Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta organizes Anti Liquor demo

Lok Satta, Mahila Satta and Yuva Satta activists undertook a protest demonstration against liquor auctions and burnt a liquor evil effigy in front of the office of the Commissioner of Excise at Nampalli.

Talking to the media, party leaders V. Laxman Balaji and Mrs. Gajanani said that by conducting liquor auctions, the Government promoted proliferation of unauthorized outlets (belt shops) and encouraged liquor consumption. The Government realized more revenue on liquor sales than the amount it spent on welfare schemes. People will be spending nearly Rs.20,000 crore on liquor purchases and Rs.16900 crore on the associated healthcare costs in the new Excise Year, going by a NIMHANS study.

The Lok Satta leaders appealed to the Government to view liquor as a menace to society and not as a source of revenue and halt liquor shop auctions forthwith. It should strip the Excise Department of handling liquor and entrust it to the Department of Health as suggested by the Union Health Ministry. The Government should empower panchayats and women’s organizations to close down all illegal outlets.

Among those who took part in the protest demonstration were Mr. P. Bhaskara Rao, T. Srinivas, Mrs. N. Saojadevi, Mrs. S. Gajanani, Mr. P. Sivaji and Ms. Mangala.

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 18:55

Vote buying not peculiar To India: Dr. JP

Paying money for votes is not a phenomenon unique to India, said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan and instanced how it was widely prevalent in Britain of the 19th century.

Addressing a meeting of NRIs as part of ‘Rejuvenate India’ campaign launched by People for Lok Satta at Dallas, Dr. JP referred to a letter a British Member of Parliament wrote to his constituents 135 years ago. In that letter, preserved in the British archives to this day, the MP said, “You know and I know that I bought your constituency with 5000 pound sterling. You don’t know that I know that I will not become your MP again because you have already sold your constituency for 8000 pound sterling. You don’t know further that I bought another constituency for 3000 pound sterling. In the process both of us have gained. While you earned 3000 more pound sterling, I could save 2000 pound sterling.”

Pointing out that the problems India is facing are not unique, Dr. JP said that all countries had faced similar problems but they overcame because a sufficient number of thoughtful and committed people understood them and strove indefatigably to address them. Pious dreams do not bring about miracles. In Britain, Gladston who served as Premier from 1868 to 1892, instead of lamenting over the state of affairs, built institutions brick by brick and developed Britain into a modern country.

Dr. JP said that the thinking, educated middle classes have to take the lead to transform society since common people do not understand the relationship between the vote in their hands and their own welfare. They vote for the lesser evil after collecting money from rival candidates while the middle classes exercise their franchise swayed by primordial loyalties to religion and caste, region and language. That was why the Lok Satta Party did not succeed although it provided an ethical, alternative platform and fielded good candidates in the 2009 general elections.

Dr. JP pointed out that as individuals we do not attach importance to caste in basic issues. For instance, we send our children to schools which have best teachers and not bother about their caste. Instead of promoting such an ideal attitude in all matters basic to society, political parties have been exploiting caste and religion, region and language to serve their short-term interests.

On reservations in education and Government jobs for socially and economically backward castes and sections, Dr. JP said the present system served only a microscopic minority. The Government should provided equal opportunities for growth to all by making available quality education and skill enhancement.

In reply to a question, he underlined the need to build a system which provided political opportunities to deprived sections, since no caste has monopoly over intelligence and competence. He also suggested that the first-past-the-post electoral system be replaced by proportional representation to mitigate the ill effects of money power in elections and to provide representation to all sections.

Lok Satta Party Tamilnadu President Mr.Vijay Anand also took part in the meetings.

Thursday, June 3, 2010 - 16:43

Render Justice to intermediate Students: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today expressed its concern over gross blunders in valuation of Intermediate answer sheets and demanded that prompt action be taken to ensure justice to students.

It has become all the more important this year because marks in the Intermediate group examinations are given a weight of 25 percent for declaration of ranks in the EAMCET examination.

Addressing the media, Lok Satta party spokesman Mr.V.Vijayender Reddy said that the authorities had found gross blunders in the evaluation of answer sheets of 4000 of the 20000 odd students who sought reverification or recounting. “We do not know how many of the 9.16 lakh students who took the examination had met with a similar fate.”

The Lok Satta leader suggested that the reverification and recounting be undertaken on a larger scale to unearth possible miscarriage of justice. To prevent frivolous requests for recounting/revaluation, the Government may stipulate that the fee paid by students will not be refunded if there are no mistakes. In others’ cases where errors are detected, the fee should invariably be refunded.

“The earlier the Government undertakes the exercise the better it is since the failure of the Intermediate Board has caused avoidable agony and anguish to innumerable students.”

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - 16:28
