Press Releases Archive

Amended Lokpal Bill welcome despite lacunae: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today welcomed introduction of the amended Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha providing for constitution of a strong, independent and effective institution to combat corruption among politicians and civil servants in the Union Government and Parliament.

In a media statement, Lok Sata Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said the amended Lokpal Bill incorporates most of the recommendations made by the Round Table conducted by the Lok Satta in 2011.

The Lokpal Bill in its present form, however, suffers from certain lacunae. For instance, the Government has dropped provisions relating to appointment of Lokayuktas at the State level following opposition from certain parties.

Dr. JP pointed out that real corruption which affects the common man takes place at the State and local levels and it can be tackled only with the creation of strong Lokayuktas at the State level and Ombudsmen at the district level. The Government of India, having ratified the UN Convention against Corruption, is empowered to enact a law providing for strong anti corruption mechanisms at the State level too. All those committed to fighting corruption should mount struggles for creation of Lokayuktas in States now, said Dr. JP.

Dr. JP that the Lok Pal Bill does not incorporate provisions for service guarantee and imposition of penalty for failure to deliver services to ordinary citizens. The matter can be addressed by the Service Guarantee Bill which the Lok Satta has drafted at the instance of the Parliamentary Committee. The Bill should be enacted into law soon as part of the mission to combat corruption.

Dr. JP said the provisions in the Lokpal Bill relating to confiscation of properties of the corrupt are not strong enough and suggested that a Bill drafted by the Law Commission on the lines of the Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators Act (SAFEMA) be introduced in Parliament.

Dr. JP said that the BJP is right in objecting to transfer of CBI officials investigating Lokpal cases without Lokpal consent. The Government should concede the plea and make Lokpal’s concurrence mandatory for carrying out such transfers. The BJP, however, is wrong in opposing the provision that gives an opportunity to public servants to explain themselves before a full investigation is ordered. Otherwise, honest officials will be subject to unwarranted humiliation. In addition, the Lokpal will be overburdened with cases which might be dropped later for want of evidence.

Dr. JP appealed to all parties to join hands and enact the law. He recalled that the amended Lokpal Bill provides for the appointment of a high-powered panel to appoint the Lokpal as suggested by the Lok Satta Round Table 2011. The panel comprises the Prime Minister, Speaker, Leader of the Opposition, Chief Justice of India and an eminent person nominated by the four. The CBI Director is to be appointed by a panel comprising the Prime Minister, Leader of Opposition and Chief Justice. There is provision for Directorates of Inquiry and Prosecution.

Dr. JP said that since a number of salutary provisions have been incorporated in the amended Bill, it should be enacted into law without further delay. It is almost one year since the Union Government conceived the law, Dr. JP pointed out.

Dr. JP appealed to Anna Hazare to withdraw the fast provided this law is enacted, or a firm commitment in writing is made by the Government and Opposition. The Lok Satta is deputing a team of senior leaders led by Mr. Surendra Srivastav, national General Secretary, to call on Anna, express support, and explain Lok Satta’s stand.

Saturday, December 14, 2013 - 16:34

Read the writing on the wall and quit immediately, Dr.JP tells Manmohan

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today demanded that Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh resign immediately as he has lost the moral right to rule the country even for a day longer. The sooner he quits the better it is for the politics, economy and governance of the country.

Addressing a media conference on the outcome of the Rajasthan, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh Assembly elections, Dr. JP asked the Prime Minister to appreciate that the people have unequivocally rejected the Congress which has ruined the economy, divided the country, and is steeped in monumental corruption and dynastic politics.

Dr. JP said that the Aam Admi Party’s spectacular show marks the beginning of the end of traditional politics. It is a victory for the movement launched by the Lok Satta Party 17 years ago for ushering in alternative politics. The traditional parties should introspect and mend their politics instead of viewing AAP’s performance as a political challenge. They should recognize that the days of garnering votes through vote buying, fielding criminals and perpetuating dynasties are over.

Dr. JP said that people were seething with indignation over UPA rule for more than nine years now. It was for the first time after 1977 -- barring the 1984 extraordinary election in the wake of Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s assassination -- that people had given a second term for the ruling party. UPA’s failures have been colossal. It has failed to fulfill its promises on providing quality education and healthcare, eradicating poverty, creating livelihood opportunities, decentralizing administration and mitigating corruption. The economy is in a shambles. To cite one instance, power projects involving an investment of Rs.4,80,000 crore are stalled for want of clearances and gas and coal.

People’s resentment against the Congress is so deep that they roundly defeated the Shiela Dikshit’s Government despite its relatively better performance and decimated it in Rajasthan. And they rewarded the relatively good BJP Governance in both Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh. The BJP’s victories cannot be attributed to a single person like Mr. Narender Modi and added that success has many fathers.

Dr. JP, who whole-heartedly congratulated the Aam Admi Party and its President Arvind Kejriwal, said the Lok Satta felt proud of its achievement in Delhi because it represented a triumph of alternative politics pioneered by the Lok Satta. The AAP debut is compelling in that it could withstand the money power, influence and organizational strength of traditional parties.

Although the Lok Satta has been the architect of many reforms, it has failed in marketing its accomplishments. It has been in the forefront in the movements for ensuring remunerative prices to farmers, restricting liquor consumption, decentralization of administration and per capita devolution of funds on local bodies, formation of village courts and extension of Government services to citizens as a matter of right. Yet, it has not mastered the art of taking its successes to people and succeed in elections like the AAP. It will have to attract poorer sections without committing any mistakes in the process.

Dr. JP said the cosmopolitan nature of Delhi and its high per capita incomes and it being the epicenter of agitations against corruption and atrocities on women have enabled the AAP to stage its impressive show. In contrast, the situation in Andhra Pradesh is highly polarized with all traditional parties exploiting caste, religion, region and language and offering money, liquor and sops for votes.

In reply to a question, Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta would think of electoral alliances if they were to help it accomplish its goals and pursue its agenda.

Dr. JP said that one heartening feature of the elections in the four States is that people who have hitherto detested politics and politicians have exercised their franchise.

State Lok Satta Party President Katari Srinivasa Rao, Vice Presidents D. V. V. S. Varma and Y. D. Rama Rao, General Secretary Ravi Martuh and Disciplinary Committee Secretary L. V. Ramaraju took part in the media meet.

Sunday, December 8, 2013 - 18:47
