Proposed new liquor policy unacceptable: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today expressed deep concern over the proposed liquor policy under which the Government seeks to allot shops by draw of lots among private bidders.

In a media statement, Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma said the policy would once again spawn liquor syndicates along with benami bidders and lead to unbridled liquor sales.

Mr. Varma also took exception to the proposal to increase the number of shops in the name of preventing illicit liquor distillation.

Mr. Varma said the Government should aim at restricting liquor consumption by limiting the number of shops and timing of sales, considering that liquor has played havoc with the health and finances of the poor.

Illicit liquor distillation can be controlled if panchayats and self-help groups are given powers and incentives to act against offenders. Liquor consumption can be restricted if the Government itself takes over the retail trade and limits the number of shops and hours of sales.

Mr. Varma said that the Government would incur the wrath of womenfolk if it unilaterally unveils the new policy without calling for an all-party meeting.

Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 21:27