Press Releases Archive

Disappointment but no despair: Dr. JP on GHMC results

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan expressed disappointment over the party’s dismal performance in the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections. “Defeat, however, is not a matter for despair. It is not the end of the road. For us, victory is a means to accomplish a larger goal and not an end by itself.”

Talking to media persons who called on him, Dr. JP said: “If the goals we subscribe to are necessary and good for the country and our means are pure and without malice, we will surely overcome all obstacles.”

Dr, JP said that the Lok Satta made two fundamental assumptions. One is that the nature of politics needs to be totally transformed. Politics as it is practiced is plagued by criminalization, centralization, corruption. As a result, we have dismally failed in building up human capacity and eliminating poverty. The other Lok Satta assumption is that the people are willing and ready for transforming the nature of politics. The election results reveal that a majority of people are not yet ready to embrace new politics. “

Dr. JP said the people had voted for the status quo without utilizing the platform built by the Lok Satta for ushering in alternative politics. They viewed the elections as a spectator sport and enjoyed the two traditional parties fighting like wolves. Unfortunately, they did not realize that the fight was over who should gobble up the lamb (the voter) first.

“A majority of people continued to believe in hero worship without appreciating each one is a hero in his own life. That’s why the Lok Satta’s call to people to grab the opportunity for self-rule as detailed in its manifesto did not click. Voting based on political parties’ policies and programs is yet to take root.”

The Lok Satta Party, Dr. JP pointed out, fielded competent and educated candidates with no criminal antecedents. It released a credible and practicable agenda for the city and for different divisions and took its message to people. It stuck to its policy decision of not luring voters with money, liquor and other inducements. It carried on an honest and abole election campaign. Yet the people did not utilize the Lok Satta platform. Apparently, the Lok Satta had failed in convincing the people that it is the only party which is fighting for the people.

“We may have to undertake course correction after deep introspection,” added Dr. J.P.

Dr. JP thanked the tens of thousands of people who had voted for the Lok Satta spurning inducements and in the face of adversity. He also congratulated the thousands of party workers who invested their time, effort and money in working for the Lok Satta without anticipating anything in return except the good of the country.

“Setbacks are only to be expected when we are on a mission to change history. We believe in fight and not flight.”

Thursday, November 26, 2009 - 18:21

Lok Satta demands cancellation of all Mining leases and fresh allotment

The Lok Satta Party today welcomed the Andhra Pradesh Government decision, although belated, to halt mining of iron ore by six companies in Anantapur district as suggested by a Supreme Court’s Central Empowered Committee.

Talking to the media, Lok Satta Party spokespersons --- said, “It is not enough if mining is suspended for the time being. The Government should straightway cancel all mining leases and allot them afresh on the basis of international competitive bidding.”

The Lok Satta leaders pointed out that Andhra Pradesh is endowed with precious natural resources like iron ore, bauxite, and granite to name a few. The present policy of awarding leases on a first-come-first-served basis is flawed in that it gives scope for favoritism, nepotism and corruption, whichever party happens to be in power in the State. There is scope for corruption not merely in the grant of leases but also in the fixation of royalty to the Government. For instance, while the Karnataka Government is collecting a levy of Rs.1000 on every truckload of iron ore lifted from mines in that State, the Andhra Pradesh Government is still “thinking” of levying some charge.

In international competitive bidding, the mines can be leased to the highest bidders and Government revenue maximized.

Both the print and the electronic media have been carrying reports of illegal mining of minor minerals all over the State. The financially hard pressed Andhra Pradesh should not forgo the opportunity of stepping up its mineral revenue by granting leases only to highest bidders in competitive bidding.

The Lok Satta leaders pointed out that illegal mining of minerals ranging from iron ore to sand could not take place without the collusion of politicians and officials with leaseholders. The built-in corruption in the system could be tackled if the Prevention of Corruption Act is implemented to bring all elected representatives ranging from MPs and MLAs to MPP presidents and sarpanches under the purview of the Act, independent investigative and prosecuting mechanisms introduced and fast track courts formed at the rate of at least one for each district. The Act should be amended for the seizure of properties of the accused pending trial and their forfeiture, if the accused are found guilty.

“Otherwise, the day for the emergence of many Madhu Kodas in Andhra Pradesh will not be too far. Minting millions of rupees ever day in mining operations, the mining lobby will not be satisfied with dabbling in politics; it would like to dictate politics as was witnessed in our neighboring State Karnataka in the recent past. The problem is not merely with mining mafias, it is one of illegitimate money and big money capturing all levers of power and fast-converting our democracy into a plutocracy.”

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 17:18
