Press Releases Archive

Put down violence firmly: Dr.JP urges police

Lok Satta party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today asked the police to put down communal violence ruthlessly and restore peace as soon as possible.

"The need of the hour is immediate peace restoration and not recrimination and finger pointing" said Dr. JP in a statement released to the media.

Continuance of the disturbances would rob youngsters of their peace of mind and disrupt their future at a time they are taking their annual examinations.

In addition disturbances will aggravate the miseries of the poor daily wage earners, who are already reeling under the impact of scorching summer heat, deteriorating drinking water supply and frequent power cut.

Dr. JP said he believed the police would act fairly and firmly and with a sense of urgency.

Monday, March 29, 2010 - 22:30

Lok Satta decries vilification campaign

The Lok Satta Party today appealed to the Bengaluru electorate not to be misled by the vilification campaign the BJP and other parties are indulging against it.

In a media statement, Lok Satta leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao and Mrs. K. Rama Lakshmi said that not reconciled to the Lok Satta earning people’s support by contesting five seats in the Bengaluru Municipal Corporation elections, its opponents were threatening the party contestants, lodging false complaints with police, disrupting is meetings, and spreading baseless rumors of Lok Satta candidates dropping out of the race.

The age-old trick employed by Lok Satta opponents is to accuse it of being in the race merely to benefit either the Congress or the BJP.

Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao and Mrs. Rama Lakshmi pointed out that the Lok Satta Party is the only party in the country which has openly stuck to the policy of not luring voters with any inducements like liquor and money. The party is contesting the elections as part of its drive to transform the political system in the country and not to help either the BJP or the Congress.

They hoped the intelligent Bengaluru voters would not be carried away by its opponents’ malicious propaganda.

Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 18:41

Rice millers exploiting farmers: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today charged the Government with having left rice producers to the mercy of rice millers. Rice millers have slowed down paddy procurement citing tardy levy collection by the Food Corporation of India and disruption to milling because of power holiday for two days in a week and power cuts on other days. As a result, farmers are forced to make distress sales in areas where millers are making purchases in small quantities.

Talking to the media, party spokespersons V. Laxman Balaji and P. Bhaskara Rao said farmers received only Rs.800 and less a quintal of fine paddy against the Rs.1030 minimum support price fixed by the Union Government.

The Lok Satta leaders pointed out that such a situation would not have arisen had the FCI ensured that its warehouses were cleared of produce which is not consumed in the State. In the alternative, the FCI should have resorted to open storage system in which it has experience and expertise.

The Lok Satta leaders underlined the need to decentralize procurement and storage operations on a large scale so that local requirements could be met from local storage points resulting in enormous savings in transportation costs.

The spokespersons pointed out that by directing the Civil Supplies Corporation to undertake procurement, the Government could ensure remunerative prices for agricultural produce. It should also work out a mechanism for advancing loans against produce stored even at farmers’ homes.

The Lok Satta welcomed the Government of India move to prevent criminals and anti-social elements from contesting in elections.

Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 18:40
