Press Releases Archive

Throw out Traditional parties and vote for good governance: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today called upon Andhra Pradesh voters to teach a lesson to traditional parties which have forfeited their right to rule the State.

Unable to resolve their internal crisis on the Telangana issue, these parties have turned the State into a cauldron by fueling animosities among people of different regions, said State Lok Satta Party Vice President D. V. V. S. Varma and General Secretary Ravi Maruth.

They told a media conference here that the State will fall from the frying pan into fire if people were to entrust them with power once again.

With elections round the corner, leaders of different parties are trying to save their skin by jumping out of sinking boats. Their single point program is getting re-elected in the upcoming elections and it has nothing to do with any principles.

Mr. Varma and Mr. Maruth pointed out that the traditional parties have been playing with the lives of people for the last three years. With administration at a standstill, people’s problems are going unattended. They are forced to drink unsafe water, going by samples collected by Lok Satta volunteers all over the State. Industrial production has suffered a setback even as 26 lakh educated unemployed are looking for jobs.

The Lok Satta leaders appealed to people to elect those who are wedded to ethical politics and capable of providing good governance and not those who are jumping ships to safeguard their positions.

In reply to a question, Mr. Ravi Maruth said that the Lok Satta worked for the success of the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi elections since they shared common goals. It does not view AAP as a rival.

Lok Satta leaders Eeda Chennaiah and Nandipet Ravinder took part in the media conference.

Thursday, December 26, 2013 - 18:08

AP voters should emulate their Delhi counterparts: Lok Satta

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today whole-heartedly congratulated Mr. Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on accepting the Lt. Governor’s invitation to form the Government of the Union Territory of Delhi.

“AAP led by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and a large band of young, committed volunteers has written a new chapter in the evolution of Indian democracy,” said Dr. JP in a media statement.

Underlining that creation of new ethical and rational politics for the next generation is the need of the hour Dr. JP recalled that the Lok Satta Party had been founded with that objective.

“AAP’s spectacular debut in electoral politics is a significant step forward for transforming the politics of the country.”

Saying that Delhi voters deserve all congratulations and gratitude for supporting new politics, Dr. JP said, “Now it is for voters elsewhere, particularly in troubled Andhra Pradesh, to rise as one and reject politics of money power and sectarianism and utilize the voting power to transform politics.”

Dr. JP wished all the success to the AAP Government in fulfilling people’s aspirations.

Monday, December 23, 2013 - 16:04
