Dr. JP owns responsibility for electoral setback

“As Loksatta national President I take full responsibility for the party’s electoral failure,” Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today, adding that the popular saying that ‘success has many fathers but failure is an orphan’ is not always correct.

Addressing a media conference here in the wake of the general election results in which the Loksatta has drawn a blank, Dr. JP said although the Loksatta enjoyed considerable respect for its advocacy of new politics, it has not earned people’s support in two general elections.

Dr. JP said that despite the electoral setback, the Loksatta is not running away from politics. For the last 18 years, the Loksatta movement, the Foundation for Democratic Reforms and the Loksatta Party have carried on a relentless struggle to change the nature of politics and succeeded in bringing about a number of epoch-making reforms. It has laid the ideological foundation for the change in the political thinking of a number of politicians ranging from Narendra Modi to Arvind Kejriwal.

Yet, the party has not been successful in garnering votes in elections; Dr. JP conceded and said that a party’s success does not depend solely on the competence of its leadership. It requires leaders at all levels, innumerable volunteers who are prepared to spare their time, and financial resources, besides media support. All these will be forthcoming only when society is ready for real change.

Dr. JP said that the party will consider the options before it after deep introspection at both State and national levels. Whatever be the options, there will not be any change in its commitment to provide quality education, healthcare, skill and employment opportunities to all, economic development, good governance, decentralization of power and eradication of corruption.

Dr. JP said that people too should introspect as to why there has been no change in their lives all these years. No Government, after all, has assumed power without their consent. If they simply blame the Government for their misery without shouldering the responsibility for electing it, they will be indulging in collective hypocrisy. Poisonous seeds cannot yield edible fruit. If elections are largely won on money power, caste and regional divisions, freebies and dynastic succession, then there cannot be good governance. The media too should introspect whether it has striven to promote right thinking among people. Sections of media for the last couple of months have fought to get their favorite parties elected and not in public interest.

Dr. JP said that all political parties should learn lessons from the outcome of the just concluded general elections. For the first time after 1971, people have given a decisive mandate to the NDA led by Mr. Narendra Modi because he stood for reviving the economy, creating jobs and providing good governance. Mr. Narendra Modi has been given the golden opportunity to transform the country both politically and economically. He should display courage and commitment and help people realize their dreams. All parties should refrain from obstructionist politics and help Mr. Modi to work for them.

Congratulating the TRS and the TDP-BJP combine which have come to power in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh respectively, Dr. JP said that the parties have not followed the Modi path in their ascension to power. They resorted to the traditional tools of promoting regional or caste animosities or offering sops and freebies to gain votes. Now that elections are over, Dr. JP hoped, the two ruling parties will focus on creating jobs and fulfilling people;s aspirations.

State party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao, P. Ravi Maruth, Y. D. Rama Rao and Omkar took part in the media conference.

Sunday, May 18, 2014 - 21:07