Sri Surendra Srivastava's Chat on Twitter

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @teentakle1212 @Amitjan many thanks. we need more people to join in

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Prateek Thakker @teentakle1212 - RT @Amitjan: #loksattalive : Congrts , great effort to educate people from myths. nation like India can do wonders by regualized back ends

Srinivas Mandapati @srinumandpati - @SurendraLSP @JP_LOKSATTA read somewhere India already has FDI in cold storage? If true, why hasn't this policy had impact on the ground

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @srinumandpati @JP_LOKSATTA Indian manufacturing sector is already hit by bad and corrupt governance, lack of infrastructure cont

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Srinivas Mandapati @srinumandpati - @JP_LOKSATTA The BJP claims FDI in retail will hurt the country's manufacturing sector. "Sales boys and girls" . Thoughts? #loksattalive

Srinivas Mandapati @srinumandpati - @SurendraLSP @JP_LOKSATTA read somewhere India already has FDI in cold storage? If true, why hasn't this policy had impact on the ground

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @SurendraLSP @srinumandpati @JP_LOKSATTA in fact FDI will help creating supply chain infrastructure and help

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Srinivas Mandapati @srinumandpati - @JP_LOKSATTA The BJP claims FDI in retail will hurt the country's manufacturing sector. "Sales boys and girls" . Thoughts? #loksattalive

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @GVRDon @JP_LOKSATTA FDI will help create supply chain infrastructure and bring the skills for its efficient management

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Raghava Rohit @GVRDon - @JP_LOKSATTA how can the policies be implemented without having the necessary infrastructure,resources,man management? #loksattalive

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @ramramdas @JP_LOKSATTA agree

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Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive just a policy announcement may not open the gates. Too much noise both pro and con is being made abt FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI also reduces current account deficit. Rupee now is under pressure and trade deficit is 4.4% of GDP.

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @massmaharaaj @JP_LOKSATTA Multiple reforms in various sectors of politics and governance needed...

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Z RAVITEJA REDDY @massmaharaaj - #loksattalive how to remove Corruption? Any plan and that a single person can do? @JP_LOKSATTA

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @actindia agree therefore there FDI move is welcomed

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sateashjain @actindia - What ?Bharat Bandh ?India already in shut down mode for the past eight years under dynamic rule of Congress-UPA,Scammohan Singh and SoniyaG.

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @SurendraLSP its a silver lining till it doesn't affect your own pocket. #loksattalive

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @PollTics @abhijitmajumder with policy parlysis Bharat is already badh for few years now. FDI in retail is silver lining

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Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - RT @abhijitmajumder: Every Bharat Bandh used to have my full and unstinting support till I chose journalism as my career #loksattalive

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @ManojThansi @JP_LOKSATTA that is why we need to be active to ensure that Govt delivers

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Manoj Thansi @ManojThansi - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, population is growing fast,but govt's initiatives are slower than private initiatives:( #LOKSATTALIVE

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @jvsk3 India need efficient supply chain management, capital for infrastructure therofore let us not worry too much about these

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j venkatesh @jvsk3 - #loksattalive When V have a very faulty system Governing our Country is it right 2 open our Mkts 2 Notorious Retail Giants?

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @jvsk3 @JP_LOKSATTA what is killing us is not FDI but Vote Bank politics

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j venkatesh @jvsk3 - @JP_LOKSATTA Do agree but should know whom R V inviting they R big Giants who R notorious &our present chaos idle for them2turn as Parasites

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @jvsk3 This applies to all spheres of economy. We cannot wait for politics to improve before mending economy. #fdi #loksattalive

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - #loksattalive When V have a very faulty system Governing our Country is it right 2 open our Mkts 2 Notorious Retail Giants?

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - Vote Bank Politics is creating imbalance in distributing wealth amongst people. We need political and governance reforms

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @magikalyan @JP_LOKSATTA The evidence shows that they both can exist and gain in greater then comparative loss #loksattalive

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Kalyan Pilla @magikalyan - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive #FDI might improve the economy, but would the gain surpass the loss to the daily retail seller?

mallrui @mallrui - @sisiro @SurendraLSP Our nation is already a dont knw wat knd of chks&balances r in place #FDI #loksattalive Hav v implemented any?

mallrui @mallrui - @ramramdas @SurendraLSP @sisiro Need is storage then. Do V need #FDI tech to build storage #loksattalive

A Common Man @sisiro - @SurendraLSP @mallrui But how do we ensure that a) foreign co's dont abuse our systems n resources n b) imported mgmt skills useful to IN?

mallrui @mallrui - @SurendraLSP @sisiro Resources gvn4free & dont hv capital to buy management skills.Or V dont have intentions2b honest #FDI #loksattalive

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @SurendraLSP @sisiro @mallrui #loksattalive there are an avg 7 level of NON value adding intermediation in farm produce tday. 40% waste yet

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @sisiro @mallrui We need capital and best management skills to take on middle man and hence FDI is welcomed #loksattalive

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A Common Man @sisiro - @mallrui Current Rythu Bazars are now infiltrated by middle men, and real farmers lost #loksattalive

mallrui @mallrui - #loksattalive RythuBazars were started in 19992benefit farmers&remove middlemen.Did V improve or try2 improve r wil only #FDI gives honesty?

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @Vidyut smaller farmers in India r already marginalized. They will infact be benefitted by capital&efficient management in supplychain..

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Vidyut @Vidyut - FDI in retail is going to drive down global prices, eventually strangling the growth of the small farmer. #loksattalive

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @Gubbi That is a myth and evidence shows that vote bank politics manipulates policy #loksattalive

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Vinuth M. Madinur @Gubbi - #loksattalive Although systems will be efficient end-to-end food chain control will be with bigger players, easy to manipulate gvt policies.

emanth V @hemuhere - @SurendraLSP why has the deficit become so big in the first place?,becoz of UPA's flawed policies,spending beyond means,NAC's cruel decision

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @hemuhere fiscal deficit is restricting freedom of government to reform and many such steps are needed. #loksattalive

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emanth V @hemuhere - Disagree totally with these price hikes of LPG, petrol deisel,its got more to do with fiscal deficit and less with 'reforms #loksattalive

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @SurendraLSP Ofcourse. My point is to bring Lokpal before #FDI.

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @cloudsaaspaas Indian corporates r equally involved in similarlobb. In-factvote bankpolitics hv been holding such bold steps #loksattalive

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Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - WalMart has spent Rs.52 Crore in two years to lobby , as per statement made in USA. #LOKSATTALIVE

Surendra Srivastava @SurendraLSP - @sheopory Peopleopposed IT for votebank nowthey oppose FDI V wl become stronger more stronger after our supply chain is fixed. #loksattalive

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Abhishek Sheopory @sheopory - Compare FDI to IT revolution. If MNC offices were blocked in India, would the standard of IT have improved here? #LoksattaLive

Monday, September 17, 2012 - 08:05