Set up rural courts without delay, Dr. JP requests CM
Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan has requested Chief Minister K. Rosaiah to take immediate steps for constituting gram nyayalayas (rural courts).
The Gram Nyayalayas Act promises speedy, accessible, and affordable justice to the poor who have gone without it because of barriers of costs, distance, language, and procedures.
This enabling law, at one stroke, provides for the creation of over 1100 local courts in Andhra Pradesh.
In a letter to the Chief Minister, Dr. JP recalled that the Union Government is committed to bearing the entire capital cost and reimbursing a substantial part of the running costs of the courts. Setting up a court will cost around Rs.18 lakh and its annual maintenance, Rs. 6.4 lakh.
Since the Union Law Minister has announced the allocation of Rs.1400 crore for setting up courts across the country this year, the State should send proposals to the Union government for financial assistance.
Dr. JP requested the Chief Minister to make budgetary allocations, and provide infrastructure for the courts and approach the High Court on the framing of rules and appointment of judges.
Dr. JP marked a copy of the letter to the Chief Justice of the High Court, the Governor, and the State Law Minister.
Party spokespersons Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao and Mr. V. Vijayendar Reddy released the text of Dr. JP’s letter at a media conference here today.