Press Releases Archive

Financial crisis self-inflicted, Charges Lok Satta

The State Government has to shoulder the responsibility squarely for the financial mess it is steeped in today, said the Lok Satta Party here today.

Party leaders Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao, Mr. Karthik Chandra were commenting on Chief Minister K. Rosaiah’s presentation to the Cabinet in which he reportedly said that arrears under various heads as of now amounted to more than Rs.18000 crore and his subsequent assertion that the Government was determined to continue all the schemes.

The Lok Satta leaders pointed out that the Congress Government right from the day it was elected in 2004 has pursued ad hoc policies with a view to garnering votes instead of long-term policies which help people stand on their own feet.

The leaders conceded the need for mitigating suffering among the poor and the disadvantaged through subsidies and concessions. Instead of going to the rescue of merely the needy, the State Government with an eye on election after election squandered precious resources on showering its benevolence on more than 80 percent of the people.

That the State Government itself has discovered there are more than 20 lakh white bogus/ineligible white ration card holders, 17 lakh bogus/ineligible pensioners, and lakhs of bogus INDIRAMMA housing beneficiaries testifies to the perverse manner in which funds have been utilized. Belatedly realizing that tens of thousands of ineligible students have been seeking fees reimbursements and scholarships, the Government is now trying to tighten the norms. It is persisting with its policy of free supply of power to most of the farmers without drawing a distinction between those who can afford charges and those who cannot and ignoring that the policy has led to depletion of groundwater tables. It continues to enrich corporate hospitals by encouraging high-cost terminal/tertiary care and neglecting preventive, primary and secondary care. It continues to swear by ‘Jalayagnam’ under which it has sanctioned projects with bloated estimates, called for tenders and paid mobilization advances unmindful of their feasibility and availability of resources.

The Lok Satta leaders said it is true that the economic slowdown in the State has resulted in a decline in Government revenue and exacerbated fiscal management.

Instead of regarding the present crisis as an opportunity to abandon some schemes and tweak some others rationally so that the benefits go only to the needy, the Rosaiah Government in the name of false prestige asserts it will go ahead with all of them.

The Lok Satta leaders recalled that Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan had requested Mr. Rosaiah to constitute a committee of experts to go into the desirability and feasibility of going ahead with scores of irrigation projects involving colossal expenditure.

The Lok Satta Party, the leaders recalled, sharply criticized the ruling and Opposition parties for indulging in competitive populism on the eve of the 2009 elections. It may be recalled that in their bid to unseat the ruling party which showered sops on all sections, one Opposition party promised free rice, a color television set, waiver of loans to self-help groups and cash transfer, and another party cultivable land to every poor family.

Mr. Srinivasa Rao, Mr. Karthik Chandra reiterated their party view that election-oriented sops perpetuate poverty and turn beneficiaries into beggars. A sensible Government should provide quality education and healthcare to all, employment and livelihood opportunities through skills enhancement, and empower local governments to promote good governance and eliminate corruption.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 - 16:10

A loss to Telugu Society: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today described Veturi Sundararama Murthy as a sage who has enriched Telugu language and society. Veturi’s movie songs will remain etched in people’s memory forever.

His death is a loss not merely to the movie industry but also to the Telugu language, said Lok Satta Party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao, V. Laxman Balaji and Santosh Kumar who paid homage to Veturi at his residence.

Sunday, May 23, 2010 - 18:12

Shed extreme positions, Dr. JP tells NRIs

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan has told non-resident Indians that they are recognized and respected the world over as Indians, and not as southerners or northerners, Telugus or Kannadigas, Hindus or Muslims, or Reddys and Kammas. “For heaven’s sake don’t forget this fact,” said Dr. JP at a meeting in Seattle, Washington State, as part of his ‘Rejuvenate India’ campaign in the U. S. organized by People for Lok Satta, Seattle Chapter. He took part in a meeting organized in Mountain view, California, also.

About 300 NRIs from Greater Seattle area and nearby Portland took part in the event.

Dr. JP that one complaint against some NRIs was that they become irresponsible and take extreme positions on matters concerning caste and religion, region and language. “Civilization and democracy demand that we settle our differences amicably.”

Dr. JP appealed to Indians not to lose heart as the transformation they wish in India is time consuming. “Since we have the technology and resources, we can transform India in 10 years and not 100 years.” He requested them to spare a part of their time, resources, technological and organizational skills and their passion and love for India to transform it 10 years. Technology could be transplanted but not institutional reforms, he told the NRIs and added that political reforms were the hardest to accomplish and needed infinite patience.

Dr. JP added, “If anybody has any doubt, whether India will be transformed in the next few years or not, they have to see the young people of Indian origin in the United States.”

He recalled that a politician who contested elections to the Andhra Pradesh Assembly in 2009 told him he had spent Rs.25 crore and yet lost. In the recent U. K. elections, Dr. JP said that candidates belonging to all parties together had spent 50 million pound sterling equivalent to some Rs.360 crore, whereas each of the major political parties in the State spent three to four times more than that. Terming it as utterly insane, Dr. JP said that nowhere in the world politicians spent so much money to get elected to the legislature. A person who spends Rs.25 crore of illegitimate money in an election will hit the jackpot of earning Rs.500 crore if he gets elected.

“Every one from the Prime Minister downwards is aware of the problems India faces but none says we can resolve them here and now. We have to break the status quo shackles and initiate change since we can do.”

Dr. JP said the Lok Satta is fighting for the future of India. It wants empowerment of local governments, quality education and healthcare to all, police, judicial and electoral reforms and elimination of corruption.

Asked how he would change the current politics if he had Rs.2000 crore with him, Dr. JP replied that he needed about 10000 determined and willing people with excellent leadership skills who can take the movement forward and not Rs.2000 crore.

Earlier, Mr. Viay Anand appreciated the efforts of People for Lok Satta in organizing the ‘Rejuvenate India’ campaign.

Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 17:12
