Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta advocates direct elections to Curb money power

That candidates contesting to the Legislative Council from local bodies’ constituencies are prepared to spend up to Rs.15 crore merely reflects the depths of depravity to which politics in Andhra Pradesh have plunged, commented the Lok Satta Party here today.

Talking to the media, party leaders Mr. V. Laxman Balaji, Mr. G. Raja Reddy, Mr. V. Vijayendar Reddy said it was amazing that for the mere prospect of sitting in the Legislative Council candidates are prepared to spend enormous amounts. The Upper House cannot decide the fate of the Government, pass any money Bills or even delay any legislation beyond 90 days.

The Lok Satta leaders said that despite its credible and independent functioning in many aspects, the Election Commission of India had miserably failed in curbing money power in elections.

A systemic remedy to the problem lies in direct election of heads of Government at the State and local levels and a switch over to proportional representation for election of all MLAs and MPs. Money power has become ubiquitous under the first-past-the-post system because the marginal vote influences the election outcome.

A legislator’s primary job is to attend to legislative work. Unfortunately most of our legislators are least interested in it. Their sole aim in getting elected is to enjoy the privilege of influencing the executive by virtue of their position.

Once people elect the head of a Government directly, legislators cannot destabilize him or her with their vote in the House, and as a result will lose all their clout. With proportional representation marginal vote will not be vital, and therefore vote buying will end.

On the State Government’s move to increase the management quota in professional colleges from the present 30 to 40 percent, the Lok Satta leaders said they could understand Government’s anxiety to limit the outgo on fee reimbursement and grant of scholarships. As of now, the State has allocated only Rs.2300 crore against the needed Rs.3490crore.

A solution to the problem does not lie in increasing the management quota. Higher education is already highly commercialized as a result of which a child’s education and career are dependent on his or her parents’ wealth. Education should be a tool to provide equitable opportunities for growth to all children.

The Lok Satta leaders said that the Government could reduce its burden if it facilitates liberal education loans to all economically and socially weaker sections and subsidizes the interest burden based on the student’s attendance and academic performance.

Because of poor targeting, even children of high income groups are availing themselves of fee reimbursement and scholarships.

The Lok Satta’s innovative proposal will cost the Government less than Rs.500 crore against the Government’s present commitment of Rs.2300 crore and the needed Rs.3490 crore, and will ensure justice to all poor students.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - 16:20

Don’t trample upon kids’ rights: Mahila Satta

The Mahila Satta today took strong exception to some parents defending performance of vulgar dances by their children in the name of reality shows.

Mrs. N. Saroja Devi, State Mahila Satta President, said in a statement that encouraging children to take part in vulgar performances on television would harm their future.

Far from mending their irresponsible behavior, Mrs. Saroja Devi said, it was strange that some parents had lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission asserting that since children belonged to them, others had no business to dictate to them. Such parents were guilty of violating their children’s rights and unacceptable social behavior.

Monday, April 26, 2010 - 22:00

The journey is long and arduous, Dr. JP tells Party workers

Notwithstanding the latent desire among people for a change in the nature of politics, they are not prepared to become agents of change, said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

Addressing Greater Hyderabad party workers and leaders including those who contested the 2009 Assembly and GHMC elections, Dr. JP said that people are under the illusion that a Messiah will arise and transform society and politics with a magic wand.

Dr. JP recalled that nowhere in the world change has taken place without people associating themselves with it. As of now, people go to the polling booth to elect somebody or the other without realizing that the vote is a means to transform their lives. Against such a backdrop, the Lok Satta has to suffer electoral setbacks. But that should not be a cause for despair. “However long and arduous the journey is going to be we should plod on since there is no alternative to Lok Satta’s philosophy and programs.

Expressing happiness over the large turnout of party activists for the meeting, Dr. JP said they had come to discuss means for improving people’s lives and not in anticipation of any personal gain.

While traditional parties pursued the single-point agenda of coming to power at any cost to serve their narrow interests, the Lok Satta strove to transform society and politics by empowering people. There are no short cuts to accomplishing the mission.

He wanted party workers to pursue the implementation of ward manifstos prepared by the party during the next four years. Mr. A. B. Prathap Reddy, GHMC Unit in charge, presided.

Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 17:19
