Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta unit formed in U. K.

Non-resident Indians in the United Kingdom drawn from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa and other States have formed ‘Lok Satta UK,’ impressed by the Lok Satta Party’s citizen-centric politics.

Giving this information to the media here today, party General Secretaries Katari Srinivasa Rao and V. Laxman Balaji said that the Lok Satta UK comprising doctors, engineers and students is raising resources to help the Lok Satta face the 2009 elections and fighting for voting rights to NRIs. The campaign in the UK is led by Mr. Venkata Raghavan Guduri ( Some of the NRIs are planning to return to the country and play an active role in the Lok Satta Party by starting units in their States. Already Mr. Alok of Uttar Pradesh has returned to the country and started working for ushering in new politics.

NRIs in the UK will help the Lok Satta Party in opening citizen service centers in the country once the elections are over, Mr. Srinivasa Ra and Mr. Balaji said.

Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 20:49

Threat to shut down Andhra colleges: Dr. JP lambasts KCR

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today took strong exception to Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) President K. Chandrasekhara Rao’s threat to shut down corporate educational institutions being run by Andhra corporate entities once the Telangana State is carved out. “KCR’s threat is unconstitutional, illegal, undemocratic and detrimental to the unity and integrity of the country,” Dr. JP told a media conference here.

Dr. JP said that KCR’s threats have no place in a constitutional democracy. “Such threats are criminal and threaten the economic prosperity and growth of all Indians.”

Addressing meetings in Mahbubnagar district, Mr. Chandrasekhara Rao (KCR) is reported to have said that educational institutions floated by unemployed post-graduates in Telanagana suffered on account of institutions run by Andhra capitalists.

Quoting the Constitution, Dr. JP said, "There is only one Indian citizenship in the country. Every Indian wherever he or she is born is equal and enjoys the same right to pursue education, employment, profession or business."

Dr. JP said Mr. KCR is entitled 100 percent to agitate for a separate Telangana State by utilizing all the democratic means available. “In fact, Mr. KCR should be complimented for having led the agitation so far without triggering violence as in the past.” None can fault him if he got a separate Telangana formed by adhering to the procedure laid down in the Constitution. “The formation of a separate Telangana State is not a big deal when it is realized that there are more than 80 countries in the world which are smaller than a district in Andhra Pradesh. Whether a separate State will bring about any transformation in the lives of the people is altogether a different issue.”

“But rousing passions and fanning hatred among people of different regions in the name of a separate State is unpardonable, besides being illegal,” said Dr. JP.

Dr. JP wanted the people to “beware of politicians who ignite hared among them on the basis of caste or creed, religion or region and language or ethnicity to serve their narrow vote bank politics. Political parties are expected to harmonize conflicting interests and promote common good, and not to pursue divisive politics.”

Dr. JP referred to the Mala-Madiga confrontation in Andhra Pradesh and the Meena-Gujjar conflict in Rajasthan on the issue of reservations, the agitation against Hindi speaking people in Maharashtra and Assam on the issue of jobs for locals, the Maharashtra-Karnataka dispute over Belgaum, the Karnataka-Tamil Nadu row over river waters, not to speak of the Hindu-Muslim religious clashes all over the country and said the traditional political parties fuelled them unmindful that they threatened the unity and integrity of India.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 16:42

Lok Satta exposes Babu’s double standards

The Lok Satta Party today accused Opposition leader N. Chandrababau Naidu of adopting double standards in promising to appoint a special court to go into corruption allegations against the Chief Minister and his family members while remaining silent on similar charges against him.

Those in public life should set an example to others by voluntarily seeking an inquiry if allegations are leveled against them, Lok Satta General Secretaries Katari Srinivasa Rao and Lakxman Balaji told the media here.

While welcoming Mr. Chandrababu Naidu’s attempts to launch an agitation at the national level against the Chief Minister, the Lok Satta Party contended that a short discussion in Parliament and formal representations to the head of State and others would not put an end to the scourge of corruption that has struck deep roots in Andhra Pradesh.

The Lok Satta leaders referred to the exchange of serious allegations of corruption against each other by Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy and Mr. N. Chandrababu Naidu and said the party was inclined to believe that “both of them are speaking the truth and nothing but the truth.” That was why the Lok Satta Party has been demanding the constitution of special courts to go into corruption charges against holding public office and confiscation of illegally acquired properties if the charges were proved.

“Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, who has turned a deaf ear to the Lok Satta demand so far, now wants a special court to be constituted to go into corruption charges against Dr. YSR, while maintaining a studied silence on charges against him. It is a case of the kettle calling the pot black,” the party leaders charged.

The Lok Satta asked why Mr. Chandrababu Naidu should have any reservations in welcoming an inquiry if he has nothing to fear. “Apparently, he is trying to use the inquiry as a stepping stone to come back to power”, the Lok Satta said.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 16:32
