Vote with discretion, appeals Lok Satta

“If you succumb to inducements like money and liquor for a day’s enjoyment, you will continue to be mired in poverty for the next 1800 days.”

That was the piece of advice the Lok Satta Party gave today to voters casting their votes in the second phase on April 23.

The party cautioned voters that the traditional parties were once again trying to take them for a ride by dangling short-term sops or promising schemes that could not be implemented. Poverty could be eradicated only when quality education and health care are free, the youth are provided employment skills and livelihood opportunities, farmers and others engaged in traditional occupations are ensured higher incomes.

The elections provide a historic opportunity for people to elect a party that is committed to and has the capacity and competence to transform the present corrupt political system.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 19:52