Press Releases Archive

Dr. YSR, a mass leader with enormous Popularity: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said the death of Chief Minister Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy, a mass leader with enormous popularity, would leave a void that is difficult to fill. He was man of immense courage, strong will and personal charm. “Whether one agrees or disagrees with him, one cannot but admire his iron will, concern for the poor and deprived, and strong leadership.”

In a statement, Dr. JP said that “any death is a tragedy but the death of a tall leader like Dr. YSR in an accident is an unbearable tragedy. It is a loss not merely to his family and the Congress Party but for the entire State.” He conveyed his deepest condolences to the Chief Minister’s family. “Words cannot repair the loss the family has suffered. But let the family members know we care for them.”

He observed that Dr. YSR’s tragic death once again underlines that we are shaped more by events than our shaping the events.

He also paid tributes to Principal Secretary P. Subrahmanyam, Chief Security Officer A. S. C. Wesley, and Group Captain S. K. Bhatia and Captain M. S. Reddy who laid down their lives in the line of duty and conveyed his condolences to their families.

Dr. JP appealed to all sections of people to stand united and maintain calm, and the ruling party to ensure orderly and democratic succession.

Thursday, September 3, 2009 - 13:35

Lok Satta to contest elections in Maharashtra

The Lok Satta Party will be contesting the elections to the Maharashtra Assembly scheduled for October.

Talking to the media, Lok Satta Party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao, V. Laxman Balaji and Mrs. S. Manorama said the Mharahashtra unit had announced that a Professor of Social Work, Dr. Jalinder Adsule, will be contesting from Vandre (East) in Mumbai. Dr. Adsule has been active in social work for more than three decades.

According to Mr. Surendra Srivatsava, Maharashtra Lok Satta Party President, the party will field educated candidates with integrity and leadership qualities from a number of constituencies. The Lok Satta aims at providing an alternative to traditional parties with which people are fed up. Hitherto, the educated and the middle classes had chosen not to vote in elections, leave alone contesting them. The Lok Satta is now providing them a forum to enable such people to take part in elections and usher in a new era in politics, said the Lok Satta leaders.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 - 16:53
