Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta’s Leadership Summit on Oct. 11

The Lok Satta party’s ‘Leadership Summit’ to mark its fourth anniversary will take place at Millennium Gardens in Secunderabad on October 11, the birth anniversary of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan. The summit, being attended by party leaders from all over the State, will focus on shaping up the party as an alternative to traditional parties and strengthening the organization from the grassroots level.

Briefing the media, Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma, and Party leaders Y.D Rama Rao and Bandaru Rammohana Rao said that after flag hoisting, party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan will deliver the inaugural address. Party delegates from other States and NRIs working in People for Lok Satta will give their messages. The party leadership will introduce resolutions on the current political situation, organizational issues and future course of action. Participants in the summit will split into three groups to discuss the resolutions and offer their comments and suggestions.

The party’s political resolution will touch upon the long-term crisis in traditional parties and explain how the Lok Satta is an alternative to them. The resolution on party organization will focus on membership enrolment, constitution of committees at various levels, training of leadership and promotion of affiliated organizations. The resolution on future course of action will underline the need for a massive movement against corruption, and include an action plan to restrict liquor consumption and getting local issues resolved.

Dr. JP will be summing up the discussions at 5-00 p.m.

Saturday, October 9, 2010 - 20:51

Lok Satta bats for rural courts Besides HC bench

Even as it supported the demand for the location of a High Court bench in the Guntur-Vijayawada area, the Lok Satta Party today faulted lawyers for boycotting courts in support of the demand. Lawyers who demand a High Court bench to render justice to litigants are themselves inconveniencing litigants by boycotting courts, said Lok Satta Party General Secretaries Katari Srinivasa Rao and V. Laxman Balaji in a media statement.

Addressing the media, they said the Lok Satta fully supported the demand for decentralization of power. It stood for location not merely of High Court benches but also of State-level offices outside the capital city as in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh. Even then, it would amount to only partial decentralization.

The Lok Satta leaders pointed out that 90 percent of court cases pertain to disputes in rural areas and location of rural courts alone could render justice to litigants. The Union Government has allocated Rs.1400crore for establishment of rural courts and told the States it would meet the initial cost of Rs.18 lakh for opening a rural court and part of the annual maintenance cost of Rs.6 .4 lakh.

The Lok Satta leaders said that although party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan had written to the Chief Minister in April suggesting that the State avail itself of Delhi’s offer, there has been no response.

Friday, October 8, 2010 - 17:37

Make SC, ST Commission functional, Appeals Lok Satta

The Sarva Jana Satta, a Lok Satta affiliate, has requested the Chief Minister to appoint Chairman and members of the State SC, ST Commission without further delay.

The Sarva Jana Satta, representing SCs, STs, OBCs and minorities, pointed out to Chief Minister K. Rosaiah that the posts have remained unfilled for a year and half now at a time atrocities on SCs and STs have been growing.

A memorandum Mr. Eda Chennaiah, Sarva Jana Satta convener, and others presented to the Chief Minister at his Camp Office on October 7 disclosed that the commission addressed only 4360 of the 23773 cases filed with it in the last eight years.

The leaders wanted the Chief Minister to appoint persons of integrity and competence transcending politics as Chairman and members of the commission, fill in all vacant posts and appoint staff in tune with the commission’s workload, and ensure that the commission submits an annual report to the legislature through the Governor.

The Chief Minister said he had not been aware of the posts of Chairman and members lying vacant and a large number of cases pending before commission and added he would attend to them, Mr. Chennayya told the media later.

Friday, October 8, 2010 - 17:36

S. R. Sankaran a saint: Dr. JP

Mr. S. R. Sankaran was a saint among officials who fought for the welfare of Dalits, Girijans, and the poor, said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan.

Condoling with the death of the retired IAS officer, Dr. JP said Mr. Sankaran was known for his lofty ideals and unimpeachable integrity and practicing what he preached. He was a rare humanist among senior officials of post-Independent India.

Dr. JP regretted that successive Governments and politicians had not given him due recognition and officials who should have emulated him became partisan in their functioning. Mr. Sankaran’s death was a loss not merely to the State but the entire country.

Friday, October 8, 2010 - 17:36
