Press Releases Archive

Farmers suffering because of market cess diversion: Dr.JP

If agricultural produce brought by farmers to market yards in Telangana is washed away in rains these days, the blame lies squarely with the State Government, said Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

In a media statement, Dr. JP pointed out that the State Government which collects Rs.600 crore a year as market cess has over the years diverted it for other purposes instead of utilizing it to improve market yards.

Dr. JP recalled that during his Rytu Chaitanya Yatras in Medak and Nizamabad districts he noticed that farmers including women who had brought their produce for sale had to spend days at market yards without even minimum facilities like toilets.

He underlined that a cess is levied for a specific purpose and the market cess is meant for improving market yards. It is not a tax meant to augment the State’s revenue. The Government has been using market committees to rehabilitate politicians, instead of providing representation to genuine farmers. As a result, officials are having a field day.

Dr. JP demanded that market yards be improved with construction of compound walls and toilets and provision of covered space for storing produce and electronic weighing equipment.

The Government collects crores of rupees by way of market cess in Seemandhra districts too but does not utilize it on improving marketing facilities. Cotton brought to market yards is damaged in rains as there are no covered space. As a result, the price of cotton has plummeted from Rs.4000-5000 to Rs.2500-3000 a quintal.

Dr. JP wanted the Government to provide storage facilities for cotton, and cold storages for crops like chilli and turmeric and arrange for grant of pledge loans.

If the Government does not improve market yards, farmers should launch an agitation, said Dr. JP and pledged Lok Satta Party’s support.

Mr. P. Bhaskara Rao, leader, farmer’s wing of the Lok Satta Party, wanted the State Government to go to cyclone-hit farmers’ rescue immediately. The Government should also focus its attention on improving the drainage system too so that farmers do not suffer crop losses year after year.

Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 17:01

Govt failed to heed advice on CCTV cameras: Lok Satta

Had the Government heeded the Lok Satta suggestion made in May 2013 and installed CCTV cameras, the atrocity on software employee Abhaya could have been prevented, said Mr. Dosapati Ramu, President, Greater Hyderabad Lok Satta Party.

In a media statement, he recalled that in a representation to Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, the Lok Satta suggested that the State Government foot the bill for CCTV cameras and seek reimbursement from the Union Government later. The State Government had sought Rs.450 crore from Delhi for installation of 3500 cameras when Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh visited Dilsukhnagar in the city in the wake of bomb blasts. The State Government could have at least asked legislators to allocate money from their constituency development fund towards purchase of cameras.

The representation drew the Chief Minister’s attention to the fact that there were only 370 CCTV cameras in the jurisdiction of the Hyderabad Police Commissioner and 51 in the jurisdiction of the Cyberabad Police Commissioner. Of them, 34 in Hyderabad and all the 51 in Cyberabad were dysfunctional. And not a new camera was installed in 2011, 2012 and till May 2013.

Mr. Ramu said in his statement that the Lok Satta would fight for protection of women and prevent atrocities against them. The State Government had failed in the discharge of its primary duty of maintaining law and order and ensuring rule of law.

Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 12:02

Local governments demand release of 13th Finance Commission funds

Sthanika Prabhutvala Sadhikarata Samakhya, the organization fighting for empowerment of local governments, has demanded that the Government release 13th Finance Commission funds immediately, now that panchayat elections have been held. (The release of funds had been held up on the ground that elections to local bodies had not been conducted).

The federation held a meeting in Hyderabad on October 22 to discuss measures for better functioning of local bodies in the wake of successful conclusion of elections to panchayats.

Among those who took part in the meeting were federation founder and Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, federation Convener Solipeta Ramachandra Reddy, Warangal’s former Mayor Dr. T. Rajeswara Rao, ‘Ekalavya’ Venugopal Reddy, Satyanveshana Mandali leader Putta Surendra Babu, Jana Vignana Vedika founder Dr. Brahma Reddy, Lok Satta Party Vice Presidents D. V.V. S. Varma and Bandaru Ramamohan Rao, and representatives of newly elected sarpanches from districts.

In his keynote address, Dr. JP appealed to all people to transcend party lines and work for empowerment of local governments so that they could provide good governance.

Federation Convener Solipeta Ramachandra Reddy released the resolutions adopted at the meeting to media today.

The federation demanded that local bodies be recognized as local governments and panchayat offices be designated as local government offices. If the Government does not concde the demand, the federation would resort to direct action.

All Government employees working at the village level should be brought under the supervision of panchayats. Panchayats should be empowered to implement all Central and State Government schemes at the village level.

The federation suggested that the 14th Finance Commission allocate a higher share of funds for direct release to panchayats and municipalities considering their growing requirements.

The federation decided to meet Union Government representatives and seek implementation of the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution.

Later, retired officials of the Panchayat Raj Department responded to sarpanches’ queries.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 17:22
