Press Releases Archive

Govt. to blame for arrack Tragedy: Mahila Satta

Holding the Government squarely responsible for the hooch tragedy in East Godavari district resulting in loss of 14 lives, the Mahila Satta today demanded that the Government punish not merely excise officials and bootleggers but also the politicians behind them.

In a media statement, Mrs. N. Saroja Devi and Mrs. M. Mahalakshmi, President and Vice-President of the Mahila Satta, recalled that it was not for the first time people had fallen victim to adulterated drinks. Although arrack manufacture stands banned, illegal brewing of arrack and gudumba continues unabated in the State.

The Mahila Satta, they pointed out, had carried on a sustained agitation against the State Government’s excise policy. The Government allowed illegal outlets known as belt shops to proliferate, ignoring the fact that liquor had ruined the lives of nearly 75 lakh families in the State.

The Lok Satta and the Mahila Satta would like the Government to put an end to excise auctions as the highest bidders for liquor outlets promoted belt shops to maximize their sales and profits. The number of liquor outlets should be limited and illegal manufacture of arrack and gudumba be crushed with an iron hand.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 16:09

Nationalism needs a new definition: Dr. JP

Lok Satta President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan has underlined the need to give a new meaning to nationalism if freedom were to be meaningful to all,

“Nationalism does not lie in worshipping ‘Bharat mata’ or in raising slogans. Real nationalism lies in ensuring equal growth opportunities to every child irrespective of the accident of its birth in a certain caste or religion. It lies in making the citizen the center of governance and in keeping the nation united overcoming barriers of religion and caste and region and language.”

Addressing a meeting at KBR Park to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the adoption of ‘Janaganamana’ as the national anthem, Dr. JP recalled that failure to realize the significance of nationalism resulted in 16 lakh people dying and 1.5 crore being displaced in communal riots during India’s partition in 1947. Nationalism lies in remembering that we are all inheritors to one civilization, culture, and 5000-year-old history.

Dr. JP regretted that contrary to Rabindranath Tagore’s dream of a nation that holds its head high and is devoid of narrow walls, some forces continue to indulge in actions, which stultify thinking and wisdom and promote antediluvian and foolish trends.

He congratulated Mrs. G. Pratibha Rao and others on organizing the singing of the national anthem early in the morning in a city that wakes up late.

Later, Mahila Satta workers led by Mrs. N. Sarojadevi, Mrs. M. Mahalakshmi and Mrs. K. Gita Murthy garlanded the statue of Rabindranath Tagore in Ravindra Bharati.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 13:09

Strengthen third tier of government

However wonderful the Indian Constitution happens to be, it will not serve the people unless they become partners in its implementation, said Lok Satta President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

Addressing a gathering after hoisting the national flag at the party headquarters, Dr. JP called for strengthening the third tier of government at the local level so that governance becomes citizen-centric. Decentralization of powers and resources would make the Indian republic strong and invincible.

A large number of Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology students joined the Lok Satta Party in the presence of Dr. JP.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 12:51
