national President Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan today expressed his indignation over the CBI registering a case of criminal conspiracy against Mr. P. C. Parakh, a blemishless former IAS officer of the Andhra Pradesh cadre, in the coal scam.

Dr. JP, himself a former IAS officer and member of the Administrative Reforms Commission, demanded that the CBI revoke its foolish decision straightway since it undermines people’s faith in criminal investigation and threatens the very existence of the CBI

Talking to media persons who called on him, Dr. JP recalled that the LokSatta has been in the forefront in demanding autonomy for institutions like the CBI and ACB, prompt investigation into corruption cases and swift and stringent punishment of the guilty including confiscation of their ill-gotten wealth. But the CBI action runs counter to the recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission. Autonomy for an institution like the CBI does not mean license to do whatever it wants to do without being accountable.

Dr. JP pointed out that allocation of coal mines as per the prevailing policy without indulging in corruption cannot be construed as conspiracy. Mr.Parakh allocated the coal mine jointly to first applicant Hindalco and two public sector undertakings for captive mining.

Dr. JP recalled that the LokSatta has all along demanded that scarce natural resources like coal and iron ore be allocated only through open, competitive bidding to give no scope for nepotism and corruption. When all others demanded punishment of Mr.A. M. Raja, then Union Telecom Minister and others guilty of arbitrary allocation of 2-G spectrum licenses, only the LokSatta in association with some prominent citizens approached the Supreme Court and succeeded in getting the licenses cancelled and paved way for allocation of scare resources through competitive bidding.

Officials who allocate mines as per the existing policy without indulging in corruption cannot be accused of conspiracy by anybody, Dr. JP said.

Dr. JP demanded that the Central Vigilance Commission which has jurisdiction over the CBI should intervene in the false case against Mr.Parakh forthwith. He also wanted immediate ushering in of the policy of allocating sparse natural resources through competitive bidding. Steps should be taken to facilitate immediate mining of coal from blocks which had been allocated transparently without any taint of corruption.

Dr. JP said he would write to the CVC seeking action against CBI officials who foisted the case of conspiracy against Mr.Parakh, reputed for his probity.

Friday, October 18, 2013 - 16:24
