Press Releases Archive

Loksatta looks forward to Modi Fulfilling his pledges

The Loksatta Party today congratulated Mr. Narendra Modi on leading the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance to a spectacular and historic victory in the just concluded general elections.

In a media statement, Loksatta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan and national General Secretary Surendra Srivastava said that voters all over the country have reposed faith in BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi’s promise to revive manufacturing, create jobs, preserve national unity and stamp out corruption.

The two leaders pointed out that India still has the potential to emerge as a super power in the 21st century although it has lost a precious decade because of UPA’s misrule. India has to act fast and replace China as the workshop of the world. With its population ageing and wages spurting, China has been exiting low-value manufacturing. By reviving the innate spirits of Indian entrepreneurs in manufacturing, India can provide jobs to its burgeoning youth, boost its gross domestic product and export earnings.

“We have no doubt that Mr. Narendra Modi, who has earned a decisive mandate, will live up to people’s expectations.”

Referring to the defeat of the Loksatta in the elections to the Assembly and the Lok Sabha, Dr. JP and Mr. Surendra Srivastava said that they accept people’s verdict with all humility. The party had been aware of the formidable challenges it faced considering the extreme polarization among people triggered by the Delhi decision to bifurcate the State and the unprecedented deployment of money and liquor and offer of freebies and sops by traditional parties to swing votes in their favour.

They congratulated all the elected representatives in both the Telugu-speaking States and the TRS in Telangana and the TDP-BJP combine in Andhra Pradesh for their impressive victories. Dr Jayaprakash Narayan conveyed Lok Satta’s best wishes to both parties and hoped that under their stewardship the two Telugu-speaking States will emerge as India’s leading States in economic growth and job creation.

Mr Srivastava asked the TRS and TDP-BJP combine to exercise extreme caution in doling out sops and diminishing the states’ treasuries and urged them to instead deploy their creative energies in creating jobs and driving investments into the states.

“Unfazed by the defeat, the Loksatta pledges itself to work with both the State and Union Governments to bring about fundamental reforms in the country’s polity. After all, we had the distinction of ushering in many historic reforms even when we had no representation in elected bodies. We will continue our mission with redoubled vigor,” said Dr. JP and Mr. Srivastava.

Friday, May 16, 2014 - 16:33

Put down violence with an iron hand: Dr. JP

Loksatta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today asked the administrative machinery to ruthlessly put down violence engineered under the pretext of religion or some other cause.

In a media statement, Dr. JP appealed to people to maintain restraint and not be swayed by emotions in the context of the clashes between two religious groups in Kishenbagh, Hyderabad. They should, instead, cooperate with officials in restoring peace.

In the context of the State’s bifurcation and the need to ensure a bright future for all Telugu people, all parties and sections should strive to maintain peace in Hyderabad.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - 17:50
