Press Releases Archive

A Crusader For Decentralisation And Empowerment Of Local Governments: Dr.JP's Tribute To Chennamananeni Rajeswara Rao

Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan, Founder, Loksatta has stated today that with the passing away of Sri Chennamaneni Rajeswara Rao, we have lost a true democrat who fought relentlessly, throughout his life, for a strong India, for the progress of Telugu people and for Telangana’s bright future. Dr.JP added that Rajeswara Rao was a very broad-minded and enlightened social democrat, who wished for the genuine progress of each and every Indian, cutting across the barriers of caste, religion and region.

With an aching heart and tearful eyes, Dr. JP said in his tribute, that it is very rare to find a person like Rajeswara Rao, a towering personality of great stature, commanding respect and fame equal to that of Prime Ministers and Chief Ministers, loved by one and all, and yet a very simple person to the core of his being, without an iota of arrogance and pride.

A very enthusiastic participant in all the programmes of Loksatta

Recalling his long association with Sri Rajeswara Rao, Dr. JP said in a media statement that he used to participate with great pleasure in all the programmes of Loksatta without caring for his ill-health or old age constraints. He has said that his passing away is a great personal loss to him and Loksatta has lost a staunch supporter and well-wisher. It is indeed very painful that his very valuable advices based on mature and prescient thinking will no more be forthcoming and it is a big void, Dr.JP added.

Dr.JP said that the day is not too far, when Rajeswara Rao’s most cherished dream of an egalitarian society based on universal values and equality will become a reality and whole-heartedly wished that all right thinking people will come together to make our nation a genuine democracy, politically, economically and socially as well.

Lok Satta leaders paid respects to Sri Chennamaneni Rajeswara Rao at his residence and offered their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members.

Monday, May 9, 2016 - 18:05

A Crusader For Decentralisation And Empowerment Of Local Governments: Dr.JP's Tribute To Chennamananeni Rajeswara Rao

Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan, Founder, Loksatta has stated today that with the passing away of Sri Chennamaneni Rajeswara Rao, we have lost a true democrat who fought relentlessly, throughout his life, for a strong India, for the progress of Telugu people and for Telangana’s bright future.  Dr.JP added that Rajeswara Rao was a very broad-minded and enlightened social democrat, who wished for the genuine progress of each and every Indian, cutting across the barriers of caste, religion and region.

With an aching heart and tearful eyes, Dr. JP said in his tribute, that it is very rare to find a person like Rajeswara Rao, a towering personality of great stature, commanding respect and fame equal to that of Prime Ministers and Chief Ministers, loved by one and all, and yet a very simple person to the core of his being, without an iota of arrogance and pride.

A very enthusiastic participant in all the programmes of Loksatta 

Recalling his long association with Sri Rajeswara Rao, Dr. JP said in a media statement that he used to participate with great pleasure in all the programmes of Loksatta without caring for his ill-health or old age constraints. He has said that his passing away is a great personal loss to him and Loksatta has lost a staunch supporter and well-wisher. It is indeed very painful that his very valuable advices based on mature and prescient thinking will no more be forthcoming and it is a big void, Dr.JP added.

Dr.JP said that the day is not too far, when Rajeswara Rao’s most cherished dream of an egalitarian society based on universal values and equality will become a reality and whole-heartedly wished that all right thinking people will come together to make our nation a genuine democracy, politically, economically and socially as well.  

Lok Satta leaders paid respects to Sri Chennamaneni Rajeswara Rao at his residence and offered their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members.

Monday, May 9, 2016 - 17:52
